Ambition Lord

Chapter 190 Five Color Ratmen

Chapter 190 Five-Color Ratman
The warm sunshine sprinkled on the blue-black city wall, and the foot of the wall was covered with green vines. Due to artificial restrictions, these vines could not climb upwards. Drops of dew stayed on the green leaves, glowing.

At this time, the Giant Rat City was already very lively. On the streets, in the shops, vendors and customers bargained for prices, and some civilians drove slowly among the crowded crowd in ox carts.

Outside Giant Rat City, a gorgeous-looking carriage pulled by two pure white war horses approached from far to near, and an old man and a young man were sitting in the carriage.

It was Gnar and Alan, the village chiefs of Heisang Village. This time, at Alan's request, Gnar brought Alan to Giant Rat City.

Looking at a black line under the fleshy skin on his arm, Gnar turned his head and said to Allen: "My lord, now my life is in your hands, can you tell me your identity? gone?"

At this time, the black line in Gnar's arm was a poison that Allen had recently created. Allen named it "Black Thread". After all, there is no guarantee that the fake poison last time will not be seen through by Gnar and the others. Now that it is replaced with the real poison, Allen can feel relieved.

When Alan returned to Mu Senling last time, he had some ideas about this kind of poison. It will not kill you immediately, and it will be poisoned immediately when the time is up. It can be suppressed with a special pill. For this reason, Alan found out a recipe.

The main material of this formula happens to be the sap of the poisonous arrow wood that Allen once planted. For this reason, Allen will send people to the tiankeng every day to dig a hole in the trunk of the poisonous arrowwood to collect the juice, and wait until Allen returns By the time of Blackland Island, the storage of poisonous arrow wood sap was already quite large.

Not long after returning to Helan Island, Allen used the poison of black thread on Gnar and Carlos.

"You can call me Lord Viscount or Viscount Mu Sen! We are from the Scarlet Continent, and we are a lord. My territory is called Mu Sen Territory!" Allen nodded and said lightly.

Gnar's pupils shrank slightly at this is true!They really came from other lands!My guess was right. Gnar couldn't control the expression on his face due to the excitement in his heart. Gnar was beaming with anticipation in his eyes, and said, "Master Viscount! I don't know if your place is Are there rat people?"

"No! The Ratman may have disappeared in our continent! I have never heard of the Ratman race appearing on the mainland! Our continent is very peaceful now, and the human race is the best among the races on the mainland!" Alan Smiling, he naturally wouldn't say that the Principality of Kane is about to launch a civil war among the human race...

Gnar's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he yearned for that strange continent even more in his heart, and at the same time, his dissatisfaction with Alan's control of himself gradually disappeared.

The reason why Gnar came to Giant Rat City this time was to buy the scarce materials for the knights in the village to practice, and Alan's identity is Gnar's relatives, and Gnar is now Alan's elder. Call Gnar Uncle.

"Master Viscount! Let's go to the city now!" Gnar said positively with a smile on his face.

"Well! Let's go!" Allen nodded.

Then the groom drove the carriage slowly into the Giant Rat City.

The streets of Giant Rat City are much wider than the streets of Heisang Village that Allen saw. According to Allen's estimation, at least eight carriages can pass side by side. Even so, the crowds on the streets are relatively dense, and most of these people are Some villages around the Giant Rat City, and some other large and medium-sized villages came to the Giant Rat City to buy some scarce and scarce supplies.

Allen hadn't seen the Ratman who troubled Heilan Island since he came to Heilan Island, and he was lucky enough to see it today.

The Ratman is now supported by a strong man on his shoulders. The Ratman and the Wolfman are very similar, both have a human-like body, but the outside of the body is completely mouse-like, with gray hair all over the body. There are still a few beards, and four huge gray claws are exposed straight out.

At this time, drops of bright red blood dripped from the back of the strong man, from the corner of the ratman's mouth, and dripped on the stone slab. After observing that the ratman had no obvious injuries on his body, Allen guessed that the ratman should have been punched or injured. A blunt force blow, and then internal injuries caused damage to internal organs, and eventually died due to the seriousness of the injuries.

"That guy should be a mercenary, who hunts and kills some ratmen who break into our human territory. Not only can they get a mercenary money after hunting the ratmen, but the corpse of the ratmen can also be sold to the city lord in exchange for cultivation resources. , this ratman should come from the squirrel tribe!" Gnar explained to Allen seeing Alan's curious expression.

Mercenaries?Allen was a little surprised, he didn't expect that there would be mercenaries on Heilan Island.

"Squirrel tribe? Is it the name of the tribe of the rat people?" Allen asked with some doubts.

"That's right! The Ratman has five tribes in total, and each tribe is extremely powerful. It can be compared to the Giant Rat City alone. According to the classification of the fur color, this ratman belongs to the Squirrel Tribe. Besides the Rat Tribe, there are Red Rat Tribe, Green Rat Tribe, Black Rat Tribe, and Golden Rat Tribe." Gnar said with a serious face.

"Five tribes? Then how did your three giant cities resist the attack of the ratmen? It's impossible to rely on the rat-repelling wood!" Allen shook his head and said, thinking that these three giant cities should have some knowledge, even if they are like Gnar Each of the aforementioned giant cities can be compared to a tribe of acquaintances alone, but how can it be undefeated in three vs. five?

"To be precise, it is the four major tribes. We only need to resist the four major tribes. Among the five major tribes, the green mouse tribe has a gentle temperament and does not kill. As long as they do not invade their territory, they will not take the initiative to attack us. My human race is desperately resisting only the four ratman tribes! Even so, my three giant cities are trying their best to barely stabilize the situation!"

Gnar's eyes revealed a sense of helplessness, the human race did not have an advantage on Helan Island.

Then Gnar continued.

"Actually, I am very lucky in the territory of the Giant Rat City. Due to the geographical location, there are very few ratmen roaming around in the Giant Rat City area. It is far less dangerous and tragic than the other two giant cities. On the right side of the Giant Rat City is the dangerous Crocodile River. , not only blocked humans, even the Ratmen dared not cross the river easily, this also saved the Giant Rat City from the Ratmen in the Heilan City area, and the south of the Giant Rat City is what I just said, the Qingrat Tribe. Territory, as long as they don't take the initiative to enter, they will not attack Giant Rat City, ha ha!" Gnar said with a half-smile.

Allen nodded, knowing the power distribution of the Ratmen on Heilan Island. Generally speaking, the geographical location of the Giant Rat City is very advantageous for Allen now. The Ratman attacks are not strong enough. The city is relatively closed. Even if Allen attacks the Giant Rat City, the other two giant cities cannot come to help in a short time. When the other two giant cities send troops, Alan probably has the Giant Rat City in his hands!
 Thank you for the two monthly tickets of the book friend "Want to go ashore DE fish 1"
  Monthly ticket for book friend "Ying Feiyin"
  Monthly ticket for book friend "Sunshine is not necessarily warm"
(End of this chapter)

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