Ambition Lord

Chapter 195 The Might of the Iron Arrow

Chapter 195 The Might of the Iron Arrow
The extra-long double crossbow arm and the crossbow string made of fire-spotted beef tendon endow the Juli crossbow with extraordinary pulling force.

In order to test the power of this giant crossbow, Allen deliberately asked the repair department to use ready-made iron ingots to create several iron plates about one centimeter thick, and tied them to a giant tree 100 meters away.

Alan took over the giant crossbow from Frau, put the one-meter-long crossbow bolt made of fine iron into the arrow slot, held the crossbow in front of the crossbow with his left hand, and pulled the string with his right hand.

In the process of pulling the string, Allen could deeply feel a huge resistance. Allen took a deep breath and exerted force with his arms. With a creaking sound, the giant crossbow was pulled away by Allen.

Staring at the iron ore tied to the giant tree, and aiming at the sight, Allen directly pulled the trigger.


Hearing the sound of the crossbow string cutting through the air, the huge arrow, like a thread of shining white light, pierced directly on the iron block a hundred meters away.


A huge sound resounded in the barracks, like a violent explosion, and the iron arrow pierced straight into the iron block, breaking it instantly, and more than half of the arrow sank into the giant tree behind the iron block .

The giant tree shook for a while, and the dead branches on the tree broke under the violent impact and fell down.

"Okay! Haha!" Allen was very satisfied. The power of this colossal crossbow was still above his expectation. With a distance of [-] meters, it easily penetrated the iron plate one centimeter behind.

If this appeared on the battlefield, it would definitely be a nightmare for heavily armored soldiers.

You must know that the iron armor in Mu Sen's collar is just a chain mail. Although the defense is not weak, it is far from the one centimeter thick iron armor.

Generally, the thickness of iron armor will not exceed three millimeters. Even if a heavily armored soldier wears three layers of iron armor, a giant crossbow can penetrate it in one go.

Allen didn't stop the experiment, he asked Barton to help with the iron block again, but this time it was two iron blocks, Allen wanted to test whether the giant crossbow could penetrate the iron plate after two centimeters.

After pulling the string, Allen pulled the trigger again, and the iron arrow pierced the air, making a soft whining sound, and quickly collided with the iron plate.


This time the iron arrow still lived up to expectations. After the arrow penetrated through the two iron plates, it still plunged into the giant tree behind, but this time only the entire arrow did not enter the trunk.

Next, Allen tried three more iron plates, but unfortunately this time the iron arrow did not pierce through the three iron plates as Allen expected. inside the iron plate.

Afterwards, Allen experimented with a distance of 150 meters, and found that at a distance of 150 meters, the iron arrow could barely penetrate two iron plates, and if the distance continued to increase, when it reached 200 meters, the iron arrow could only penetrate one iron plate .

Allen put down the giant crossbow in his hand, and nodded with satisfaction. This kind of killer weapon is used to deal with high-level knights, and basically it can directly pierce through its elemental barriers, not to mention the elemental barriers of middle-level knights.

The elemental barrier of the knight is not omnipotent. Although the defensive power of the elemental barrier is stronger than that of iron armor, it is maintained by the power of the elements in the knight's body. As long as the attack power is strong enough, the elemental barrier can be broken directly.

Now that Allen is a high-level knight, he has some understanding of the elemental barriers of high-level knights. The defense is about the same as a one-centimeter iron armor. This is why Allen asked the repair department to make the iron plate one centimeter later. He just wanted to test how lethal this giant crossbow was to high-ranking knights.

Now it seems that as long as it is within 200 meters, the colossal crossbow can effectively kill high-level knights.

Of course, this is under the condition that high-level knights are forbidden to stay still, but in real battles, high-level knights will not stand there stupidly and use the giant crossbow as a target.

From the strength of a soldier to a low-level knight and then to a high-level knight, the improvement of strength is all-round. The increase in strength is only one aspect of the change in strength. When reaching a high-level knight, in addition to the increase in strength, the knight's nervous response, body speed, and physique will be greatly improved.

It is not an easy task for Allen to use a giant crossbow to hit a high-level knight. If it is really that easy, then there may be a low-level knight in the future who can compete with a high-level knight. Unfortunately, this kind of The situation is simply impossible. Of course, if an ambush is made in advance, it is still possible to use a colossal crossbow to sneak attack and complete the feat of killing a high-level low-level player.

It's just that a technique like a sneak attack is okay to use once or twice, but it is not suitable for normal situations. After all, it is impossible for the giant crossbow to keep others from knowing.

Allen naturally has some considerations about the hit rate of the giant crossbow, and he is going to use the method of position blocking.

Since the method of one crossbow against one person is very unrealistic, Allen is going to use the method of multiple crossbows against one person, using multiple crossbows to predict and lock the position where the high-level knight may move, and cover it with iron arrows.

It is conceivable that when a high-ranking knight avoids arrows, no matter which direction he deviates, there will be one or more crossbow arrows waiting for him, and he can only watch the arrows arrive and be helpless.

"Fla!" Allen handed the giant crossbow in his hand to Barton next to him, and turned to Fla behind.

"Master Viscount! Your subordinates are here!" Frau quickly responded.

"Hurry up and make a giant crossbow! Tell me what materials you need!" Allen said with a smile.

"Yes! Lord Viscount!" Frau looked excited!
After the giant crossbow experiment was over, Allen didn't stay in the repair shop, and led Barton out of the repair shop.


Three days later, the night was getting darker, Ziyue had come to the center of the starry sky, and the moonlight was shining on Huoxu Village, which had already fallen asleep.

At this moment, outside Huoxu Village, a group of people were approaching Huoxu Village in the dark. Allen only brought the combat power of the Knights of the Blue Desolate Knights this time, and there were eight low-level knights and Buttonbad.

After evading the security personnel outside Huoniu Village, Alan led ten people into Huoniu Village. At this time, the shadows in Huoniu Village had been waiting for a long time.

"Master Viscount! All the shadows are here!" In the darkness, Abis said softly, and there were figures flickering in the darkness of Huoxu Village, and these were shadows hiding in the darkness.

"Abis, let the shadows go to the residences of all the targets except the home of the village head of Huoxu Village, and monitor them all in case of accidents! You take me to the home of the village head of Huoxu Village first!" Alan said softly.

For Huoxu Village this time, Alan's plan is the same as that of Heisang Village, trying to control the entire high-level of Huoxun Village in one night, so as to achieve the goal of secretly controlling Huoxun Village.

"Yes!" After Abis responded, he hurried to the distant darkness to give orders to the shadows, and it didn't take long for the figures in the darkness to disappear.

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(End of this chapter)

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