Ambition Lord

Chapter 198

Chapter 198
According to Jovan's description, an amazing fact was placed in front of Allen, that is, whether it is the third-level blood-eating fruit tree of the metamorphic species or the second-level dark mushroom of the metamorphic species, the area covered by their mother plants is only about one acre. The area has always been in the range of one mu, and has never changed.

This is quite different from the performance of Flame Wheat. The range of influence of Flame Wheat is about one mu at the first stage of metamorphosis, and it expands to ten acres at the second stage of metamorphosis, and it is close to one hundred acres at the third stage. Now the valley is basically invisible. When it comes to green plants, they are all red flame wheat.

This also made Allen understand that no matter how many levels a normal magical plant is, its influence range is only one mu, and it is not like the flame wheat that can change with the promotion of the level.

This is also the real reason why the fruit of the magical plant is not flooding. If other magical plants are the same as the flame wheat, then the fruit of the magical plant will probably not be so valuable.

As for why his Flame Mai had such a big difference, Allen blamed it on the contract between himself and Flame Mai. After all, only the Flame Mai that signed a contract with him had such a change.

In the next period of time, Alan followed the same pattern and successively controlled the other three major tribes. Although there were some twists and turns in the process, it was just that there was no danger, and he completed this without losing a single soldier. The first step in the plan to annex Giant Rat City.

Allen divided his plan to annex the Giant Rat City into four parts. The first part is to secretly control the five major villages. The second part is to stir up conflicts among the three major families of the Giant Rat City and consume the fighting power of the Giant Rat City. The third part is to Taking advantage of the great loss of vitality of the Giant Rat City, he led the Qinghuang Knights and the warriors of the five major villages to capture the Giant Rat City. The fourth part thoroughly cleaned up the entire villages within the Giant Rat City. The Giant Rat City area is all under his control.

The next thing Allen needs to prepare is to start implementing the second part of the plan, which will intensify the conflicts between the three major families and let them engage in internal friction.


Twilight Castle, inside the study.

Earl Reagan looked solemnly, looking at the letter in his hand.

He raised his head, frowned, and said to Yulia, the magistrate beside him: "Duke Difu, we are going to let us and the other three territories resist the army from the Duke of Bru, this time the Duke of Bru's invasion army is the Fire Dragon The two major knights led by the Marquis of the Fire Dragon and some of the viscounts in the Fire Dragon lead the army, there should be about 5000 people, what do you think?"

"My lord! This time, the Grand Duke asked our Earl of Reagan and the other two Earls to send out 6000 fighters each. That is to say, without counting the Marquis of Ryan, we have 2 fighters, although many of these fighters are not enough. As far as the strength of the cavalry is concerned, it cannot be compared with the knights of the Fire Dragon Commander, but this time in the Duchy of Bru, apart from the two major Knights of the Fire Dragon Commander, about [-] people, the combat power of the other soldiers is not much different from ours, and the Fire Dragon Commander's The first dispatch of troops will definitely not reach [-], and we still have an advantage." Uriah thought for a moment, and said rigorously.

"That's right! And this time the Marquis of Ryan must at least send out their knights. This must be able to help us withstand a lot of pressure! In my opinion, this battle can not only resist the attack of the Duke of Bru, but also There may be a chance to counterattack!" Earl Reagan nodded slightly, approving Uriah's judgment.

"Has there been any conflicts between the Woodlands and Stark these days?" Earl Regan asked.

"My lord! Master Stark has not acted aggressively these days, nor has he launched revenge on the Wooden leader. It is likely that he has let go of his hatred for the Wooden leader, and the Wooden leader has not moved much now. Viscount Woodson It seems that it is not in the territory, and it is likely to go out to explore the sea again!" Uriah said.

"Well! That's fine!" Earl Reagan sighed lightly. Although this Stark is his own son, but he is a fledgling, and he went to provoke Mu Senling without knowing anything, and did such a taboo thing. It's not easy for him to help him obviously, and Viscount Musen knew the current affairs and didn't spread it widely, otherwise it would be really difficult to clean up. Now that the two sides have no conflicts again, he feels relieved in his heart.

"Send a message to all the viscounts! Tell them to lead their troops to meet in Twilight City in mid-April. We must reach the border city east of the Principality of Kane before May!" Earl Reagan said seriously.

Border City, located on the border between the Duchy of Kane and the Duchy of Bru, is a city built to prevent the Duke of Bru from invading. It was established a hundred years ago, and the war between the Duchy of Kane and the Duchy of Bru often started here.

"Yes! This subordinate will do it now!" Ulea said.

The horn of war is about to sound, but Allen, who is far away on Helan Island, doesn't know it. He is doing another thing.

Allen called out the shadows originally hidden in the five major villages, scattered all the two hundred shadows into the giant mouse city, and started his second wave of operations.

As darkness gradually descends, the bustling Giant Rat City is still brightly lit, and the nightlife of the rich and powerful begins.

In the dance hall, men and women embraced each other and danced in a small place, some of them drank wine with their arms around the dancers, and some people dragged several dancers into the room.

The bearded Batian Aike was staggering, and walked out of the dance hall with a drunken face. He did not choose to spend the night here, but was going to spend the night at the widow's house with which he had a special relationship. The taste of a widow really made him...much better than the dancers in the dance hall.

As he walked, Batian suddenly saw a person walking towards him in a trance in front of him, and he was about to make love with him. Although Batian was a little drunk, he was not unconscious. He hurriedly tried to escape, but still Collided with the man halfway and gave Batty a stagger.

"I'm sorry! This gentleman! It's my fault!" The man seemed to have just realized it, and hurried forward to support Batian, stabilized him, and ran away in a hurry.

"You..." Batian saw this guy running away, so he naturally quit. Just when he was about to catch that guy, the guy had already disappeared.

Batian thought he was unlucky, and didn't think too much about it. After shaking his head to wake himself up, he walked forward.

The night was dark, and the surroundings were extremely quiet. A slight sound came from the dark place. A window in the room opened strangely. A black figure, like a ghost, passed through the opened window like a ghost. entered the room.

At this time, Parker Bird had already fallen into a deep sleep, not knowing that the god of death was gradually approaching. Abis quickly came to Parker's bed, took out a sharp dagger, and stuck it to Parker's neck.

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(End of this chapter)

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