Ambition Lord

Chapter 3 Flame Mai

Chapter 3 Flame Mai

In the 219th year of the Principality of Kane, April 4th.28 days after Allen woke up.

In the early morning, a magnificent morning glow appeared in the east, and a light mist filled the air.

With the sound of horseshoes, the quiet environment of the country road was broken.

Allen stayed in the carriage, playing with the bronze mirror he had snatched from Belia. This was the first time Allen looked in the mirror when he came to this world.

In the mirror was a boy with soft wavy blond hair, marble-white skin, a narrow nose and rare black eyes.

Alan, who was tired of staying in Qinghuang Castle, planned to go out to inspect his territory today.

It happened that Mrs. Lisa and the others would come back from the manor this morning. In order not to hug them, cry bitterly and other embarrassing incidents, Allen set off early.

Allen's first stop was Jinmai Village.

The head of Jinmai Village came to the castle again yesterday and cried to Allen with a depressed face. The symptoms of wheat withering in the village are spreading. If the reason is not found, the village may face a complete harvest this year.

Before a matter is clarified, no one can make a conclusion in vain.Alan didn't know if "Goldfinger" would help, but in order to appease the village head of Jinmai Village, he had to agree to see what happened today.

For this reason, Allen asked the housekeeper Carey to find the old gentleman Kerry who has a lot of research on planting in the territory.And 20 cavalry were specially drawn out to form a temporary guard.

The team was getting closer and closer to Jinmai Village. At this time, the village head of Jinmai Village, Farr.With a dozen men from the village, they came to the entrance of the village early to wait.

"Village Chief Farr, I heard that Lord Baron will help the village solve the troubles today, is it true?" A round-faced man behind the village chief asked curiously.

"I heard that our new baron is only 15 years old, so young!" The man next to the round face was full of admiration.

"Really?...only 15 years old!"


For a while, a large group of people discussed.

"Okay! Don't talk about the baron at will!" Farr saw the baron's convoy in the distance, and hurriedly stopped the noisy group of people with a serious face.

"Quick, follow me to meet the Baron." Village Chief Farr said as he walked forward quickly.

Allen, who had just arrived, didn't know that he had already harvested a wave of admiration and admiration.

Looking at the civilians in Farr and Jinmai who were walking quickly...they had grayish-yellow skin, hair that hadn't been washed for a long time, and patches everywhere on their bodies.

Allen couldn't help sighing that nobles and commoners really lived in two worlds.

The aristocrats live in wealth, and there are often aristocratic balls.I remember that there was a time when nobles were ashamed to eat meat and only ate vegetables and fruits, and it even developed into a trend.

Commoners work day after day to maintain food and clothing, and if there are few mistakes, they may starve. Serfs are worse than commoners.A serf is a lord's personal slave, without even freedom.

After the two cavalrymen at the front let go, Farr led the villagers and finally arrived in front of the baron.

"My lord baron, welcome to Jinmai Village. Your loyal subordinates express their highest respect to you." Farr expressed his loyalty to the baron with joy.The villagers were so nervous that they froze in a daze.

"Okay, Farr will take me to the fields first, let these guys go home first! Don't follow any more." Allen doesn't like this kind of formalism.

"Yes, my lord."

The villagers were relieved, and quickly left under Farr's signal.

Farr led the way, and Allen followed with an escort.

The purpose of entering is the endless wheat field, and now is the time for the wheat to joint, ear, bloom, and set seeds.

A light green wheat wave undulates in the wind.

Gradually deepening, the color of life is gradually disappearing, and a large piece of wheat turns yellow and dies.

Mr. Klee took the lead and quickly checked the dead wheat fields.

Time passed continuously, and due to the wide range of withering, the reason was unknown.

Until noon, the old Mr. Klee returned to the front of the frame sweating profusely.

"My lord, based on my experience, I found that the wheat planted in Jinwheat Village doesn't have any problems..." Old Mr. Klee was full of guilt.

"Impossible... No problem, how could the wheat wither!" Far said anxiously.

"But...the fact is..." Kerry didn't speak again.


"You two needn't tell me, I know why the wheat is dying."

"Lord Baron? You know the reason! That would be great." Farr was very pleasantly surprised.

If he hadn't just found the answer through this ball, Allen estimated that his baron's majesty would be greatly reduced today, and his luck would not be in vain.

"Actually, this is a happy event!" Allen said.

"Happy event? Lord Baron..." Seeing the unbelievable expressions of all his subordinates, Allen decided not to keep his secrets anymore, restraining his inner joy.

"Because there is a magical plant growing on this land, it absorbs and seizes the nutrients and water fees in the land, causing the wheat to die due to lack of water."

Amazing plants!This is a treasure that can only be seen in the Viscount Land, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary Baron Lands to own magical plants.

Now that the Barony where he is located has a magical plant, everyone is very happy, and the scene is extremely quiet for a while.

Allen has observed the range of wheat death, which happens to be an irregular circle.

Let Mr. Klee sit down and rest, and send other people to search carefully at the approximate center of the circle.Allen chatted with Mr. Klee, just as Allen wanted to learn more about farming.

During a lunch, a cavalryman reported that they had found it.

Coming to the center of the crowd, Allen finally saw this long-awaited magical plant.

It can be seen that this is a wheat seedling. There are only two blood-red leaves on the whole body. The fire element is circulating all over the body, like a ball of flames. The roots and the ground have been baked black by high temperature.

Allen decided to name it Flame Mai. Since Flame Mai is not yet an adult, no Mai Ling has yet appeared, which is just right for a contract.His journey as a knight has finally begun.

In order to move the flame wheat back to his castle, Allen had to endure the high temperature to dig out the flame wheat together with the soil.

In order to contract with Flame Mai earlier and start his own road to knighthood, Allen left Farr and rushed back to the castle with the guards and the old man, forgetting even the carp village he planned to go to.

Back at the castle, Allen decided to put the flame wheat in the garden of about 90 acres behind the castle, and came to the rose field in the southeast corner of the garden.

Rose plants as high as 2 meters can achieve the effect of blocking the line of sight. After the soldiers behind him cleared about an acre of open space in the center of the rose field, Allen planted the flame wheat in the center of the open space.

"You go out and watch outside, and no one is allowed in without my order." Just in case, and to keep the secret that he can contract magical plants, Allen sent soldiers to guard outside.

Sitting cross-legged in front of Flame Wheat, Allen controlled his soul to draw a special mark in the void. This mark moved back and forth in the mist of luck until the little leftover luck was absorbed, and the mark seemed to be Turn into a golden entity.

Allen controlled the imprint and slowly blended into the flame wheat. In an instant, Allen seemed to have become a plant growing in the flame, and Allen could experience the various feelings of the flame wheat.

As Flame Mai itself communicates with Allen, Allen's induction of the fire element becomes more intimate. When Flame Mai grows out of the fire element, Mailing himself can become a low-level knight and absorb the fire element into his body.

After completing the contract, Allen asked the soldiers to continue guarding, while he went to find the housekeeper, Carey.

"Master! You said you got a magical plant?" Butler Carey expressed his emotions in words.

"Yes." Allen replied.

After the housekeeper got Alan's affirmative answer, he couldn't wait to see what the magical plant looked like.

"Butler Carey, don't worry, go with me to the family treasure house first, and give me the key that my father left with you." The butler could only hold back his temper, and went back to his room to return the key entrusted to him by the baron to Alan .

After struggling to get rid of the housekeeper, Alan came to the treasure house in the family basement. The treasure house was not big, only the size of a castle study.

There is only a dark wooden shelf in the treasure house.Allen took a look, except for the 3 gold coins and family ledgers filled with gold coins called "Golden Dragons" in this world, only the black box containing the cultivation resources from the former baron, and the one sent by Viscount Bernard, was left because the former Qinghuang The white pension box sent by the Baron upon his death.

Allen's goal is the resources in the black box. Due to the serious lack of fire element supplements in the flame wheat, it cannot grow up. Allen wants to see if the fire element spar is useful to the flame wheat.

Alan remembered that his father usually used the fire element spar for his cultivation, so he wanted to try his luck.

Opening the box, there were only two cloth bags inside, one of which contained fingernail-sized crimson crystals, exactly what Alan was aiming for, and there were 12 of them in total.

The other cloth bag contained all kinds of seeds that Allen didn't know.

I don't know what the father used to collect these seeds, maybe... It's a personal hobby, just like some people like flowers and plants, like to adopt small animals...

Allen turned his target to the white box. Since he was unconscious, the housekeeper could not open the box without authorization, so he locked it in the treasure house.

Opening the box casually, 10 pieces of golden crystals lay neatly inside.Gold element spar!After checking again, it was confirmed that there were only 10 spars.

Close the lid again, and since they won't be used for the time being, Allen decided to leave them here for now.

Exiting the treasury, Alan hurried to the rose field, waved his hand to dismiss the guards, and Alan brought the fire element crystal to the position of Flame Mai.

Allen didn't know that the fire element spar body didn't work on the flame straw, and could only be used as a living horse doctor.Who let their Qi run out!
Otherwise, you can check the cultivation plan of the Flame Mai, which is the only way to do it for the time being, and then Allen buried more than a dozen spars around the Flame Mai.

Just after it was over, Carey's housekeeper called from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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