Ambition Lord

Chapter 30 The Coming War

Chapter 30 The Coming War

The wine from Viscount Bernard's house was really good, more mellow than the wine from Qinghuangling, Alan couldn't help but hide in a corner and drank a few more glasses.

"Lord Allen! May I have a dance?"

Allen looked up at the speaker, with faint purple eyes, long golden hair, and exquisite makeup, she was an unknown noble lady.

"You know me?" Allen asked curiously.

"Baron Allen, I'm sorry! I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Liv Gavin, the daughter of Baron Scott of the Near Forest Land." Liv introduced herself with an apologetic face.

"Baron Allen, Baron Allen and Baron Arthur have come to the Near Forest Territory together before, and we have met each other. Maybe Baron Allen has forgotten."

"Oh! I am very happy to meet the beautiful Miss Liv here." Allen finally realized and praised.

"Excuse me, can I sit?" Liv pointed to the seat next to Allen.

"Yes, please sit down."

Allen was puzzled now, wondering what kind of moth this Miss Liv was going to do, was she just admiring her handsome appearance?Qinghuangling is not very familiar with Jinsenling. Miss Liv said that Allen had been to Jinsenling, but it was Baron Arthur who passed by Jinsenling and brought Alan to visit once out of politeness.

"What does Baron Allen think of this viscounty war?" Liv asked casually.

"I don't have any opinion. Of course, everything is under the arrangement of Lord Viscount." Allen laughed.

But he became vigilant in his heart. It seemed that Miss Liv was not just here to invite herself.

"Master Baron, our Jinsen Territory is not as powerful as other territories. There must be casualties in this war. If there are too many soldiers killed or injured, the Jinsen Territory will be over. Can Baron Allen see the friendship between our two territories for so many years?" Give Liv an idea."

Miss Liv asked Allen with a worried expression on her face.


"Actor! The many years of friendship..." Allen was speechless when he heard Liv's words. Seeing the worried expression on Miss Liv's face, Allen couldn't help but lamented that his acting skills were good.

The Jinsen collar can be regarded as the weakest baron collar in the Musen collar.Jinsenling, like Qinghuangling, is close to the Black Dragon Mountains. It is to the north of Qinghuangling and west of Mutengling. The location is remote and the development is poor.

But now Alan's Qinghuang Territory should be the "worst" in strength. At least the Baron Jinsenling is still a knight. Since the death of Baron Arthur, the Qinghuang Territory has not had a single knight.

It seems that the near forest collar is also very repulsive to such a viscounty war. After all, the near forest collar is too weak to bear too many losses.Miss Liv is now also secretly asking Allen about Allen's thoughts.

Regarding his thoughts, of course Alan would not tell Liv easily, so he kept chatting with Liv. After a while, Miss Liv, who did not get any useful news, left. As for the invitation to dance, Alan Neither Liv nor Liv took it seriously, it was just an excuse.

After dealing with Miss Liv, Allen thought while drinking.

Allen is pessimistic about this battle of Viscount Land. After all, Viscount Bernard is old and his strength is hard to return to his peak period, while Viscount Yeseling is in his prime. Both sides are middle-level knights, and Viscount Bernard occupies Less than any cheap.

According to the past viscounty wars, each viscounty should have 200 people this time. Even if the viscounty soldiers are added, there will be a total of about 2000 troops, and the night collar is about the same.

A battle between 4000 people, in Allen's opinion, is only a small war, and such a war with a small number of people, middle-level knights can play a big role in it, and Viscount Bernard and Viscount Nightshade must be the top On the front line, such a battle between the two is inevitable.

For the battle between the two, Allen felt that Viscount Bernard was more likely to be defeated.

All the ladies and gentlemen from the baron's family and some upper-class families came to the ball. The barons all came for a while and then left. After staying enough, Allen said that it was too late and wanted to go back to the room to rest. After rejecting Baird's request to stay, he returned to the room.

At this time, the leader of the night, the castle of the night
Baron Curry looked at his subordinate, Butler Reagan.

"Master Viscount, Mu Senling is about to hold a Viscount Land meeting in Mu Sen City. It seems that Viscount Mu Sen has already realized our plan." The housekeeper said.

"So what if I know, I didn't intend to hide it. This time, I must kill the old guy Berner. How is the team assembled?"

"Except for the two barons who are still preparing, the other barons are already on their way to Nightshade Castle." The butler said respectfully.

"Send Bernard a letter of war, just say that I'll be waiting for him at the border in early September." Viscount Curry's eyes glowed fiercely.

"By the way, send a secret letter to Baron Jean..."

Evil Black Sea, a deserted island.

After swallowing the half-cooked rabbit, Locke, the leader of the gnolls, said to Potter, "The team is almost finished. Get ready and start tomorrow."

More than 500 jackal warriors were on the deserted island, and they almost ate up all the animals on the deserted island. If they didn't leave, when the animals were finished eating, Locke was afraid that the team would starve to death at sea. Stored up a lot of dried meat, set off as soon as possible to find the Principality of Kane.

"My lord, since we have found the deserted island mentioned in the map, it means that the map is real. As long as we follow the map, we will be able to reach the Principality of Kane soon." Potter spoke with expectation.

"Indeed, as long as we find the Principality of Kane, our mission will be completed. I heard that the human nobles are very rich, and these will all be ours!" Locke laughed cruelly.


In the morning of Viscounty Land, the nine barons of Musen Viscounty Land and Viscount Bernard were already sitting in the conference room.

"Everyone, I have explained to you in the letter that the Lord of the Night will declare war on our Viscounty Land. I hope that everyone will be prepared. After returning to their respective territories, the troops of the General's land will gather here to resist the Lord of the Night." Bernard said. The Viscount called.

"Master Viscount, I, General Baishi, will lead two hundred soldiers here!" said Baron Balk, leader of Baishi.

"Master Viscount, I, General Bicao, will lead two hundred soldiers here!" Bicao leader Julian said.

"Master Viscount..."


All the barons expressed that they would lead the soldiers, but Allen remained silent.

"Master Viscount, the boy may not be able to bring the warriors of the territory. Due to the death of his father, Alan has not yet broken through the knights. The original 200 warriors have been disbanded by Alan, and 150 warriors have been disbanded. There are only [-] warriors left in the Qinghuang Territory to maintain Territory law and order."

Allen pretended not to see the dissatisfaction and anger on the faces of Viscount Bernard and the barons, and continued, intending to finish what he was going to say in one breath.

(End of this chapter)

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