Ambition Lord

Chapter 34 Reappearance of Mutant Giant Rat

Chapter 34 Reappearance of Mutant Giant Rat
After Barry brought the news of the monster attacking people yesterday, Allen decided to go and see for himself.

Early the next morning, Allen led Barton and Bud out of Qinghuang Town on horseback.

This time, Allen brought Pattenbad with him. After all, Allen has middle-level knights. In Allen's view, there is no need to bring warriors with only cavalry strength. Opportunities can also cause casualties.

And this time, Allen also put two sets of chain mail in the arsenal on Buttonbad. Although the two are already low-level knights, they may still be injured by monsters.

Without dismounting to rest along the way, the three of Allen rode all the way and rushed to Fengguo Village, which was already in a panic, in less than two hours. The village guard Sam was already waiting at the entrance of the village.

Due to Alan's special instructions, Alan's arrival did not disturb the villagers. The village was quiet, and the doors and windows of every house were closed.

Not allowing Alan to think too much, after dismounting, he followed Sam into the village while asking for details.

"Tell me about the specific situation?"

"Yes, Lord Baron! The monster that attacked the villagers this time is the same as the one that was killed by Lord Antonio last time. It is a giant black mouse. It was spotted by the villager Hill when he was stealing poultry, and Hill was running away. He was killed by him on the way, his body was covered with scratch marks, and there was a blood hole in his neck.
And Hill's screams summoned many villagers. The monster injured another villager on the way to escape, and then fled into the forest. "Sam explained the situation at that time one by one.

"What! Or a giant rat monster?" Allen was startled when he heard Sam's words, and gradually became uneasy.

The appearance of the same kind of monsters means that the number may not be one or two, or even groups of monsters. Allen now speculates that there may be some unknown reason that caused the rat population to mutate, and a large number of black voles mutated into monsters. In this case, once the monsters come down the mountain in large numbers, not only will there be a disaster in Fengguo Village, but the entire Qinghuang leader will be unable to escape.

However, Allen is not very sure of his guess. After all, only one village has monsters. If there are a large number of monsters, it is impossible to only appear in one village of Fengguo Village, while there is no news from other villages near the Black Dragon Mountain Range.

After suppressing his emotions, Alan didn't go to the village chief Binger. After all, it's useless to find him now. The monster has fled back to the mountains. It's not easy to find him easily. Alan is going to look for Antonio's last mention The former hunter Pine, but Allen's goal is not Pine but his hound.

Led by Sam, Allen came to the door of Pine's house. Like other villagers, the door of Pine's house was closed. Sam stepped forward and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened, and it was Pine who opened the door.

"Why is Mr. Sam here? Please come in! many people are there?" Pine saw Sam and Allen.

"Pyne, this is the baron, and the other two are the baron's guards." Sam hurriedly reminded.

"Lord Baron!" Pine was stunned, completely unexpected that Lord Baron would come to his home.

"Okay, let's leave it alone, let's talk about business first, I have something to see you!"

Allen saw that Pine was going to salute himself and organized his salute.

"In order to capture the monster, Pine, you and your hound will be called." Allen said to Pine.

"Lord Baron! monster killed Hill and Harvey..." When Pine heard that the baron was going to recruit him to capture the monster, his face changed suddenly, his dilated pupils were full of fear, and he trembled. Describe its horrors to Alan.

Allen was surprised, but Antonio said that he was very brave and witty last time, which was completely inconsistent with his current performance. It seems that he was scared out of his wits?
Seeing Pine kneeling in front of him, Allen finally stopped forcing him and only took away his black hound.

The black hound barked at Alan who was leading him at first, but after Alan handed it over to Buttonbad for repair, he became a lot more honest, and followed Alan silently without making any noise.

Allen took the hound to the place where the monster appeared at that time. Under Sam's identification, he started to let the hound search for the breath of the giant rat. Finally, the hound barked at Alan a few times and walked out of the village. It seemed that he had found it. Allen said in his heart.

Immediately let Sam wait in the village and take care of the horses, Allen led Buttonbad and followed the hound out of the village.

Because the speed of the hound is not fast, and the three of them are knights, they are very fast, so they followed closely behind the hound without being thrown away, and gradually entered the outskirts of the Black Dragon Mountain Range.

However, not long after Alan came in, he found that something was wrong with this place. Except for some birds, Alan has not seen a single animal or a hare so far. This also solved Alan's doubts. After eating up all the animals in this area, he ran to Fengguo Village to steal them as a last resort.

The southern part of the mainland is wet and rainy, with tall trees and dense forests. The three of Allen followed the hounds and kept going deep. The ground was covered with rotten leaves, which gave off a foul smell. When they stepped on it, they would sink deeply and emit a stinky smell. sizzle sound.

After following the hound for a while, the hound sat motionless at the entrance of a hole, waiting obediently for Allen and the others.

In front of Allen is a cave, but the entrance of the cave is covered with vines and weeds. From the appearance, it looks like a man-made cave, but it should have been abandoned for a long time.

Allen went to the cave and carefully checked the traces on the ground. He could find the footprints of some kind of animal on the ground, and the weeds had been crushed by something. Allen judged that the cave was inhabited by animals. It must be Hunted for the giant rat.

"You two are waiting at the entrance of the cave. I'll go in and check." Allen said to Buttonbad.

"Lord Baron, it may be dangerous! Let us go for you!" Barton said anxiously when he heard that Allen was going to take the risk alone.

Bud also looked at Allen eagerly, trying to make Allen give up this dangerous idea.

"Isn't it more dangerous for the two of you to go than me? I have already reached the middle-level knight, and my speed is much faster than you. You stay here for me and wait for me to come out." Allen said resolutely.

Buttonbad knew that the baron had made a decision, although he was still a little worried, but he knew that the baron was a mid-level knight, but he didn't say anything, and obediently guarded the entrance of the cave.

When the hole was peeled off, it was pitch black inside, with zero visibility.

The power of the elements in the body was condensed into a red fireball the size of an egg at the fingertips, and the space in the cave was as bright as day in an instant. Alan pinched the fireball and walked towards the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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