Ambition Lord

Chapter 401

Chapter 401
In fact, Antonio at this time was also frightened by the power of the Purple Thunder Orb. Although the Lord Viscount had told him in the letter that the Purple Thunder Orb was amazingly powerful and told him to use it carefully, it seems that he still underestimated its power. power.

In order to quickly achieve the goal of defeating the army of the Duke of Bru, Allen gave Antonio a Purple Thunder Orb at the same time as he gave the order to attack immediately. Lose all enemies.

Although the explosion caused heavy losses to the army of the Principality of Bru, and even the Marquis of the Fire Dragon had no bones left at this time, but the leader of Huo Mai would not show mercy and give the other party a chance to recover. Without stopping, they kept pouring the crossbow arrows in the quiver towards the rear of Bru's army.

Although the Heilan army paused for a moment when the explosion occurred, they moved forward again, and the spear in their hands pierced towards the Heilan army.


The commanders of the three major corps of the Black Orchid Army yelled at the same time, and the cold guns in the hands of the Black Orchid Army soldiers, with gusts of wind, stabbed neatly at the Bru soldiers in front of them.

For a moment, the tip of the gun was stained red with blood, and the blood with a fishy smell flowed to the barrel of the gun. Afterwards, the spear was quickly pulled out and pierced into another living body again, exploding a flower of blood on its body. Throughout the entire front of the formation, large swaths of blood bloomed, and the Heilan fighters in front were now like blood men.

At this time, the Black Orchid Army is like a whole, a silent machine that creates death and killing. While the spears are constantly being drawn, the enemies are also falling one after another. The regiment was wiped out.

The Bru army, which was originally mighty, never expected that the god of death would come so suddenly...

Of course, this also requires the efforts of the Zilei Pearl. If a Zilei Pearl goes down, at least one-third of the former army will be damaged to varying degrees.

The killing continued. An infantry soldier from all over the Duchy of Bru died at the hands of the Black Orchid Army. The rear of the Black Orchid Army was covered with corpses, and the blood stained the land red. , the fishy smell must become the main smell of this land in the future.

Seeing that the Black Orchid Army had entered the enemy's central army, Antonio shouted: "Raise your gun! Charge!"

After all, Antonio rushed towards the rear army of the Principality of Bru with the knight gun in his hand, ready to defeat the only rear army of the Principality of Bru that was still intact!
Not long after, the imposing Qinghuang Knights crashed into the rear army.


When Antonio led the territorial army to defeat the Blue army, Allen was not idle. In addition to urging the Logistics Bureau to ensure logistics supplies, he also issued a transfer order to transfer the Mulan Knights and Bahamut who were still on Helan Island. .

Not long after Heilan Island was occupied at the beginning, Allen's prestige was not high, so in order to prevent people with good intentions from waiting for an opportunity to make trouble, an army was needed to suppress it.

But now Heilan Island has basically stabilized, and all the places have been taken over by the Nine Divisions. In addition, the security department is now complete, and the defenders are no longer necessary.

As for the transfer of Bahamut, Allen was also afraid that he would make some unwise choices in the last three duchies. With Bahamut, who is very powerful, he will have a lot of confidence. At least two against three is better than one against three!

Moreover, as a dragon clan, Bahamut's combat power is absolutely astonishing. Even if he faces the simultaneous attack of two extraordinary powerhouses from the three principalities, he can still block it.


The setting sun was like blood, reflecting the western sky, and the clouds seemed to have been soaked in blood, and the same color appeared on the earth at this time.

From time to time, there was a wail on the battlefield, and sometimes there was a sound of cursing. The soldiers of Huo Mailing were cleaning the battlefield, and by the way sent some half-mutilated surviving enemy troops on the road with long spears.

Antonio sat on the tall wind-scale dragon horse, looking down at everything below, with a sudden look on his face. He has seen such scenes so many times in the past two years, and his heart has long been numb, although this time may be the one with the largest number of corpses.

This time, under the attack of the Huomai army, it is estimated that less than one-third of the Bru army was able to escape in all directions. The soul, the wild ghost under the arrow, and the body will soon fertilize the soil under their feet. This is purely Huo Mailing's compensation for trampling the earth just now!

After cleaning the battlefield, Antonio didn't delay, and immediately led the army to Huomai to lead the northern border to join the Giant Rat Knights!
As for the deserters who fled into the Marquis of Ryan, they have no time to deal with it, and measuring them will not make a difference.

Just when Antonio left the Eastern Territory, Allen in the Twilight Territory also received the battle report. When he learned that Antonio defeated the Blue Army and wiped out more than 1 people at a very small cost, Allen was overjoyed!
In this way, the threat to the east of the territory is basically solved, and then we only need to concentrate on facing the army of the Principality of Linton and the army of the Principality of Sid in the north.

In Allen's mind, defeating the Blue Army is definitely a crucial step, otherwise he would not be able to hand over a Purple Thunder Orb to Antonio. Without the constraints of the Blue Army, Huo Mailing can completely suppress his troops Northern Territory.

As soon as the Mulan Knights arrive, the number of troops stationed in the northern border of Huomai will reach more than 3, which is more than the total number of troops sent by the Principality of Sid and the Principality of Linton this time. Coupled with the advantages of equipment, Alan There is a great certainty of winning this war.

For Allen, there is only one thing that hinders him from unifying the Principality of Kane right now, and that is the Army of the Principality of Linton currently stationed in the territory of Kane.

In order to obtain the entire territory of the Principality of Kane, Allen must have a battle with the army of the Principality of Linton next, and it is also a crucial battle. This battle determines whether Allen can completely take over the territory that originally belonged to the Principality of Kane , to create a duchy of normal size.

As for the threat of the Principality of Sid, Alan didn't take it seriously at all. After all, the army of the Duchy of Sid this time was only 5000 people, and Alan directly sent a knight order to stop it!

"Barton! Get ready, tomorrow morning, I'm going to the northern border of the territory!" Allen said in a deep voice, looking at the battle report in his hand.

With the foreshadowing of the battle with the Principality of Bru, there is a great possibility that extraordinary powers will intervene in this battle with the Principality of Linton. After all, they have had the opportunity to carve up the Principality of Kane after a lot of hard work. It is impossible to give all the cakes to an irrelevant force!Especially since this force doesn't even have extraordinary powers.

Therefore, for the benefit of their own Principality, the extraordinary and strong will definitely take action.

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(End of this chapter)

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