Ambition Lord

Chapter 407 Explosion Damage

Chapter 407 Explosion Damage
Supporting the ground with his arms, Allen slowly got up, and quickly swallowed a few healing fruits stored in the void bead to relieve the injuries in his body.

The blow of the black scale horned snake caused his body to be seriously injured at this time. Without the supernatural level healing fruit, it is impossible to recover in a short time by relying on a few metamorphosis level fruits. It can only be said to be repaired Damage to a part of the body.

With a deep understanding of his physical condition, Allen knew that he was no longer fit to fight anymore, but unfortunately, let alone fighting, it is still unknown whether he can escape the pursuit of the Black Scaled Horned Serpent.

No longer thinking about it, Allen immediately propped up the red wings behind him and flew towards the periphery of Snake Dance Island, making up his mind that after escaping, he must bring Bahamut back to find the place!
But before Alan flew far, the black scale horned snake sprang out of the water mist, carrying a strong wind, and chased after Alan, with six pairs of exaggerated meat wings flapping powerfully in the air.

Turning around and seeing the black scale horned snake getting closer and closer, Allen's face was a little ugly, didn't he just smash this guy and disfigure him?As for being so ruthless?

Physical injuries have greatly affected Allen's flying speed. Compared with the Black Scale Horned Snake, which was almost in its heyday, his speed was more than doubled.

Realizing that flying in the air could not shake off the giant black-scaled snake, Allen quickly lowered his altitude and rushed into the jungle, trying to use the dense jungle to get rid of the berserk black-scaled snake.

It's a pity that Allen's calculations are doomed to fail. The black scale horned snake is very familiar with this forest, and it has already remembered Allen's breath, so it can't make Allen escape easily.

About ten minutes later, Allen coughed and looked at the black scaled horned snake that was about to catch up with him, gritted his teeth, and took out a purple thunder bead from the void bead with some reluctance, and held it in the palm of his hand .

Originally, Alan didn't plan to use the Purple Thunder Bead. After all, this thing uses one less, which can be regarded as a big killer, and Alan will not use it unless it is a last resort.

It's a pity that the black-scaled horned snake has been entangled repeatedly, and he doesn't want to let Alan leave at all. There is no other way, and Alan can only use a purple thunder bead.

Looking at Alan who suddenly stopped in the air and pointed the red dragon gun at him, the body that the black scaled horned snake chased up paused first, and his eyeballs rolled around. After observing for a while, it seemed that there was no problem.


Opening his mouth instantly, he flew towards Allen.

At this time, Alan was overjoyed, and the purple thunder bead in his hand turned into a purple streamer, piercing into the mouth of the black scale horned snake.

Then Allen retreated violently, trying his best to avoid the flying black-scaled horned snake. The power of the Purple Thunder Orb is not a joke. Even a strong aftermath may aggravate Allen's current injury.

The body of the black-scaled horned snake paused briefly in the air, its pupils opened wide, and then the whole body exploded from the interruption, the scales and pieces of meat exploded everywhere, and a huge snake head and a thick snake tail flew out. Layers of thick blood mist spread out.

Allen slammed his back against the tree trunk, grunted, and looked at the scene ahead, with a smile on his blood-stained face.

Although a purple thunder bead was wasted and he was seriously injured, fortunately he killed this beast!Allen sighed in his heart.


The huge sail was raised again, and the fleet slowly left the Snake Dance Island where it docked, and returned to Black Shark Harbor.

At this time, Allen was standing in the cabin, looking at a ferocious snake head and a thick snake tail in front of him, with layers of broken black scales growing on it, and a water-blue monster on the table Nucleus, these are all Alan gained from beheading the extraordinary Black Scaled Horned Serpent this time.

The power of the Purple Thunder Orb is indeed very strong, but this is not very good. The power is so strong that most of the body of the Black Scaled Horned Snake was blown to pieces, which greatly reduced Alan's harvest. Fortunately, Alan finally died under the dead leaves. The Warcraft core was recovered.

The value of the monster core can account for half of the value of an extraordinary monster, so Allen can still accept this result.

The exploration of Snake Dance Island this time can be said to be a taste of it. Physical injuries make Alan unsuitable for further action, and the strength of the fleet is limited. Exploring Snake Dance Island is very risky. Black scale horned snakes are not the only ones A black scale horned snake.

However, the Transcendent Black Scale Horned Snake is now being eliminated by Allen. When he comes next time, Allen will be able to clean up the entire island of Black Scaled Horned Snake.

"Count! How are you injured?" Barton stood aside with worry on his face.

"It's nothing, just rest for a while and you'll recover! Barton, you and Bud will clean up these two things!" Allen waved his hand, pointing at the snake head and snake tail on the wooden board.

"Yes! Lord Earl!" Immediately, Barton took Bard and moved the two things out.

The value of the head and tail of the black scaled horned snake is naturally impossible to compare with the complete corpse of the black scaled horned snake.

But given the size of the snake's head and tail, the stripped snake skin can still be used as an elemental weapon, and the snake's meat is a treasure to assist knights in their cultivation. As for the snake's bone, it is also an elemental material, and it is of an extraordinary level.

The fleet traveled all the way in a hurry, and safely anchored at the port of Black Shark. On the way back, they did not encounter any extraordinary sea beasts like the giant tortoise when they came. Allen's heart was completely relieved along the way.

Back at Twilight Castle, Allen immediately swallowed the healing miraculous fruit in stock in the territory, which made most of the injuries on his body heal, and then he just needed to rest for a while.

Lying comfortably on the chair, feeling the faint pain from his body, Allen squinted his eyes and listened to Andy's report.

"Count! Someone from the Principality of Sid is here!" Andy said seriously.

"Huh?" Allen frowned. He naturally knew that it wasn't the Principality of Sid who sent troops to attack. The Duchy of Sid was guarded by the Helan Army. The Black Orchid Army is the only way to do this.

"The Principality of Sid sent envoys here, and it seems that they want to form an alliance with the Earl!" Andy immediately explained when he saw the puzzled look on the Earl's face.

"Alliance?" Now Alan was a little surprised. The Principality of Sid and Alan were still enemies not long ago. Under the pressure of Huomai, the Principality of Sid withdrew from the Earl of Alva. If you say that the Principality of Sid is not hostile It's impossible for Alan, and now he wants to join forces with Huo Mailing again. Alan can't understand this operation.

"What tricks is the Principality of Sid doing?" Allen turned his head to look at Andy, wanting to get an answer.

"This...subordinates don't know either!" Andy shook his head and smiled wryly. This is what he wanted to know. No matter how hard he racked his brains, he still couldn't figure out the intention of the Principality of Sid.

"Where are the people from the Principality of Sid now?" Allen raised his brows.

(End of this chapter)

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