Ambition Lord

Chapter 409 The Price of the Extraordinary Battle

Chapter 409 The Price of the Extraordinary Battle

Earl Willie glanced at Allen, knowing that the earl was not easy to fool, and continued: "Master Earl doesn't know! This time the Principality of Sid came to form an alliance, which is very important for you and the principality you will establish in the future. Great benefit!"

"Benefits?" Alan twitched his brows and sat up straight. He really wanted to hear what benefits he could have.

"Yes. The earl is powerful, and the army under his command swept across the Duchy of Kane, defeated the armies of the Duchy of Linton and the Duchy of Bru, and occupied the Duchy of Kane in one fell swoop!

But the Earl should know that the army of the two countries invading the Principality of Kane is only a part of the Principality. Although you have defeated the two armies this time, Earl Huomai, and caused huge losses to both parties, I think the two countries must not I will let it go, it is very likely to make a comeback, and there is a great possibility that the two countries will form an alliance, just to deal with you, Earl Huomai!At that time, the two countries that have prepared will definitely send a lot more troops!It is also very difficult to deal with. " Earl Willie said with a serious face.

"That is to say, the alliance between the Principality of Sid and Huo Mailing this time is to help Huo Mailing?" Allen said lightly.

"Yes and no! Our Principality of Sid is like this, helping the Earl, but also helping ourselves!" Earl Willy naturally would not treat Allen as a fool, and did not hide it, telling the truth.

"Oh! What does Earl Willie mean by saying that?" Allen asked tentatively, his heart moved slightly.

"This... the Lord will naturally explain to Earl Huomai, but before again, on behalf of the Principality of Sid, I would like to congratulate Earl Huomai on establishing the duchy, and I will not be hindered by the previous Diff family!" Earl Willie stood up and congratulated .

"What do you mean? Could it be... the Deev family..." Allen frowned.

"Yes! Earl Huomai! Kane Diff has died in battle. As for the Diff family, they were also wiped out by the three principalities in the process of fleeing!" Earl Willie said with some pride.

Hearing this, Alan was startled. Sure enough, it's no wonder that the Dive family fled from Kane City, causing the situation in the Duchy of Kane to deteriorate instantly. It turns out that Kane Diff did not escape the siege after all!

Allen sighed in his heart that the founder of the Principality of Kane passed away after all, but the death of Kane Diff also benefited Allen a lot. If it weren't for this, Allen would not be able to occupy Huomai collar openly now.

"So? Why did the Principality of Sid form an alliance with the Earl?" Allen opened his eyes wide and looked at Earl Willie below.

"Lord Earl, you are an elemental knight, so you naturally know the dangers of elemental knights' battles. That time, the extraordinary powerhouses of our three principalities jointly attacked Kane Dive. Although they succeeded in killing Kane Diff, after the battle, all of them were killed. Injured! I'm not afraid to tell you that the superpowers of my Principality of Sid are the most seriously injured, so..." Earl Willie stopped abruptly when he said this.

However, Allen already had a clear look on his face, and all the doubts in his heart had been resolved before. The superpower of the Principality of Sid was definitely injured, so compared with the other two countries, he was naturally weak.

Where is the sincere friendship between the principalities? In the past, the three-party alliance was only for the benefit of it. Now, in order to fight back against the coveted intentions of the two countries, the Principality of Sid can only find an ally of comparable strength, and Alan and the two People with national blood feuds and strong strength naturally became the first choice of the Principality of Sid.

Thinking of the injuries of the superpowers of the three major duchies, Alan thought of his battle with the Icebreaker Hoyans Gunter. Hoyans seemed to have a great deal of power when he was fighting with Alan, who was also a great supernatural being. Allen, who is also at the Transcendent level, can clearly feel the scruples.

Now it seems that Hoian's injury may not have recovered at that time, so he did not dare to make a full shot, which led to the anticlimax of the battle with Allen.

And it is very likely that it was the heavy damage of the extraordinary power of the Principality of Sid that made it occupy a weak position in the invasion of the Principality of Kane.

This also explains Allen's confusion all the time, why the three countries attacked the Principality of Kane at the same time, the Principality of Linton sent 2 troops, the Principality of Blue sent 5000 troops, and the Principality of Sid only sent 5000 troops.

After pondering for a moment, Allen decided to agree to this matter and form an alliance with the Principality of Sid. Huo Mailing will not lose anything, but will have an extra ally. Although he does not know how long the relationship between the two parties will last, but with Sid The alliance of the Principality of Germany is indeed beneficial to Huomai, at least if the other two countries have a desire to retaliate against Allen, they should have some scruples.

"Are you sure you can form an alliance with Huo Mailing on behalf of the Principality of Sid?" Allen became serious, and his words revealed a sense of solemnity. Although Earl Willie came to discuss the alliance with Allen, the possibility of a real decision Not Lord Willie.

Willie was overjoyed, knowing that this matter was likely to be completed, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Before leaving, Grand Duke Moss stated that I am fully responsible for the alliance between the Principality of Sid and Earl Huomai! "

"That's good! I basically agree to this matter, but I also ask Earl Willie to stay in the territory for a few more days. There are some specific matters that need to be discussed!" Allen said with a smile.

"Naturally! Naturally!" Earl Willy finally let go of his original worry, and said in his heart that he finally lived up to the expectations of Grand Duke Moss, and once he formed an alliance with Huo Mailing, the crisis of the Principality of Sid was mostly resolved. Mai Lingbing is so powerful that even the other two countries don't want to easily confront each other at this time.

Looking at Earl Willie and Warren who were brought down by Barton, Allen thought to himself, and he had to say that what Earl Willie said was indeed reasonable. The opponent's loss is not small.

Moreover, it also shattered the two countries' attempt to embezzle the Principality of Kane. It is estimated that the two grand dukes hate Allen deeply, so if it is said that the two countries will retaliate in the future, Allen will definitely believe it, but now there are people like Allen. A young Dacheng transcendent exists, and the two countries dare not act rashly.

Moreover, the benefits of forming an alliance with the Principality of Sid are not limited to these. The commercial trade under Allen's command includes sea trade and road trade. After all, going north has the huge market of the Charlie Empire.

But Allen has offended the Duchy of Linton to death, and the possibility of the caravan passing through the Duchy of Linton is almost zero, but if it is allied with the Duchy of Sid, the caravan can pass through the Duchy of Sid in the future without being affected by Linton. The constraints of the Principality.

At the same time, the market of the Principality of Sid was opened. The Principality of Sid and the other two countries are not in a hostile situation on the surface, so Allen's goods can be resold to the Principality of Linton and the Principality of Bru through the Principality of Sid, earning money from the two countries. Golden Dragon spar.

(End of this chapter)

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