Ambition Lord

Chapter 421 Xunlong Car

Chapter 421 Xunlong Car

"The Principality of Kane? The Principality of Red Dragon?" Duke Black Bear showed shock. During this time, he has been anxious about the Thunder Gun, so he didn't pay too much attention to the four countries in the west.

"That is to say, Kane Diff is already at the end of his life?" Black Bear Duke said with a sigh, he has several connections with Kane Diff, and Kane Diff has visited him many times.

Now it seems that Kane Diff should have passed his life. A duchy without extraordinary powers is like a delicious cake. Anyone can take a bite. The disappearance of the Duchy of Kane is inevitable.

"Then what is the origin of the Duke of Red Dragon? Being able to block the coveting of the territory of the Principality of Kane by the three principalities is not a small skill!" Duke Black Bear looked up at Kuza, with a slight sigh in his tone.

"Master Duke! This Duke Chilong was originally just an unknown little baron.

Unbeknownst to him, his strength suddenly increased, and he became an elemental knight in just two years.

Moreover, there appeared many armies of unknown origin under his command. It was with the help of these elite troops that Duke Chilong repelled the armies of the three principalities, successfully occupied the Principality of Kane, and established a A brand-new Principality—Chilong Principality! "Kusa bowed slightly, and said in a straightforward manner.

"An army of unknown origin?" Hearing Duke Heixiong was startled when he heard Kusa's words. If Duke Chilong's strength increased in a short period of time, it could be explained by obtaining an adventure.

However, it is impossible for these large troops to jump out of the stone without knowing why. From this, it can be inferred that there may be unknown forces helping Duke Chi!
Duke Heixiong's pupils became deeper and darker, and he couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the Red Dragon Principality, suspecting that the Red Dragon Principality might not be as simple as it appears on the surface.

"Kusa! Pay more attention to the Red Dragon Principality. If there is any change, you can come and let me know at any time!" Duke Black Bear said in a deep voice.

"Yes! This subordinate understands!" Kusa nodded fiercely, and then retreated.


At this time, Allen didn't know that someone had begun to pay attention to him.

As the merchant ship arrived at Black Bear Port, the largest port in the Black Bear Province, the merchants disembarked one by one, and Alan and Barton were naturally among them and disembarked.

The size of Black Bear Harbor is not smaller than that of Fengfan Harbor. There are countless merchant ships moored here. It is not an exaggeration to say that thousands of sails can block out the sun.

"Master! Where should we go now?" Barton asked standing on the pier.

Due to the many people talking, Allen ordered Patton to call him the master, and completely put an end to the title of duke. After all, he is now in the Kingdom of Austria-Hungary, so he must pay attention to every word and deed.

"Find a hotel to stay in first!" Alan looked around and said aloud.

Coming to the Kingdom of Austria-Hungary right now, the place of life is unfamiliar. After giving up the idea of ​​flying directly to the royal city, Allen must first find a place to stay, and then according to the clues left by the Shadow Division, find the person lurking in Black Bear Harbor. Shadow Branch.

Similar to Fengfan Port, after paying a few silver deer, Alan was led by an old man who specialized in introducing and leading the way, and came to the famous hotel in Black Bear Port-Ketton Hotel.

After paying ten silver stags, Allen and Barton successfully entered the Keton Hotel and settled down. A few hours later, Allen took Barton and left the Keton Hotel. The location of the Shadow Division branch.

He stopped and walked all the way until Allen came to the entrance of a winery in the Black Bear Harbor Market.

Looking at the wine shop full of wine and customers coming and going at the door, Allen smiled, and walked in with Barton. This is where the Shadow Division branch is located.

The first floor of the wine shop is large enough to accommodate 40 to [-] people. After waiting for a while, a male servant in blue and black cloth came over.

"Sir, are you here to buy wine?" the attendant asked with a smile.

"Naturally!" Allen nodded in response, his right hand swung slightly, revealing the token held in his right hand under his sleeve in a subtle way.

After the attendant saw it, his pupils shrank slightly, but his facial expression didn't change much. He just smiled and said, "Sir, please follow me!"

Speaking of that, the attendant walked towards the stone steps leading to the second floor on his own, and Alan followed behind silently with Barton.

The number of people on the second floor of the winery was much smaller than that on the first floor, and only a few people were talking with the attendants beside them. Alan's arrival did not attract the attention of those few people.

Walking into a relatively remote room with the attendant, the attendant closed the door and immediately turned around and half-kneeled on the ground.

"Subordinate Shadow Kodat, I have seen Lord Duke!"

"My lord duke! I'm going to ask you to find a commander!"

"Yeah!" Allen nodded, knowing that he had found the right person.

Looking at Dart who left quickly, Allen sat down on the seat and waited silently. If I remember correctly, the person in charge of the Shadow Division in Black Bear Harbor seems to be called Mu De.

In just a few minutes, the door of the room was opened again. This time a middle-aged man with a mustache came in, followed by Dart who had just left.

"Subordinate Mu De, I have met the Duke!" Mu De looked excited. Ever since he learned that the Duke will come to the Black Bear Province, Mu De has been excited for a long time. After waiting anxiously for many days, he finally saw the Duke. !

"Get up! Now the Duke is going to the royal city. You have been in the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom for a long time. Do you have the fastest and safest way?" Allen said bluntly.

Mu De naturally knew what the duke meant by being safe, so he thought for a moment and said: "My lord duke! I think you can take the Xunlong car in Heixiong Port to Heixiong City, and then go to Heixiongcheng through the wind-winged griffin. The capital of Austria-Hungary, this is the fastest and most secure way now!"

"Xunlong car?"

Allen the Windwing Griffin knew it, but Allen didn't know what this Xunlong car was.

"My lord! The Xunlong chariot is similar to a carriage, but the horses pulling the chariot have become low-level monsters like Xundilong. The speed of the Xunlong chariot is more than five times that of ordinary carriages.

The Xundilong is a magical beast unique to the Duke of Black Bear. In order to increase the speed of communication between the dukes, he specially set up such a Xundilong car to speed up the exchange of people between various places.

Now there are ten such Xunlong vehicles in Black Bear Port. It used to take five days to reach Black Bear City by horse-drawn carriage, but now it can be shortened to one day by taking Xunlong vehicles. Mude raised his head and explained patiently.

After hearing Mu De's words, Allen's eyes lit up instantly, so if he could take this Xunlong carriage to Black Bear City, it would save four days of traveling time.

"Then are there any restrictions on riding the Xunlong car? In terms of identity..." Allen asked after thinking for a while. After all, his current identity must not be revealed, and it is still necessary to figure out this point.

(End of this chapter)

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