Ambition Lord

Chapter 424 Wrath of the Tidal Giant

Chapter 424 Wrath of the Tidal Giant

The huge fire-feathered griffin was flying high in the sky. Allen sat on the back of the griffin, feeling the gust of wind blowing towards his face, and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

It seems that in order to take care of the comfort of the passengers, the speed of the falcon master driving the fire feather griffin in front is not too fast. The impact force of this wind is just within the tolerance range of ordinary people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, high-altitude flying is much more dangerous than a carriage or Xunlong car, so the eagle master and the two passengers, including Barton, were all nervous, so that the journey was very quiet.

After stopping and resting three times along the way, the Griffon finally arrived near the royal city, sitting on the Griffin's back, and the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom in the distance has come into Allen's eyes.

The majestic blue-black city wall, which is ten feet high, envelops the entire capital. Huge banners are erected on the city wall, swinging wildly with the wind. Even if it is quite far away, Alan can still find that The khaki-colored giant eagles embroidered on the flag, under the swaying of the flag in the wind, looked like fresh giant eagles, just about to spread their wings and fly high.

Inside the city walls, there are tall buildings, and there are countless three or four-story buildings. The black dots symbolizing the people of the capital are all over the streets and alleys, and they are constantly moving, like black ants.

The most striking thing is the royal court of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom. Huge palaces are located in the north of the royal city. The golden glazed tiles shine brightly in the sun. The palaces are well-arranged and there is a huge towering platform in the center. .

Due to the ban on air in the capital, the Griffin Park did not set up a landing point in the capital. With Alan and others, the griffin landed in a larger town outside the capital.

After getting off the Griffin, Allen didn't dare to delay, and immediately took Patton to the capital. Looking at the western sky, the sun had already started to set, and it was already evening. When he arrived at the Royal City later, the gate of the city might have been closed. closure.

Fortunately, when Alan arrived outside the royal city in a carriage, there was still a period of time before the city gate was closed, and Alan and Barton entered the royal city smoothly.

As soon as you enter the royal city, what you see in front of you is a bluestone avenue with a width of four or five feet. The avenue stretches straight into the distance, and you can't see the end at a glance.

The Shadow Division is now infiltrating the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom in all directions, so the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, like the Black Bear Province, secretly established a Shadow Branch to collect information on the capital.

The first thing Allen did when he came to Wangcheng was to go to the Shadow Branch established in the capital of the Austro-Hungarian King. With the assistance of the Shadow Branch, Allen could find the shipbuilder Seksa as quickly as possible and send him Take away from Austria-Hungary.


Not long after Alan arrived in the capital, the Duke of Black Bear who was far away in Black Bear City was about to face three strangers.

"Duke! Outside the castle, Dongji collar, Viscount Busa, the son of the Marquis Dongji, wants to visit you on behalf of his father!" The butler came to the study and said to the sitting Duke Black Bear.

Duke Black Bear paused, put down the book in his hand, frowned, thought for a moment and said: "Let them in!"

Although the Marquis of Dongji is only a title of Marquis, his reputation in the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom is not weaker than that of the Duke of Black Bear and Duke of Fenglan. The reason is that the Marquis of Dongji is also one of the several elemental knights of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom.

The area of ​​its marquis is half the size of the Black Bear Province, and it is located in the east of the Black Bear Province. The Duke of Black Bear is a little confused about today's meeting with Viscount Busa.

"Yes!" The butler bent down and exited the room.

Not long after, under the leadership of the steward, the three of Busa met Duke Black Bear.

"Busa has met Duke Black Bear! Father asked me to send you greetings on his behalf!" After Busa entered the study, he immediately saluted respectfully, and Liya and the guard also saluted respectfully at the same time.

"Please sit down!" Duke Black Bear said flatly.

"Thank you Black Bear Duke!" Then the three sat down side by side.

"What does the Marquis of Dongji want from me?" Duke Heixiong looked at Busa and said expressionlessly.

"My lord father, I gave it to you!" Busa immediately stood up, took out an envelope from his pocket, and carefully handed it to the butler beside him.

The Black Bear Duke reached out to take the envelope from the housekeeper, opened it directly, and looked at it, but gradually the Black Bear Duke's expression became more and more gloomy.



The Black Bear Duke slammed the envelope on the table, snorted coldly, looked at Busa with boundless oppression in his eyes, and said angrily: "I'll just say why the Kraken invaded the border of my Black Bear Province these few years , it turned out that it was all because of your Dongji leader!"

"Duke Black Bear! Please calm down. This is not what my father wants to see. You also know that the blood of tidal giants can be used to make potions to improve cultivation aptitude. When my father made a move, he did not expect this to happen. The consequences!" Busa struggled to bear the pressure, his face was already sweating, and his face was bitter.

It turned out that a few years ago, a juvenile tidal giant suddenly appeared on the coast of Dongji. It played on the coast of Dongji and set off huge waves, causing many ships to capsize on the bottom of the sea, and the crew suffered heavy casualties.

The Marquis of Dongji was overjoyed when he heard about this, because the blood of the tidal giant can make a potion that can help humans improve their cultivation aptitude. This potion is not only extremely precious, but also hard to find.

Because its main material is the blood of tidal giants, and tidal giants are extraordinary creatures when they are adults, and they basically live under the sea surface, rarely showing themselves in front of people, let alone appearing on the surface of the offshore sea.

Now that there is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the Marquis of Dongji naturally doesn't want to let it go, so he didn't think about the consequences, and directly showed the strength of the elemental knight. After a fight, he killed the tidal giant that only had the strength of a high-level knight.

However, although the tidal giants are one of the overlords of the ocean, their population is not large. Because of their low fertility, they attach great importance to the underage tidal giants.

At the beginning, the underage tidal giant was killed, and it seemed that it was not noticed, but it couldn't be kept secret for long. After the tidal giant's death was learned by the tidal giant family, the tidal giant family began to attack the entire Eastern Silent Coast, and even the surrounding areas. The Terran Coast retaliated.

Expelling the Krakens to attack the human territory is one of the tidal giant's means of revenge, which is why Black Bear Port has been attacked by the Krakens in recent years.

In the letter, the Marquis of Dongji also said that in recent months, the tidal giants seem to be no longer satisfied with just relying on the sea monsters to take revenge on the human race. One, the Marquis of Dongji panicked now!

(End of this chapter)

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