Ambition Lord

Chapter 430 School

Chapter 430 School
"Don't look at this as just an island, but in order to completely occupy this island, our Chilong Principality spent a lot of effort and went through many battles, big and small, before we completely occupied this place under the leadership of the Duke!
Does Mr. Serkesa know about foreign races?" Barton exclaimed.

"Alien? Balrog!" Serkesa exclaimed after hearing this!For the foreign race, Serkesa, who was born on the border of the Kuroshio Kingdom, was deeply moved. The Kuroshio Kingdom, like the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, bordered on the land of flames ravaged by the Balrog.

The Kuroshio Kingdom has never heard of the fight between the Balrogs and the Balrogs in the Flame Realm for many years. Although they have not seen it with their own eyes, the ferocity of the Balrogs, a foreign race, has been reflected in Serksa's heart.

"Could it be that there are alien races on Heilan Island!" Serkesa said incredulously.

"That's right! Balrogs! Gnolls! These are the alien races that have appeared on the mainland today, but the alien races on Heilan Island are the ratmen that have long since disappeared on the Scarlet Continent!

Before our Chilong Principality discovered Heilan Island, a large area of ​​land on Heilan Island was occupied by the Ratmen! Barton said with a satisfied smile.

"Ratmen...ratmen..." Serkesa murmured to himself after hearing this. He had never heard of this ratmen. Maybe it's one of them!

"Then the Ratmen now..." Serksa couldn't help asking, curious about the Ratmen he had never seen before.

"Hehe! Naturally, it disappeared from this island! Without these ratmen, our Chilong Principality can completely occupy Heilan Island!"

Although Barton said it with a smile, Serkesa couldn't help but shuddered, and the simple word "disappeared" contained a strong smell of blood!

To make the Ratmen who occupy an island disappear, it is natural to exterminate the clan!

"Mr. Serkesa! Although the Duke didn't say it clearly, I hope you don't leak the matter of Heilan Island!" Barton looked at the pale Serkesa and reminded.

"Yes! Of course not!" Serksa reacted suddenly, with a smile on his face, and replied.

Seeing this, Barton felt that the scaring was in place and the effect was achieved, and he was very satisfied.


In a blink of an eye, the day passed, and the heavy rain yesterday stopped in the middle of the night.

Steward Swa arranged for people to dig out the magical plants carefully and put them on the carriage that had already been prepared.

Outside the city lord's mansion, there were carriages lined up in a row, and two rows of cavalry stood on both sides, no less than 500 people. These cavalry came from the Mulan Knights and were specially transferred by Allen to carry out this mutual delivery mission.

Not long after the sun came out, the excavation work came to an end, and the convoy began to move out of the city at Allen's order, while two columns of cavalry stood guard on the left and right.

After leaving Giant Rat City, these convoys were divided into multiple groups and headed in different directions, and the same was true for the accompanying cavalry guards.

Due to the different attributes of magical plants, the required elements are also different, so they will be planted on the element spar veins corresponding to the attributes.

For example, the only spar vein near Mouse City—the dark element spar vein can only grow more than 20 dark mushrooms among the magical plants, and Allen only has dark mushrooms, a magical plant with dark attributes.

And the two small spar veins of Fenghuo in Giant Rat City are planted with Qingfengvine, Fire Elemental Lotus, Fire Line Pine, Flame Corn, etc.

The same is true for the spar veins in Giant Wood City and Black Orchid City.

Allen stayed on Heyland Island for seven or eight days, until every magical plant was planted and all of them were declared alive, then he took Sekesabaton and the others to leave Heyland Island by sea boat.

On the vast sea, the first fleet of Chilong Principality, the huge sails are beating with the wind, pushing the ships to sail at extremely high speed on the sea.

At this time, on the sea ship at the head of the fleet, Serkesa was walking from the bow to the stern, with a thoughtful expression on his face, as if he was studying something.

As for Allen, he leaned on the railing, watching Serksa walking back and forth, silent.

Until Serkesa came to Alan and said: "Master Chilong Duke! This sea ship of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom is very different from the sea ship of my Kuroshio Kingdom, no matter in terms of length and width, load, speed, etc., Especially the ship structure!"

"How do the ships of the Kuroshio Kingdom compare with the ships of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom?" Alan didn't know much about what Serksar said, so he could only ask.

"The ship of the Kuroshio Kingdom has a lower load capacity than the Austro-Hungarian ship, but it is not too much. The length of the ship is only 35 meters, which is about five meters shorter than the Austro-Hungarian ship, but the speed is much faster than it. , the maximum speed that the Austro-Hungarian ships can withstand is about ten knots, while our ships of the Kuroshio Kingdom can reach fifteen knots!"

Hearing what Sirkesa said, Alan nodded. The ships of the two countries have their own advantages and disadvantages. The speed of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom is slow, but the carrying capacity is large. The carrying capacity of the ships of the Kuroshio Kingdom is slightly lower, but the speed is half as fast as that of the ships under their feet!
"Mr. Serkesa! After returning to Chilong Principality, I will give you all the materials used for shipbuilding. I wonder if I can build the Kuroshio ship you are talking about?" Allen looked at Serkesa, with unprecedented urgency in his tone .

"Master Chilong Duke! Even if I have enough materials, if I want to build a sea-going ship, I can't do it alone. I also need a lot of assistants, especially mature carpenters! The more the better!" Seksa suggested road.

"Yes! As long as you can build a sea-going ship, I will try my best to find you all the carpenters in the Principality! I hope you will not disappoint the Duke!" Allen said with a smile in his heart.

Allen was not in a hurry to hand over the blueprint of the blood-devouring warship to Serkesa, after all, Serkesa is not yet a member of the Red Dragon Principality.

After he built a ship for the Red Dragon Principality and obtained an official position, after a long time, he completely integrated into the Principality, and returned to his heart, Allen would implement the production plan of the blood-devouring warship.

The blood-devouring warship is related to Allen's plan to explore the ocean, and it involves ocean hegemony. Allen cannot tolerate any mistakes.

It is precisely because of the emphasis on the ocean that Allen has begun planning to build a huge naval academy to train talents for the future navy of the Chilong Principality. military.

Just like the reserve base that Allen is about to build, the reserve soldier base is to train talents for the future army of the principality, and the naval school corresponds to naval talents. Although the navy of the Red Dragon Principality has not yet been established, the preparation work needs to be done in advance start.

"My lord duke, please rest assured!" Serksa bowed and saluted.

Now that he was invited by the Red Dragon Duke, it seems that he can still make a difference in shipbuilding. Even if he surrenders to the Red Dragon Duke, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to Serkesa.

(End of this chapter)

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