Ambition Lord

Chapter 436 Safe Ratman Island

Chapter 436 Safe Ratman Island
The fact that the Marquis of Dongji hunted the tidal giant also reminded Allen suddenly that he seemed to have bought a tidal giant bone before.

According to the introduction given by Ben Yuanzhu, the irregular blue bone was owned by an underage tidal giant, and this blue bone happened to be found on the coast of Dongji, which is very related to this matter. Steady.

In addition, tidal giants are rare, so it is not difficult to guess that this broken bone came from the tidal giant killed by the Marquis of Dongji.

Although this incident happened in the Kingdom of Austria-Hungary, it was also a warning to Allen. In addition to the dangers of storms, tsunamis, and undercurrents, there are extraordinary creatures in the vast and evil Black Sea.

Although the fleet of Chilong Principality has been traveling safely between Heilan Island and Chilong Principality, this does not mean that the fleet is completely free from the evil black sea's malice. In fact, the fleet has to face sea monsters in the sea all the time. The threat cannot be taken lightly.

Thinking of the sea ship, Allen thought of Sir Kesa who had already gone to Heilan Island. Sir Kesa had already finished the selection of carpenters, and had already brought a large number of carpenters to Heilan Island with his family eight days ago. , has established a dock on Heilan Island, and began to try to build the first sea-going ship belonging to Chilong Principality.

In terms of sea ships, although the Red Dragon Principality has the mature shipbuilding system of the Kuroshio Kingdom brought back by Serkesa, Allen is not too satisfied with the Kuroshio Kingdom's sea ships, and the attack methods of the Kuroshio Kingdom's sea ships are very scarce. .

Most of the sea ships of the Kuroshio Kingdom are the same as the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom. They are used for commercial purposes, so in addition to the archers on board, only a small number of ships are equipped with trebuchets.

In order to strengthen the attack power of the sea ship, Allen specially gave Serksa a task, which is to try to transform the sea ship so that the ballista built by the principality can be carried on the sea ship.

Think about it, if the sea ships of the enemy and us meet, when the opponent is still using the trebuchet clumsily, the sea ships of the Red Dragon Principality are already equipped with ultra-high-precision ultra-long-range ballistas, and equipped with special weapons for destroying ships. Special crossbow arrows, the lethality is absolutely amazing!

"Barton! Go find Director Newman!" Allen squinted his eyes and ordered to Barton beside him.

It has been several months since the Principality produced the first ballista. During this time, the logistics bureau has been adding manpower, so Allen decided to find out about the progress of the ballista.



The sun is shining on the deep blue sea, the waves are beating on the solid black ship wall, splashing waves, a seagull is standing alone on the mast, at this time a black and mottled sea ship is cautiously Approaching Helan Island.

Zhuo, the leader of Kesai, stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the Ratman Island in front of him, his face was stern, and the top of his bald head was shiny with oil. There were two people standing behind him, the young Dix and the old Hosma.

Shrubs are growing on the island in front, and pieces of lush vegetation have started to turn yellow. The autumn wind is rustling, and some wild deer are walking among the bushes. They raise their heads from time to time, look around vigilantly, and then lower their heads again. , gnawing on the grass leaves that are not completely withered and yellow.

On the sea not far away, the ships belonging to the Tooth Shark Pirates stopped slowly. The Tooth Shark Pirates had already suffered from the Ratmen once, so naturally they would not act recklessly this time.

Under Kesai's order, the two small boats were released from the ship by the pirates on board. The six pirates sat on the two small boats, struggling to paddle the wooden oars. The speed is approaching the island.

Then the two small boats finally docked, and the six pirates pulled out their sharp swords from their waists. After landing, they watched the surroundings vigilantly, looked around and explored, and after confirming that it was safe, they hurriedly gave Kesai on the sea boat Hand signaled.

Kesai was overjoyed when he received the signal, and quickly brought most of the pirates ashore, leaving a small group of pirates to guard the ship.

"Dix! Take some of the brothers to check the surroundings, and come back after hunting some wild animals. Once you find the Ratman, don't be disturbed, just leave and come back to report!" Kesai ordered to Dix beside him.

"Yes! Commander! You guys follow me!" Dix nodded solemnly, pointing to several pirates to follow behind.

"Captain still has thoughts about this island?" After sitting down for a rest, the old man Hosma looked at Kesai who was observing the surroundings and said with a smile.

"This island is very big, suitable as the base of the Tooth Shark Pirates. You should know that without an island as a foundation, it will be difficult for our Tooth Shark Pirates to grow again! If the Tooth Shark Pirates cannot grow, what will we do to retaliate Angry Shrimp Pirates!" Kesai turned his head, with anger in his words.

"But the ratmen on this island..." Hosma naturally knew Kesai's anger towards the Angry Shrimp Pirates.

A pirate group without an island as a base is considered the lowest-level pirate group in the sinful sea. In order to dock for supplies, it often needs to spend a lot of money to rent a berth on an island occupied by other pirate groups.

The business of piracy is all about licking blood on the edge of a knife. Pirate groups in the sinful sea often make a living by plundering merchant ships at sea from human countries, and most of these merchant ships come from various human countries in the southwest of the mainland.

The strength of the human race that can carry out maritime trade is naturally not simple. Therefore, in order to resist the frightening pirates, each merchant ship will be equipped with many powerful guards. Therefore, although the pirates have gained a lot, the dangers they face are also not small. Basically every time a caravan is plundered, most pirate groups will suffer a lot of losses.

Therefore, the pirate group needs to replenish blood at all times. Compared with a pirate group without an island base, of course, a pirate group with an island is more popular, and naturally more people join!
Today, there is no tooth shark pirate group based on the island, it is difficult to attract new pirates to join, and it is difficult to develop and grow.

"Of course I know that the Ratmen on this island are very strong, but as long as there are no extraordinary powerhouses, there will be ways to deal with them! This island looks very large, even if several pirate groups divide it up, it will be more than enough!" Kesai said meaningfully. smiled.

"Captain, do you plan to cooperate with other pirate groups?" Hosma's old face suddenly tightened, and he couldn't help saying, this island was discovered by their pirate group, so could it be leaked to other pirate groups like this?

Kesai cut the jerky in his hand with the dagger at his waist, and smiled.

"That's right! Even if my Shark Pirates can't wipe out the Ratmen on this island, I don't believe that the joint efforts of several companies can't wipe out that nest of Ratmen!" Kesai said bitterly, and the speed of cutting the flesh in his hands couldn't help but be fast. A few points.

(End of this chapter)

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