Ambition Lord

Chapter 439 The Strength of the Blood-devouring Battleship

Chapter 439 The Strength of the Blood-devouring Battleship

Forehead!Bud's face froze, and he quickly shouted: "Of course not! Of course not! I just..."

"Then what are you worried about, take the medicine quickly!" Barton reprimanded pretendingly, feeling refreshed in his heart.

"Okay! You two! Give me a drink, what's so scary! Besides, you won't necessarily turn into a monster!" Seeing the two guys push back, Allen couldn't help but criticize.

Of course, regardless of how easy Allen said, he was determined not to drink it, otherwise he wouldn't have tried the medicine with the two guys from Buttonbad.

Not to mention whether it will become a monster or not. According to the identification of the original pearl, after taking the potion, the body will definitely undergo some changes. Although the effect of the potion will disappear as soon as it arrives, but it is not a last resort, Alan will not try it. !
When the two of Buttonbud heard the Duke's words, they both had bitter faces. They looked at the potion in their hands as if they were looking at poison, closed their eyes tightly, and poured the potion into their stomachs in one gulp.

The two of them looked normal at first, but suddenly their expressions changed, as if they were sick, they suddenly squatted on the ground and retched.

Then the medicine took effect, the two of them trembled all over, and a large amount of water elements began to gather on the two cheeks, emitting fluorescence, and gradually things like fish gills grew out of the mouths on both sides of the two of them!

Under the action of the medicine, a transparent film began to grow between the fingers of the two of them, which looked like the webs of a frog, shrinking and expanding as the five fingers opened and closed.

Seeing this change, the two of Buttonbad panicked. They immediately turned their heads and shouted worriedly: "My lord duke! This..."

"Calm down! It's only an hour, what are you afraid of! And it's just that the physical body has changed a little, it's much better looking than the siren!" Alan looked at the two panic-stricken faces and scolded.

"Yes!" The two of them said in unison when they heard Alan's words and knew that they were frightened by the unexpected situation, and their original panic gradually dissipated.

"Take off your clothes, both of you!" Alan's eyes moved slightly, watching the gills of the two mouths opening and closing, and suddenly said.

Although the two of Buttonbad were puzzled, they still manipulated their skin-covered hands stiffly, and took off their clothes and shoes.

After taking it off, the expressions of the two changed slightly. After looking at each other for a few times, they turned their gazes to Alan.

really!Looking at the skin membranes connecting their arms and waists under their armpits, as well as their webbed feet, Allen thought to himself.

"You two go down and try it, see how the potion works, and come up if you feel unwell!" Allen nodded, and ordered to the two of them.

"Yes!" After hearing this, the two plunged into the water.

Allen also condensed the elemental barrier, and after the two entered the water, they also plunged down. Although the elemental knight still couldn't breathe in the water like a fish, due to the extraordinary transformation of the body, he could still stay in the sea even if he held his breath. A very long time.

The underwater world was silent, and there were many fish swimming in the sea. Allen also observed sporadic sea monsters in the distance, but after seeing Allen, he ran away and disappeared.

Due to the demand of the soldiers of the Principality for the demon scale armor, the Chilong Principality has been hunting the sea monsters in the sea, which has led to a sharp reduction in the number of sea monsters in the Chilong Principality. It's time for the Kraken to attack.

In the sea, the two of Battenbad first held their breath, but suddenly found that through the continuous opening and closing of the gills on both sides, it seemed that the body was breathing all the time, and it was not uncomfortable at all, no different from that on the shore.

Then the two gestured to Alan in surprise, spitting bubbles and pointing to the fish gills on both sides of the mouth. Alan followed the two and nodded thoughtfully.

Next, the two of them tried to swim in the water using the skin membranes on their bodies. With the help of the webs on their hands and feet, and the wide skin membranes under their armpits, they were able to swim quickly in the water, as fast as a sea monster.

And Allen also discovered that once the two inject their elemental power into the membrane, the speed will increase!

Under Allen's order, the two stayed in the water for almost an hour before surfacing, half of their bodies soaked in the water, waiting nervously for the effect of the medicine to end.

The two people on the water, although their faces are still calm now, but the worry in their eyes is still lingering, and they are a little scared. If the film does not go away after the effect of the medicine, how will they see people in the future!

However, after the effect of the medicine arrived, the worries of the two disappeared without a trace. As the effect of the medicine ended, the skin film that had grown on the body between them began to fall off, just like dried old skin, and the gills on both sides of the mouth were also After the effect of the medicine, the light gradually faded and returned to its original state!

Looking at the two people who climbed up with joy and dressed happily, Alan thought like lightning in his mind, and began to think about how to use these deep-diving potions!

After bringing the happy Pattenbad back to Chilong City, Allen paced in the study, and suddenly found that the deep dive potion was unavailable to him now!

The deep dive potion is a means that can help Chilong Principality explore seabed resources, such as sending knights into the sea to explore all resources such as elemental metal mines, magical plants, spar veins, and monsters.

As long as a hundred bottles of deep-diving potions can harvest even one magical plant or mineral vein, the Red Dragon Principality can return... no!It should be a big profit!

Relying on the deep-diving potions, one can dive into the seabed that has not been explored for countless years, and look for treasures, so the use of these deep-diving potions naturally has to do with this aspect.

But let alone blood-devouring warships, even ordinary sea-going ships are still under construction. It is unrealistic to rely on the two small fleets of the principality to explore the ocean, and the two fleets still need to bear the burden of the principality and The transportation of materials on both sides of Heilan Island is extremely important.

If you want to be able to start the ocean exploration plan, I am afraid that it will not work until Serkesa helps the Chilong Principality build a large number of sea ships, or even after the Chilong Principality is equipped with blood-devouring warships.

Exploring the ocean is much more dangerous than simply navigating. After the knight goes to sea, he is likely to be attacked by sea monsters on the seabed. If he can escape to the ship in time without fighting, relying on his good defense and attack power The blood-devouring warship has a great possibility of getting out of the crisis!
Although the attack power of a low-level blood-devouring warship is not as high as that of a high-level knight, the existence of the rune group allows the blood-devouring warship to use elemental skills like a high-level knight.

Under such circumstances, it will naturally pose a huge threat to sea beasts. After all, even though there are countless sea beasts in the ocean, sea beasts that have truly reached high-level monsters cannot be encountered at any time!

This is just a low-level blood-devouring warship. According to the source orb, the attack power of an intermediate-level blood-devouring warship will be higher than that of a high-level knight and an elemental knight, and the attack power of a high-level blood-devouring warship is infinitely closer to that of an entry-level one. Elemental Knights.

 Thanks to the book friend "Lost 2017" for a reward of [-] coins
(End of this chapter)

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