Ambition Lord

Chapter 442 Base Completed

Chapter 442 Base Completed
Allen opened the curtain and walked in. At this time, the house was very warm, oil lamps were lit, and the walls were inlaid with dense moonstones. The whole room was extremely bright. The fireplace in the corner was burning. thick blanket.

There are only Mrs. Lisa and Alisa in the room. The two brothers Ait and Ebner don’t see it. Mrs. Lisa seems to be teaching some etiquette to Alisa who is wrapped up like a bear. Alisa is struggling Move your arms.

"Alan!" A gust of cold wind outside the house made Mrs. Lisa react, and when she saw that it was Alan, she shouted with a smile.

"Brother Alan!" Alisa smiled, and rushed towards Alan in a hurry, grabbing Alan's arm and shaking it vigorously, with a sly look on her face, now that Brother Alan is here, she doesn't have to Practice those awkward movements again.

"Alan, sit down quickly! If you don't come, I'm going to send someone to find you! I still need to discuss with you about the marriage between Irene and Lite of the Damlin family! Irene is not young anymore, I can't No more delay!"

Mrs. Lisa first leaned over, forcibly pulled Alisa off Alan's arm, and handed it to the maid next to her. Then, amidst Alyssa's dissatisfied cry, she smiled and said to Alan.

After Allen heard this, he was not in a hurry to talk about his affairs with Mrs. Lisa. After all, the affairs of his elder sister Irene were also very important. Considering that her elder sister Irene is now 20 years old, she is not too young, a nobleman of the same age Most of the ladies are already married.

He first sat down on the chair with a thick blanket next to him, and Mrs. Lisa sat next to Allen, beckoning the maid on the side to make some tea quickly.

"What does sister mean?" Alan asked, after all, it is better for Aileen to decide when to hold the wedding.

"I've asked her a long time ago, she naturally agreed and said that everything is up to me!" Mrs. Lisa smiled helplessly.

When Allen heard this, a few smiles appeared on the corners of his mouth, and he said, "Since my sister has left it to you to handle it at this time, then everything is up to you!"

"But there are some things that you should check on. After all, you are the head of the Charles family!" Mrs. Lisa shook her head and said firmly.

"Then what do you think?" Alan raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"That is, if Irene marries Rose Collar, I would like to allocate part of the manors belonging to the Charles family in the seven counties of the Principality to Irene's name. Twenty manors are tentatively scheduled. This is the list and corresponding information. You have a look!"

After Mrs. Lisa finished speaking, she took a booklet from the maid next to her and handed it to Allen.

Since Allen ruled the Red Dragon Principality, all the estates of the nobles in the seven counties have been brought under the name of the Charles family. With the support of this large number of estates, most of the expenditures of the Charles family's court at this time come from this.

Allen reached out to take it, and after looking through it briefly, he said lightly: "Add it to fifty! With fifty manors for support, even if my sister lives in the rose collar in the future, the conditions will not be too bad!"

Under normal circumstances, there are only one or two manors in a barony, and at this time, in the Chilong Principality, there are only a few manors left in the early one hundred, which means that Allen gave half of the manors in the county to Ai Lun. Lin.

"Okay! There is also about the cavalry escort that Irene brought to Rose Collar, how do you choose?" Mrs. Lisa nodded and asked again.

The guard cavalry is a guard team prepared by the noble lady's family after her marriage. It only obeys the orders of the noble lady to ensure that she will not be treated unfairly and protect her peacetime safety.

Although it seems that given the status gap between the two families, the possibility of Irene being bullied is very slim, but this escort cavalry is inevitable.

And Mrs. Lisa naturally has no right to form a cavalry team!

Allen pondered for a moment, and said, "Let's handle this matter!"

He planned to select a group of older and experienced combatants from each knight order to form a centurion as Irene's guard cavalry.

But once selected, it means that they will have no chance to make meritorious deeds, so Allen will give these people some compensation.

"There is one last thing, and that is the specific time, which needs to be decided after you, the Patriarch of the Charles Family, and the Patriarch of the Damulin Family discuss it!" Mrs. Lisa said.

"This matter doesn't need to be so troublesome, it's up to you to decide, and then just notify the Damlin family!" Allen said lightly.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lisa struggled for a moment, then she returned to normal and nodded.

"I'm here this time, and I want to find you for something!" After Mrs. Lisa finished speaking, Allen sat up straight with a solemn expression.

Sensing Alan's tone, Mrs. Lisa put down the steaming tea cup in her hand and looked at Alan.

"Let me first introduce you to the reserve soldier base that the Principality has built some time ago! This base will train elite soldiers such as cavalry and infantry for the Principality.

And in the future, except for the Charles family, if they want to join the army, whether they are nobles or civilians, they must complete all the assessments in the base if they want to join the army and make meritorious deeds.

In other words, if the principality wants to be knighted in the future, it must enter the reserve fighter base!
In the future, soldiers of the Principality's army will only be selected from the base. ’ Allen explained.

Mrs. Lisa frowned and then loosened. She didn't know what Allen said. These big things seemed to have nothing to do with her, so she didn't speak, and continued to wait for Allen's next words.

"After the base is established, we will start recruiting reserve fighters into the base after the Harvest Festival. They are all between 13 and 16 years old. Aite and Ebner are both 13 years old now, so I want to recruit them into the base Now, training!" Allen said bluntly, looking at the bewildered Mrs. Lisa.

"What!" Mrs. Lisa's complexion changed drastically, and she finally understood, she quickly shook her head and said, "Alan! Aite and Ebner are only 13 years old, isn't it too early! How can anyone join the army at the age of 13 or 14? Or wait a few more years, after the two of them..."

"This policy will not change! The recruiting age of the reserve fighter base can only be limited to between 13 and 15 years old, which cannot be changed, and they are not going to fight, but to go through training, which may take as long as two or three years , some are even longer!" Mrs. Lisa was interrupted by Allen before she finished speaking!
This policy was discussed and decided by him and Antonio and others. It is absolutely impossible to change it at will. The younger the soldier, the stronger his learning ability, the easier it is to cultivate three views and cognition, which can greatly enhance the loyalty of the future army. Commonly known as... brainwashing.

"But..." Mrs. Lisa looked anxious, and she was extremely reluctant to let her two 13-year-old sons leave her side.

(End of this chapter)

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