Ambition Lord

Chapter 461 Red Scale Kobold

Chapter 461 Red Scale Kobold

Standing opposite the dwarves, and confronting the dwarves, is the kobold family that the dwarves have cooperated with in the past.

Compared with the thousands of dwarves, the number of kobolds is much larger. Among them, the black-scaled kobolds are a large group of black scales, crowded in the back, short and thin, with shabby clothes, and even weapons are Some stones, sticks and the like are worrying about their combat effectiveness.

In front of the black-scaled kobolds are the red-scaled kobolds. They are tall and muscular. They are dressed in clean clothes and bright-colored iron armor.

In the dark and vast underground world, the kobolds can basically be divided into two categories, one is the ordinary black-scaled kobolds, and the other is called the blood kobolds.

The status gap between the two in the kobold clan is just like that of commoners and nobles in the human race, even more extreme.

In the ethnic group, the black-scale kobolds are more like slaves of the blood kobolds. They control life and death in the hands of the blood kobolds, work hard and are driven by the blood kobolds.

For example, helping the dwarves to mine is basically done by the black-scale kobolds, and the status gap between the two can be said to be a huge difference.

Commoners may be able to gain military exploits on the battlefield through knight training, so as to become nobles and completely turn over.

But the kobolds are not among them, and they don't have this kind of opportunity. Their future is doomed at the moment of their birth. Whether they are tiles or jade, ordinary or extraordinary, they are all fixed, unable to get rid of, and unable to change.

Just like an ordinary withered leaf lizard, no matter how hard it tries, it is impossible to become a giant dragon that overwhelms the river and sea, and it can only become a dish on the human dinner plate.

Of course, although the status of the black-scaled kobolds in the kobold tribe is low, it is not unimportant, and the blood kobolds will not wantonly kill black-scaled kobolds.

The reason is that although the bloodline kobolds have a high probability of giving birth to bloodline kobolds, due to quantitative reasons, most of the bloodline kobolds are born of black-scaled kobolds. Without black-scaled kobolds, bloody kobolds The number is difficult to maintain.

Like other races, kobolds also have a way to master supernatural power. Their supernatural power comes from bloodlines similar to that of ratmen. The extent to which their strength can grow is also related to the concentration of bloodlines at birth.

In fact, every kobold has the power of blood in his body, but those who can manifest are called blood kobolds, and those who cannot manifest are black-scale kobolds, and the method of distinguishing is also very simple. Those who are different from black scales are generally blood kobolds.

Therefore, only blood kobolds can master extraordinary power. As for the black scale kobolds, although they have blood in their bodies, the blood is too weak to be manifested.

The bloodline kobolds are different, the concentration of bloodline in the body is high, and through the power of their own bloodline, they are born to master the power of elements.

Bloodline kobolds can be roughly divided into three types, namely red-scale kobolds, gray-scale kobolds and blue-scale kobolds. Now it is the red-scale kobolds that appear in the cave. The red-scale kobolds are born with the fire element and can control The power of fire element.

In addition, the gray-scale kobolds are naturally compatible with the earth element, and the blue-scale kobolds are naturally compatible with the water element.

As for the source of the blood of the kobolds, it is unknown, although they have always advertised that their blood comes from a giant dragon because of their own scales and the pair of sharp horns that grow on the head of the blood kobolds. Creatures, but this statement has not been recognized by the major races in the underground world.

The kobolds in the cave today are a large-scale red-scale kobold tribe nearby, and they are also the only kobold tribe that has cooperated with the dwarves for many years.

Of course, it's not that the dwarves don't want to cooperate with other kobold tribes, but that there is only one kobold tribe in this area of ​​the underground world. Leave.

Compared to the black-scaled kobolds who are shorter than the dwarves, the red-scaled kobolds in front of them are much taller. Their height is almost comparable to that of ordinary humans. They are very strong. Their heads and partially exposed limbs are covered with nails. These scales are shiny and shiny under the golden light of the high platform.

However, if it is matched with the thick limbs, ferocious face, and a pair of blood-red eyes, it will give people a vicious feeling.

The red-scaled kobolds are most proud of their appearance. Apart from the beautiful scales, it is the pair of sharp horns on the head. The horns are red, spiral upward, and the top is sharp. Can be used in battle.

Standing at the forefront is the leader of the kobolds in the capital of the dwarves. He is obviously taller than a group of red-scaled kobolds behind him, reaching a height of two meters. Wearing red chain armor, he constantly shuttles between the red chain The rune shows that this armor is not a mortal thing, and behind it is a black leather cloak that hangs down naturally, holding a burning staff in his hand.

At this time, he was staring at the dwarf king Kenstein with his red eyes, and said in a creepy tone: "Kenstein, this high platform was discovered by our clan first, so it is naturally our clan's property. Why do you dwarves The clan still wants to snatch it?"

The kobold leader speaks the common language of the underground world, which is naturally understandable to the dwarves who have lived in the underground world for thousands of years.

"Haha! Dibinate! If it weren't for me, how could this high platform appear? It's just that I didn't check for a while, and you got on it first. If the Lord of Ten Thousand Forgings goes up again, I'm going to blow you up today. brute!"

The dwarf king Kenstein smiled proudly, his aura exploded, the golden armor shined brightly, and the silver hammer in his hand swung in his hand.

Following the movement of the dwarf king, the dwarves behind him shouted angrily, opened their eyes wide, waved their weapons, and approached with overwhelming momentum.

The kobolds did not show any weakness either. Following the blow of the flaming staff in the hands of the leader Dibinate, he let out a piercing roar, and looked at the dwarves in front of him with devouring eyes. , the war will break out.

Fortunately, the dwarves have been looking for it for many years, and the passage leading to the above-ground world appeared in this cave. This high platform is the passage leading to the above-ground world.

This matter started from the battle between the dwarves and the Pala rat a few days ago. In order to regain the flame crystal veins, the dwarves mobilized the power of the whole family to counterattack the dark cave. Take it personally and fight against two super-level Palarats.

(End of this chapter)

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