Ambition Lord

Chapter 464

Chapter 464 Burning with Rage
Kodian and the others have been guarding here all night. They came here in a hurry and did not bring any food with them. In addition, winter has just passed, and the night is very cold, hungry and cold, and lack of sleep. Even Kodian himself It's all mental exhaustion.

Sak's voice woke up several security guards who had already started to lose their eyesight. Cordian was also trying his best at this time, staring at the front with a stern expression. He had already discovered it long before Sak reminded him.

On the broken mountain in the distance, a large number of figures of alien races appeared. This time, the alien races seemed to be very different from the previous thin and thin alien races. They were all wide and strong, and their figures were much taller than the previous ones.

They gushed out from the broken mountain densely, and in just a few minutes, there were no less than a thousand of this alien race, and some of them even wore shiny silver armor.

"Let's go! We can't stay here anymore, let's go back, be careful not to make any noise!" Kedian said in a low voice with a tense face.

Due to the large number of these alien races, they began to spread around. After a while, this place will no longer be safe, and it is likely to be attacked by alien races.

"Yes!" The others responded softly, followed behind Cordian, first quietly moved away, and then began to run wildly along the avenue.

After Kedian and the others ran for a few minutes, a sudden roar of anger exploded behind them, startling them!
Then there was a series of explosions and bombardments, and the sound hit everyone's hearts, making them extremely nervous and running forward desperately.

"Director! Look at the sky!" Sac suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the sky behind him.

Kedian and the others looked back after hearing the sound, the movements of their feet did not slow down, and everyone's faces were filled with shock, only to see two figures floating in the sky behind them.

The explosion sound just now was made when the two figures were fighting. The huge fireball and the phantom of the silver sledgehammer collided together, making a booming sound.

"Let's go!" Kedian was terrified in his heart. This is definitely a superpower. Only a superpower can have the ability to fly. This is not what surprised Kedian the most. The victim is likely to be a foreign race, a foreign race with extraordinary powers!

What Kedian wants to do most now is to pass this news back so that the Principality is prepared!

The two figures Kedian saw in the air were of course Kenstein and Dibinate. At this time, Dibinate found out that Kenstein had cheated him, and immediately felt that his IQ had been trampled on. Kenstein shot a huge flaming fireball.

"Kenstein! How dare you lie to me! This leader will burn you to ashes today!" Dibinate was furious, and with a wave of the staff in his hand, raging fire rolled towards Kenstein.

Kenstein smiled all over his face, and the silver hammer in his hand suddenly became huge, blocking all the flames drawn by Dibinate.

"This is the end of the matter, Dibinate, even if you kill the king, it will be irreversible, why don't you stop and listen to me!" Kenstein persuaded.

"Kenstein, have you considered the consequences of doing this? If we cannot return to the underground world, it means that we have no way out. What should we do if we encounter danger? You and I may die, you madman!" Dibby Nat opened his eyes angrily and cursed at Kenstein.

"Even if our clan doesn't return to the above-ground world, it will get weaker and weaker in the underground world, and eventually the clan will disappear. It's better to take a certain risk and return to the underground world, so that our clan still has a chance to rise!" Kenstein avoided Di Binat said calmly with two fireballs.

"I don't care about your clan's life or death. This is your dwarf clan's business. Why did you bring my kobold clan with you!" Dibiat said even more angrily.

"Hmph! If you weren't greedy for the endless wealth of the world on earth, how could you have been deceived by me? If you want to blame, you can blame yourself!" Kenstein said nonchalantly.

"You..." Dibiat was speechless for a while.

"Wait... Now that we have just arrived in the above-ground world, it is better to be careful in everything, you want to make a big noise and provoke the forces of the above-ground world?
If it attracts the attention of a big power in the world above ground, even if you and I can escape, the clansmen below may not be sure!

And now that you and I both come from the underground world, it is better to unite than fight internally, and it is much safer to unite the two tribes! "

Seeing that Dibiat was about to attack again, Kenstein said hastily.

Dibinat's movements froze, his chest heaved and heaved, suppressing the anger in his heart, knowing that what Kenstein said was reasonable, but the idea of ​​roasting the guy in front of him kept floating in his mind.

"Hmph!" Dibiate snorted coldly, put away the staff in his hand, and returned to the ground.

Just as Kenstein and Dibbiat stopped, Cordian and the others, who were running all the way, bumped into the Flaming Knights who were rushing at a high speed.

"Stop!" Mark waved one hand, and the Knights stopped neatly in front of Cordian and the others.

"Who are you?" Mark rode forward, looking at Cordian and the others below.

Kedian gasped for a few breaths, wiped the sweat from his cheeks, bowed slightly and said, "My lord is going to Qingzhu Mountain to investigate the alien race?"

"That's right!" Mark nodded.

"We are the Misty Town Police Department, and we were the first to discover the alien race, and we sent someone to report it!
My lord, it is better not to go to Qingzhu Mountain for the time being! "Kordian persuaded.

"Why?" Mark couldn't help frowning.

"Where there are alien races, I have found thousands of them, and they are still increasing rapidly. Now I don't know how many alien races there are. The most important thing is that there are two extraordinary powerhouses who are fighting fiercely, and they are probably Aliens!"

"What? There are at least a thousand aliens, and there are two extraordinary aliens!" Mark's face was moved. If it is true, then this matter is serious!

"Are you sure?" Mark looked serious, staring at Cordian.

"Sure!" Cordian nodded.

After thinking for a while, Mark summoned the other four squadron leaders, and said solemnly: "Luke, Dema, you two and I will investigate the situation. Charlie, Jonis, you return with the Knights and these people, and pass the news back Red Dragon City!"


Mark led Luke and Demar on the horse and was about to set off when suddenly a blue light flashed by and a figure stopped with a strong wind.

Bud put away the blue armored wings on his back and approached slowly.

"I've seen Mr. Bard!" Mark and the others immediately got off their horses and saluted when they saw the person coming.

"Yeah!" Bard's face was indifferent, but he was secretly happy. This was the first time he was promoted to be an elemental knight and came out for a stroll!
After Bard was promoted to an elemental knight, at the request of Allen, he became an enshrinement of the Red Dragon Principality. As the Duke's Guard Knights, Mark and others naturally knew about it.

 Thanks to the book friends for the [-] coin reward of "Going back and meeting with this song"! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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