Ambition Lord

Chapter 467 The Power of the Ice Scepter

Chapter 467 The Power of the Ice Scepter

At this time, Bard, under the full strength of his shots, is comparable to Dacheng's extraordinary strength, and his every move has great power.

I saw the water elements frantically gathering between the heavens and the earth. A dozen giant water element snakes with the thickness of a human body and tens of meters long were entrenched behind Bard. With the icy scepter in Bard's hand, more than a dozen hungry snakes The rumbling giant snake rushed towards Dibiat.

There was a warning sign in Dibiat's heart, and his face was serious. His current strength is actually a bit worse than that of the dwarf king Kenstein.

This kind of strength is indeed not as good as Bard, who has the increase of the ice scepter, and the sense of crisis that is coming, makes Dibiat have to use all his strength to deal with it.

Dibiat used his elemental power to the extreme, and the flames blazed, covering Dibiat's whole body, and even his pupils seemed to be burning with flames.

The flaming scepter in his hand shone brightly, and more than a dozen huge fireballs floated above Dibiat. The intense high temperature seemed to burn everything and distort the space.

At this moment, Bud's giant water elemental snake opened its ferocious mouth and let out a soul-stirring roar, sweeping towards it with boundless power.

A dozen fireballs that seemed to contain magma rushed out in an instant, and collided with the giant snake precisely.

The ruthless collision of water and fire, the fireball burst, the giant snake disintegrated, the whole space was shaken, the roaring sound swept over, and white mist spread in the battlefield.

Dibiat's figure standing in the air trembled for a moment, and sporadic water droplets hit its body full of flames, making a piercing hissing sound. He looked at the front covered in white mist with an ugly expression, stepped back.

Several huge water walls suddenly appeared in the air, formed by the condensation of water elements. The water walls moved back and forth in the white mist space, inhaling the white mist. After only ten seconds, the white mist had completely disappeared.

At this moment, Bard held the ice scepter and rushed towards Dibinath excitedly. Hundreds of arm-length ice blades densely covered Bard's surroundings, exuding a frightening cold air.

Suddenly, the torrent of ice blades accelerated instantly and charged towards Dibiat.

After reacting, Dibiat's complexion changed, layer after layer of flame shields spread outwards, and dozens of layers of flame shields were superimposed to form a huge fireball to protect Dibiat in it.


Senhan's ice blade arrived, and there was a whistling sound, and the ice blade turned into a stream of light in the air and hit the flame cover.

The flame cover on the outer layer burst open after bearing a heavy blow. The ice blade, which was only affected by the speed, hit the second layer of flame cover in an instant, layer by layer, and the flame cover continued to rupture. , while hundreds of ice blades began to melt under the high temperature.

When the last layer of the flame cover was shattered, there were only a dozen damaged ice blades left. Dibiat grinned, and with a wave of the flame scepter in his hand, he smashed the ice blades that had lost much kinetic energy.

But not long after Dibiat was happy, he realized that his face was dark, and in astonishment, he saw Bud slamming into him fiercely with his giant ice fist.

Then Dibiat's figure disappeared in the air, like a meteorite, drawing a scarlet tail in the air, crashing into the forest below, instantly taking its fall as the place, and the impact scattered in all directions The smash broke the trees on all sides, the branches and leaves flew, and a large number of kobolds who hadn't had time to escape were affected, screaming in the dust all over the sky.


At this time, Kenstein was blocking Allen's red dragon spear with the silver hammer in his hand. He felt the movement next to him, and suddenly found that Dibiat was shot down by the opponent, and he felt bitter in his heart.

The person in front of him was not weaker than him, and the attack was so fast that he couldn't escape to rescue Dibia at all.


Seeing a piece of messy land, Dibiat stood up slowly, with his left hand covering his slightly sunken chest, his face showed pain, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Bud who was about to attack again. , a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Dibiat, who was already injured, knew that it was by no means a match for the person in front of him. Now that his body was injured, it would only make him worse if he continued to fight. He narrowed his eyes slightly, endured the severe pain in his chest, and with a movement of the scepter in his hand, several fireballs Lasing towards Bard.

"Kenstein go!"

After she said a word, she went in the opposite direction, turned into a rainbow light at an extremely fast speed, and fled away without looking back.

Bud was also stunned, and when he turned around, Dibiat had already escaped a certain distance.

Dibbyate's shout made Kenstein startled. Seeing Dibbyate's quick escape and Bud who was quickly surrounding him, he couldn't help cursing inwardly, his thoughts turned, and then a huge silver hammer phantom shot at him. Allen ran into it, and began to flee backwards frantically.

"Bud, stop chasing!"

Bud, who had already taken precautions, saw Kenstein fleeing, and immediately prepared to chase after him, but was stopped by Allen.

Just when Allen and the others were fighting each other, the aliens below had already scattered and fled in all directions. The two opponents had no worries, and it was impossible to stay and die.

In addition, if a superpower wants to escape, it will be very difficult to hunt down, especially in this mysterious and unpredictable Black Dragon Mountain Range, if unfortunately they bump into a control-level monster who is in a bad mood, it will be a disaster.

Although Allen has never really seen the power of a strong man at the control level, he can guess one or two by referring to the elemental knights and ordinary knights. It is probably not much more difficult than killing a chicken!

After catching a few alien races at random, Allen took Bud and left the Black Dragon Mountain Range, and came to the ruins of Qingzhu Mountain, where the alien race first appeared.

Looking at the high platform glowing with golden light, Allen was curious. This thing looked like a rune creation, and he slowly landed on the edge of the high platform.

Touching the edge of the high platform, the high platform is all made of strange metal, with golden runes shining one after another. Alan first asked Bard to catch a black-scaled alien race onto the platform, and the alien race trembled under Bard's threat. Weiwei stepped onto the platform, but nothing happened.

Then Allen began to try to input the power of the elements into the high platform, but the power of the elements flowed into the sea like a stream, without too much waves, and the inside of the high platform was like a black hole, crazily devouring Allen's elemental power power, but no response.

Isn't this the teleportation array built by the dwarves?
Allen frowned, looking at the immobile high platform, his thoughts turned.

(End of this chapter)

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