Ambition Lord

Chapter 477 One move to kill the bear

Chapter 477 Killing a Bear with One Move

"Well, by the way, there is also the matter about the cavalry guarding Irene, don't you forget, Alan!"

Mrs. Lisa reminded that she was very concerned about Irene's safety, and wished to equip Irene with a knight order as a guard.

"I'll do it myself, don't worry." Allen said seriously.

After returning to the Red Dragon Palace, Alan wrote letters to Antonio and Kant, who were far to the north of the Principality and on the eastern border, and asked them to select [-] elders from the Knights of the Blue Desolation and the Knights of the Giant Rat to fight against each other. The experienced elite cavalry came out to form Irene's guard cavalry.

Once the guard cavalry team is formed, it will escort Irene to the Rose Collar on the day of Irene's wedding, and will stay there without leaving.


As the night gradually fell, ear-piercing laughter resounded from the foot of the Black Dragon Mountain Range. Two red-scaled kobolds were sitting comfortably by the fire talking and laughing, eating meat while supervising the work of the black-scaled kobolds.

At the foot of the mountain, there was a huge cave entrance. There were shouts one after another in the cave. Rows of black-scaled kobolds carrying simple baskets were constantly coming in and out. The kobolds who entered picked empty baskets, and the kobolds who came out In Renze's basket, there are piles of red-black ore.

This is one of the mine veins discovered by the kobolds. The efficiency of the kobolds is nothing to say. Not long after Dibiat returned to the simple lair, he brought a group of kobolds with a lot of prospecting experience around outside the valley. Areas to explore.

As the scope of exploration gradually increased, the kobolds successfully found two iron mines, and this place was one of them.

With the continuous supply of iron ore from the kobolds, in the valley where the two tribes live, there will be continuous knocking sounds no matter day or night.

Kenstein leaned against the rocks near the pool on the mountainside, holding a wine jug in his hand, drinking while looking at the scene below, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Not long ago, the dwarves and the Chilong Principality completed the first transaction. The dwarves paid a thousand battle axes in exchange for a large amount of food, as well as a small amount of burning materials and daily necessities, ensuring that the people in the valley can live on.

It's just that more than half of the thousand battle axes were stockpiled by their dwarves from the underground world, and they were all consumed at once. If they want to trade again in the future, they must see whether the kobolds can provide enough iron ore, and the forging efficiency of the dwarves.

Only when the kobolds can dig out enough iron ore, and at the same time, can the dwarves forge them into excellent battle axes as soon as possible, can the dwarves and the kobolds survive in this mountain.

Today's kobolds and dwarves have become interdependent. Without the kobolds, the dwarves cannot get enough ore. Without the dwarves, the kobolds can only hold the ore and cannot replace it with food.

So even if Kenstein and Dibiat feel uncomfortable looking at each other, they still need to coordinate and cooperate with each other.

"Kenstein! Tell me the truth, can you really repair the teleportation array?" Behind Kenstein, sitting on a furry animal skin, Dibiat, who was well-dressed and held a staff, Shen soundtrack.

"I can't fix it, at least I can't fix it, how many times have I told you!" Kenstein said annoyedly after taking a sip of his wine.

For Dibiat, Kenstein has been very annoying these days. If there is nothing to do, he asks about the teleportation array on the sidelines, looking forward to returning to the underground world, but Kenstein really can't fix it.

Of course, even if he has a certain chance to repair it successfully, the answer he gave to Dibia must be - it cannot be repaired. After all, the power of the dwarves has been weakened to the extreme after returning to the above-ground world in a hurry, and they want to live on in the above-ground world. , it is necessary to drag the kobolds into the water, otherwise the dwarves will not survive.


Suddenly, Kenstein, who was thinking to himself, frowned, and looked out of the valley suspiciously. There was a faint cry coming from a distance, which was not very real.

"not good!"

Almost at the same time as Kenstein noticed, Dibiat suddenly stood up, let out a cry, and flew towards the direction of the sound from outside the valley. If the call was correct, it was a member of his kobold clan.

Kenstein watched Dibiat's hasty movements, and felt that something important had happened, so he quickly put the flagon behind him and chased after him.

A few minutes later, Dibiath stopped over a mine vein that the kobolds were mining. With an anxious expression on his face, he took advantage of the moonlight to observe.

At this time, there was screaming and wailing below, and the kobolds fled around. I saw a huge gray bear chasing the kobolds, and the bear paw, which was bigger than a human head, was slapping hard The black-scaled kobold miner faced the five or six-meter-tall gray bear. Ordinary black-scaled kobolds were like ripe tomatoes, trampled to pieces by a corner.

Seeing such a scene, Dibiat roared in the sky, his eyes were blood red, and he waved the flaming scepter in the air. He couldn't see the end at a glance. The thick and thin matchsticks of his thumb condensed in the air, like a fire snake of infinite length, and instantly moved downwards. Tie it over.

After approaching the grizzly bear, it was like a trap, surrounding and binding the grizzly bear so that it could not break free.

Then the fire rope started to show its power, and the intense heat of the fire rope began to burn the grizzly bear's body, making a piercing sizzle sound and a very unpleasant smell.

Under the high temperature, the grizzly bear screamed in pain, and began to roll on the ground, and then the cry became weaker and weaker until it disappeared, and the original giant grizzly became a lump of black charcoal.

How could a grizzly bear who was only a high-level monster be able to block the angry blow of an extraordinary powerhouse.

Boom!Dibia fell down, and first dug out the two red-scaled kobolds who were seriously injured from the ruins. Fortunately, the red-scaled kobolds had extremely strong vitality, and such injuries could be healed after a period of training.

Immediately, Dibiat questioned the two red-scaled kobolds, and gradually Dibias frown slowly disappeared. This time it was probably an accident, and the enemy had no accomplices.

It's just because the two red-scaled kobolds in front of them didn't spend time and effort building the mine in order to save time. Instead, they used the cave of the giant bear as the entrance of the mine, and then used it to open up space for ore mining.

It was originally thought that there was no animal living in the den, but it turned out not to be the case. It was actually the cave of a giant grizzly bear.

Originally, other people woke up from hibernation and spent a lot of time looking for food, but when they came back, they found that their home was occupied by these ugly things. Naturally, the giant bear didn't want to, so he started killing.

(End of this chapter)

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