Ambition Lord

Chapter 487: Ancient Silver Peach Tree

Chapter 487: Ancient Silver Peach Tree
The silver-backed ape lay on its back in the ruins, with a huge gash in its abdomen, and the flesh and blood around the wound was split into pitch-black scorched flesh by lightning, and some blood oozing out mixed together to form layers Dirty ravine.

With the continuous breathing of the silver-backed ape, the abdomen continued to rise and fall, and the gully opened, revealing the dark red half-cooked flesh and blood inside.

At this time, the severely injured silverback ape had a painful face and let out a weak roar. As the numbness gradually disappeared, the body's pain sense also gradually recovered.

The silver-backed ape moved its upper limbs, supported the body, and tried to climb up. Unfortunately, the weak limbs could not support such a huge body at all, so it fell down again in an instant, and collapsed several stone walls again.

In the air, Kaynals panted heavily. After seeing the appearance of the silver-backed ancient ape, he was overjoyed, and his tense face relaxed.

The current situation of the silver-backed ancient ape seems to be safe!

In order to kill this silver-backed ancient ape, he paid a considerable price, not to mention the reward promised to Alan and the three of them.

The three black explosive arrows alone have already shrunk Kaynars’s pocket by half. Although these black explosive arrows are one-time offensive weapons, because of their powerful attack power, they can threaten the limit of the extraordinary. Its price is astonishingly high at the chamber of commerce headquarters.

It is estimated that the price of five black explosive arrows is equivalent to a poor quality extraordinary weapon!

Needless to say, the value of an extraordinary weapon. If an ordinary extraordinary knight wants to obtain an extraordinary weapon, in addition to joining a powerful force and adventure.

It can only spend a lot of time to find the extraordinary materials needed to make extraordinary weapons. After the materials are gathered, it will cost a lot of money to invite a refiner to refine them.

In addition to the Black Burst Arrow, for this matter, Kaynars also paid a lot of favors at the guild headquarters. You must know that these favors will be repaid in the future. Things, the price paid is not insignificant!

So Kenners has always been worried that the silver-backed ancient ape escaped this time. After all, the Black Dragon Mountain Range is vast and boundless. Second chance!

Looking at the silver-backed ape that has recovered its ability to move and is slowly getting up, Kayners no longer hesitated, and put the last black explosive arrow hanging on his waist on the string, aiming at the silver-backed ape. Head, ready to shoot!

Just then there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a red light and shadow flew across from the left, piercing precisely into the left pupil of the silver-backed ancient ape, and blood splashed out from the eroded pupil!

Immediately, the silver-backed ancient ape let out a roar, the moving body suddenly stiffened, the brilliance in the right eye disappeared, both limbs drooped weakly, and the whole body fell down in an instant!

Allen appeared next to Kaynars, looking at the still pale Kaynars, and said, "Minister Kaynars, how are you? Are you okay!"

A flash of astonishment flashed across Kenners's face, and then he reacted, put away the stringed black explosive arrow, shook his head and said with a smile: "Thank you Duke Chilong for taking the shot, I'm fine!"

Although he was surprised by Duke Chilong's sudden attack, since others helped, Kaynars would not say much, after all, it was a good thing for him!

With the help of Duke Chilong, he saved a black explosive arrow, so why not do it!

With two winds coming, Willa and Hoans also leaned over!

After exchanging a few words of pleasantries, the two of them and Kayners looked at the silver-backed ancient ape on the ground!
At this time, the silver-backed ape had no life left, and lay there quietly, his right eye was wide open, full of unwillingness and anger.

The red dragon spear thrown by Allen passed through the left eye of the silver-backed ancient ape, and the sharp tip of the spear carried an unmatched momentum, and smoothly pierced through the hard skull of the silver-backed ancient ape, only to reveal the back of the head!
The four fell down, and Allen came to the head of the silver-backed ape, and successfully pulled out the red dragon gun from the burned eye socket!
Afterwards, Kayners borrowed Hoans' ice crystal sword, and successfully broke open the chest of the silver-backed ancient ape, and took out a giant silver heart with a meter length, and a monster core!

As for what was left of the silver-backed ancient ape, Kainars didn't want it, and gave it to Alan and the other three.

After some discussion, Allen got the silver rod and fur of the silver-backed ape because of personally killing the silver-backed ape, and Willa and Hoans got the remaining flesh and blood of the silver-backed ape. bones etc.

Several people have already explored the silver rod in the hands of the silver-backed ancient ape. It is a tree trunk, and this tree trunk is probably from the giant silver light tree. It is a good extraordinary material, and the conductivity of elements is very good. Used to craft staves.

While a few people were cleaning up the silver-backed ancient ape, Allen put his right hand on the silver stick beside him, and used the Origin Bead to look up the history!
After consuming a lot of luck and auspicious clouds, Allen got the general information of this silver rod.


The silver giant stick—originally a branch of the mysterious plant of the control level—the branch of the ancient silver peach tree, was cut off by the silver-backed ancient ape and made into a hard natural extraordinary weapon.


Allen's complexion changed, and then he vaguely looked at the three people in front of him who were busy with their heads down. After realizing that the three of them were not paying attention, their complexions gradually recovered.

Feeling a little heavy in his heart, he looked towards the giant silver light tree in front of him, with fear in his eyes.

If the prediction is correct, if this silver rod really came from the giant tree in front of him, then the level of this magical plant called the ancient silver peach tree should have reached the control level!
Magical plants will breed Zhi Ling, and Zhi Ling has combat power. For example, Zhi Ling of the Transcendent level can display the combat power of the Transcendent level, and Needless to say, the Zhi Ling of the Control level, the combat power feels beyond any Transcendent!

Although Kainars and the silver-backed ancient ape have been fighting until now, the planting spirit of the ancient silver peach tree has not appeared, but this does not mean that they can sit back and relax.

Once Zhiling appeared and was hostile to several people, the situation would be terrible.

Regardless of the other three people, Allen flew up to a branch of the ancient silver peach tree, pretending to touch the branch of the ancient tree inadvertently, and after exhausting the remaining luck and auspicious clouds in the original pearl, he got Most of the information about this tree.


Ancient Silver Peach Tree—a magical plant of the control class, Zhi Ling fell into a deep sleep, his own field converged, and the magical fruit Yin Peach condensed can be used to purify blood and enhance the biological strength of gold elements!

After checking the information about the ancient silver peach tree, Allen's whole body froze instantly and his heart beat faster.

No wonder Zhiling has never been seen. It turns out that Zhiling has fallen into a deep sleep. Allen shakes his wings gently, and slowly flies away from the branches of the ancient silver peach tree, not daring to stay for a while, for fear of awakening Zhiling.

(End of this chapter)

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