Ambition Lord

Chapter 495 The Threat of Sea Dragon Nation

Chapter 495 The Threat of Sea Dragon Nation
At that time, if none of the two sides shows weakness, conflicts will inevitably occur, and even swordsmanship is not impossible.

At that time, the Chilong Principality did not have a king in control, so it was inevitable to be passive when facing the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, and even faced the risk of destroying the country. After all, it is well known that the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom is strong, and it even wiped out the Horde Kingdom, which belonged to the same kingdom, thousands of years ago.

With such a record, even Allen himself has to pay attention to the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom.

Of course, apart from the threats on the Scarlet Continent, the dangers at sea cannot be ignored.

If the Red Dragon Principality wants to develop marine resources, it will inevitably have to deal with the powerful creatures in Shanghai. It can be said that most of the marine resources that can be developed and utilized are in areas with very high elemental concentrations.

Basically, these areas are places where all kinds of sea beasts like to stay. If the Red Dragon Principality wants to mine resources, it must fight a battle.

In addition, the sea is vast and boundless, and there are countless creatures in it. Even if it is a rare master king, there are probably many in the sea.

And a giant dragon who controls the level can escort the principality's sea road.


After leaving, Allen returned directly to Red Dragon City.

The days passed by in a blink of an eye. Allen didn't go out these days. Instead, he stayed quietly in the palace. He didn't even plan to go to the huge lake in the Black Dragon Mountain Range. It was only a few days before Irene's wedding up.

Afraid of going out, accidents delayed the time. After much deliberation, Alan simply put the matter of hunting water-attribute super monsters after Irene's wedding.

Inside the Red Dragon Hall, Alan sat high on top, carefully reviewing the government affairs brochures. The government affairs brochures on the table were piled high, and a thin white snake was lying on it, squinting comfortably.

"Duke! Lord Andy, please see me!" Barton walked through the hall, came to Alan's side, bent slightly, and whispered.

"Well! Let him in!" Allen stopped the pen in his hand, put it down, rubbed his numb eyes, and said lightly.


Not long after, Barton who went out led Andy in.

"Your Excellency!" Andy walked to the center of the hall and saluted respectfully.

"Tell me! What's the matter?" Allen raised his head and looked at Andy.

"Yes!" Andy bowed again.

"Duke! There is another urgent report from the Principality of Bru. The envoy of Sea Dragon Kingdom, Budesa, has negotiated with the Principality of Bru. trade between the two countries.

At the same time, the content of the products that Hailong Kingdom will sell has also flowed out. There are many products that are not available in neighboring countries, and there are even large-scale sales of two kinds of monster meat, such as blue shell meat and ice line fish. Two kinds of monsters, blue shell and ice line fish, were bred. "

"It seems that the other party is well prepared!" Allen said softly.

In the Sea Dragon Kingdom fleet, the envoy leading the team is named Budesa. This has been found out before, and it is said that he is also an extraordinary powerhouse. The current Hailong Kingdom has become a bit jealous, and the thoughts about invading the Hailong Kingdom have gradually faded.

What does it mean for an extraordinary powerhouse to visit as an envoy?
It shows that the strength of Hailong Kingdom is definitely not simple. There is a high probability that there will not be only one extraordinary strongman, and it is not impossible to even control knights. Such strength is not something that Red Dragon Principality can shake in a short time.

It may be precisely because of the strength displayed by the Hailong Kingdom that the Principality of Brou agreed to trade with it without fear of the threat of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom.

After all, Hailong Kingdom is prying the foot of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom at this time. If it develops, it is very likely to shake the dominant position of the Austria-Hungary Kingdom in the business of the southern countries. Pressure from the Hungarian Kingdom!

The most important thing is that after the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom experienced the tidal giant disaster, the entire sea power dropped to a freezing point, which actually gave the Sea Dragon Kingdom an opportunity.

"Duke! Also, Sea Dragon Kingdom seems to have an intention to sell sea-going ships, and now the news has spread throughout the Principality of Bru!" Andy continued.

"What!" Alan's pupils shrank slightly, his thoughts turned sharply, and he thought of something terrible!

Due to the control of shipbuilding technology, the sea ships of the Principality of Kane and the Principality of Bru have all been purchased from the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, and the ships have been stuck to death.

Especially the Principality of Bru, compared to the Principality of Chilong, the ocean trade of the other party is more prosperous, and the number of ports is much more. Ask the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom to purchase a batch of seagoing ships.

The Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, which controls the source of merchant ships, has actually extended its advantages to the daily trade between the two countries, allowing itself to occupy a dominant position and absorb a lot of wealth.

And once the Hailong Kingdom exports merchant ships to the Principality of Bru and the Principality of Chilong, the advantages of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom on the sea will be completely lost. The Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, which has no special advantages, will hardly be as light as before in terms of commerce and trade. Lie down and make money easily.

You must know that the change of hegemony will inevitably be accompanied by blood. If this tree of change is to bear delicious fruits, it needs to be watered with flesh and blood.

Alan didn't need to think too much about it, but he knew that once Hailong Kingdom released the sale of sea-going ships, it wouldn't take long for the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom's advantages in maritime trade to disappear.

The Austro-Hungarian Kingdom must hate Hailong Kingdom for destroying the economic foundation of the kingdom. If they want to regain their dominant position, they must immediately deal a severe blow to Hailong Kingdom, which means that a war is inevitable.

When two kingdom-level forces fight, their influence is definitely not small. It is estimated that even Chilong Principality will be affected.

"Continue to pay attention to the trend of Hailong Kingdom. Once it really sells the sea ship, report it immediately! And the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom must not relax, especially the transfer of the army, we must write it down." Allen said solemnly.


Allen must know the movements of Hailong Kingdom and the Kingdom of Austria-Hungary as soon as possible, so that he can speculate when the war may break out and use it to make corresponding preparations.

The time is getting closer to the [-]th, and there are only two days left before Irene's wedding. In order to celebrate the wedding, under Alan's order, the entire Chilong City began to get busy at this time, and the blessing card representing the wedding blessing It was hung in the streets and alleys of the entire Red Dragon City, and basically every household had a blessing card pasted on the door.

The most important thing is the main street leading to the palace. At this time, this main street named "Rose Street" by Allen has been blocked and no one is allowed to enter.

(End of this chapter)

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