Ambition Lord

Chapter 498 What is the Treasure?

Chapter 498 What is the Treasure?

In Allen's view, if you want to unlock the secret of the metal plate, you might really have to cooperate with Tiff Muse. After all, compared to Allen, Tiff Muse knows more about the secret behind the metal plate. many.

"You should be talking about this kind of metal plate!"

Allen touched his cuff lightly with his right hand, and a light golden metal plate suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand.

The pupils of Tiff Muse below shrank slightly, and his face was moved. He was both delighted and surprised. The joy was that the Duke of Red Dragon really held the metal plate, and his guess was correct. The surprise was because the Duke of Red Dragon actually had the metal plate. Rare space equipment.

You must know that even Tiffmus himself, although he is the number one enshrinement of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, has never received space equipment. As far as he knows, the entire Austro-Hungarian Kingdom has only one person, the Overburden King, who holds the space equipment in his hands.

"If Ms. Tiffmeuse, you are talking about this kind of metal plate, then I don't think there is any doubt, the Duke does have it.

I'm really curious about the story behind this metal plate. I wonder if Ms. Tiff Muse can explain a thing or two to the Duke. "Alan smiled lightly.

Tiff Muse knew that although the Duke Chilong in front of him was very young, he was not easy to be fooled. If the metal plate was not explained clearly, the possibility of cooperation between the two parties was very low.

Fortunately, Tiff Muse was not prepared to hide anything from the beginning, so he said seriously: "Duke Chilong also knows something behind the destruction of the Horde Kingdom by the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom! This metal plate actually has something to do with what happened back then. involve."

"According to the version I heard, it seems that the Kingdom of Horde has a great treasure, which has aroused the coveted heart of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom. In the end, in order to fight for this treasure, the Kingdom of Austria-Hungary launched a large army to attack Hodder. The Kingdom launched an attack, which also led to the destruction of the Kingdom of Horde!"

When Allen heard that this incident involved the events of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom and the Horde Kingdom, he couldn't help but tighten his brows, and said slowly.

"What the Duke of Red Dragon said is roughly the same. Back then, the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom did clash with the Horde Kingdom because of a treasure, and in the end the Horde Kingdom was defeated and destroyed.

It's a pity that the treasure was not obtained by the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom in the end, but disappeared. Even if the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom spent a lot of energy and time to find it, it was a waste of effort and had no choice but to give up in the end.

What I want to say is that, in fact, the treasure was not lost, but was actually hidden by the Horde Kingdom.

And this metal plate is the only clue to find that treasure. "

Tiff Muse spoke in a low voice, slowly uncovering the dusty matter of the year.

"In other words, if you want to find that treasure, you must rely on this metal plate!"

Allen looked surprised, and slowly put the metal plate in his hand on the table.

"But judging from the structure of this metal plate, there is more than one piece of this metal plate, and it should be somewhat difficult to get them together."

There was a hint of worry in Allen's tone.

"Duke Chilong is right. There are actually nine pieces of this metal plate. Only when all nine pieces are collected can we get clues about the treasure.

But Duke Chilong, don’t worry, I’ve found four metal plates before, and the remaining five are left outside. Now that I add what Duke Chilong has, I believe it won’t be long before all nine metal plates can be removed. make up.

I just don't know how many metal plates the Duke of Red Dragon has in his hands. This matter is very important. In order to facilitate the work of searching for the metal plates in the future, I would like to ask the Duke of Red Dragon to let me know. ’ asked Tiff Muse.

"Four dollars!" Allen had nothing to hide and told the real number.

"Four..." Tiff Muse was surprised at first, then overjoyed
If Duke Chilong really obtained four metal plates at once, it means that only the last metal plate is left outside at this time, so her subsequent search will be much easier.

Now on the bright side, Tiff Muse is the number one extraordinary hidden in the secrets of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, and it can be regarded as one of the ultimate heritages of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom.

However, due to her special status, she basically would not show up in the open, so not many people in the entire Austro-Hungarian Kingdom knew about her, which also allowed her to spend a lot of time outside, secretly searching for information and looking for metal plates.

And the reason why she can know the secret of the metal plate is because she has an identity deeply buried in the dark. She has always been called Tiff Muse, but no one knows her real name is Tiff Muse Carat, is a descendant of the Carat family of the King Hodder family.

At that time, the Kingdom of Horde collapsed suddenly under the attack of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, but it did not mean that there were no members of the Carat family who escaped. The Cara family where Tiff Muse belonged was the one that escaped back then.

As a descendant of the Kla family in the kingdom, Tiffmus Kla inevitably inherited the hatred passed down from generation to generation in the family, determined to take revenge on the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, and re-establish a kingdom belonging to the Kla family.

Therefore, Tiff Muse secretly invested in the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, gradually gained the trust of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, and then successfully became the enshrinement of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom.

On weekdays, in addition to collecting information, lurking in secret, waiting for the opportunity to destroy the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, Tiff Muse will also secretly search for clues about the treasures of the Carat family, and the metal plate is the only thing left by the ancestors about that treasure. clue.

Tiff Muse's surviving ancestors said that as long as they can collect nine metal plates, they can get clues.

Thousands of years ago, the Kingdom of Horde saw the threat of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom. Just in case, King Hood hid the treasure and left the clues to find the treasure on nine metal plates.

Some of the metal plates were hidden in Hodder's treasury, and the other part was transferred to some members of the Carat family, and Tiff Muse's ancestors were one of them.

"Based on Ms. Tiff Mews' words, do you want to invite the Duke to go treasure hunting?" Allen said with a frown.

"Yes. After all, if you want to find the treasures hidden in the Horde Kingdom, you must find all nine metal plates, and Duke Chilong really has four, and I also have a few, so we can only find them if we cooperate with each other. The true location of the treasure!" Tiff Muse said sincerely.

"Ms. Tiffmeuse, although you have said so much, the duke still doesn't know what the treasure of the Horde Kingdom is. I wonder if you can tell me, so that the duke can calculate the gains and losses, and consider whether it should You cooperate, after all, I will not make a loss-making business!"

Allen said indifferently, his eyes were bright. To be honest, he was very interested in the treasures of the Horde Kingdom, and he also wanted to know what it was, so that the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom could fight for it.

 Thanks to the book friend "The Knight Never Says Back" for a reward of [-] coins
(End of this chapter)

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