Ambition Lord

Chapter 50 The Baron's Dream Broken

Chapter 50 The Baron's Dream Broken

Antonio came from behind with the cavalry and completely surrounded Jason, looking at the disheveled guy in the center of the circle.Jason?Antonio recognized Jason, and as expected, the cavalry were indeed sent by Baron Jean.

Antonio used to be the vice-captain of the knights of the green wasteland collar. Although he didn't have much contact with the wooden rattan collar, he had met the captain of the knights of the wooden rattan collar several times.

However, he was too far away from Jason just now, and because of the cover of the helmet and visor on Jason's head, Antonio did not recognize Jason, but now Jason discarded the helmet to reveal his face, allowing Antonio to recognize him.

Since Jason had been shot by a crossbow arrow and his strength was greatly reduced, Antonio was not afraid of Jason's sneak attack, so he leaned over on his horse and opened the visor on his helmet.

"You are... Antonio!" Looking at the man who was approaching, Jason was sure through the chain mail on his body that he should have an unusual status in this team, but when the man opened the mask, Jason found that it was actually Antonio, who had met him a few times.

Jason laughed miserably, and said mockingly: "Amazing! I admire you! You Qinghuang leader is so good at hiding, you even deceived the entire Musen leader!"

Antonio looked at Jason in front of him and said lightly: "There is nothing to admire, I can only say that you are stupid!"

"Jason! Put down your weapon, and I'll give you a decent death!" Antonio didn't want to talk anymore. After all, he was an enemy, and Antonio wouldn't show any kindness to let him go.

"Then what else is there to say, come on! Kill me!" Jason also knew that he would not survive today, so he tightened the three-meter-long knight gun in his hand, and broke off the crossbow bolt stuck in his abdomen with one hand, with a crazy expression on his face. He rushed towards Antonio.

Antonio put the iron sword in his hand into the sheath casually, untied the knight spear from the horse, swung back the blue cavalry leaders who wanted to help, and rushed towards Jason with the knight spear. battle between knights.

But afraid of accidents, Kant and Kim were also watching closely, ready to respond at any time.

"Kill!" Jason roared loudly, and the two kept approaching.

Life and death fight, only in an instant.

In an instant, the two fought hand to hand, and the outcome was decided in an instant.

The injury to Jason's abdomen finally slowed him down a beat.

Antonio's knight gun hit Jason's chest like a bolt of lightning. The black iron armor shattered and scattered under the impact of the silver-white lightning-like knight gun, and the sharp tip penetrated into Jason's chest. Seeing from the back, Jason seemed to lose all the strength in his body in an instant.

Due to the huge impact, Jason was taken off the horse by the knight gun. The knight gun broke away from Jason's body and brought out a flower of blood. Jason fell heavily to the ground.


Jason, who was lying on the ground, was panting weakly, and his pupils began to loosen slowly. In a trance, he seemed to see something. It was himself, dressed in gorgeous clothes, standing in the auditorium with a smile on his face. At the ceremony for the canonization of Viscount Jean as a baron, he enjoyed the blessings and congratulations from the people around him...

Looking at Jason on the ground, Antonio ordered his men to bury him on the spot, clean up the battlefield, and return to the horse farm again.

After cleaning the battlefield, Antonio was rewarded by Kant. This time, the value of the combat power was astonishing, and only one of his team was relieved.

"Lord Antonio, a total of 820 golden dragons, 160 and two fire element crystals, 37 excellent war horses, 51 knight spears, fifty iron swords and some corpses were found on these cavalrymen this time. The leather armor that was stripped from his body, and by the way, the chain mail that was destroyed on Jason's body!"

The more Kant talked, the more excited he became, and his smile was beyond words. The harvest from this group of cavalry is really amazing. More than 2 gold dragons were found alone!It's no wonder that Kant, who has always been calm, couldn't control the expression on his face.

Antonio was also taken aback, and quickly looked at the golden dragon in the bag, sure enough!There were too many to count, and I took a breath.

Regarding the origin of this batch of finances, Antonio also has some guesses. If the prediction is correct, Jason has already been to Iron Stone collar. These are the wealth of Iron Stone collar, and Iron Stone collar should have been breached by Jason and others.

It's also because of Jason's bad luck. Originally, after looting Ironstone Fortress and occupying Ironstone Town, he could return to Musen City to return to his life. Unfortunately, a trace of greed made him bump into Antonio, and he died here aggrieved. Qinghuang collar's wealth is also cheap.

Antonio is quite satisfied with this encounter. Not only did he wipe out the enemy, but he also got such a large amount of wealth. It is estimated that the baron's reward is indispensable.

The most important thing is the performance of the green crossbow this time, which opened Antonio's eyes. One shot of fifty blue crossbows knocked out half of Jason's combat power and made the enemy lose the courage to resist. The result of just a few days of training.

Since the Qinghuang crossbow was not easy to make, the soldiers began to practice in rotation since the first one was made, and dozens of bowstrings were destroyed.

In this way, the 50 soldiers basically learned the basic operation of the green barrow crossbow, and the [-] cavalry soldiers who just shot arrows were the best among them, and they were specially selected by Antonio as the crossbowmen this time.

Coveted by the powerful power of the green crossbow, Antonio began to develop the idea of ​​the green crossbow. He decided to hurry up and urge the group of the Weapons Research Section of the Logistics Bureau to speed up the production of the green crossbow, and strive to popularize it to the five territories as soon as possible. Each of the hundred soldiers has one hand.

It is hard to imagine the tragic scene of the enemy being shot and killed by [-] green crossbows from a long distance. Thinking about it makes him shudder. At this time, Antonio is glad that the blue crossbow killer was invented by the territory. If it is held in the hands of the enemy, the territory But disaster is imminent.

After the harvest was cleared up, Antonio began to lead the team back to Qinghuang Town, and the groom had already caught the winner. At this time, Antonio was seated by the winner, a tall and majestic adult black stallion with bright eyes and quick speed. , and the horses of Maicao Village are closely following behind the black horses...

At this time, Allen in Baishi collar did not know what happened to Antonio. After finding the village chiefs and government affairs personnel in Baishi collar, he told him about the change of owner in Baishi collar. Bring it back to Qinghuang Town.

For the temporary stability of Baishi collar, Alan did not say to his face that he would withdraw these guys' positions, but Alan had a plan for Baishi collar similar to Qinghuang collar.

In the future, Baishiling, like Qinghuangling, will be under the jurisdiction of Qinghuangjiu Office. That is to say, the Baishiling Administrative Office, which has monopolistic power, will be disbanded. inside.

After all, the nine divisions of Qinghuangling are still in the development stage, and there is no way to get so many people to manage Baishiling, and they can only increase the number of personnel from the original basis of the Baishiling Administrative Office.

(End of this chapter)

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