Ambition Lord

Chapter 511

Chapter 511
Since the last time, this extraordinary monster in the shape of an octopus has been staying near Heilan Island for unknown reasons.

After Hametina returned to Heilan Island last time, she found this guy in the waters outside Heilan Island. Since then, Alan can basically receive news from Hametina every day, urging Come here quickly.

Fortunately, this octopus monster has never made a move since the attack on Heilan Port. It just surfaced frequently and patrolled the waters near Heilan Island. It seemed that it regarded the sea area of ​​Heilan Island as its own territory. .

It was also because of the appearance of this big guy that the Heilan Military Academy's black dragon warship was forced to dock at the port, so that the students of the Heilan Military Academy did not dare to go to sea easily to practice fighting in the sea.

At this time, the bleak sunset glow in the western sky poured red light over the earth, and a round of golden full moon was inlaid on the red light-shrouded earth. The bright and dazzling golden light broke through the barrier of red light, rendering a piece of sky .

Allen sat on Bahamut's back, broke through the clouds with Bahamut, and flew towards the golden full moon.

Bahamut's huge body fell to the ground with a bang, a gust of wind rolled up, boundless dust was rolled up on the ground, and it covered the sparkling water.

Allen was still sitting on Bahamut's back, but his eyes were attracted by a golden pool not far away.

It turned out that the golden full moon was the water pool where the extraordinary plant golden kelp had been placed. At this time, the golden kelp seemed to have recovered from previous damage. The dense leaves spread out in the water pool like lotus petals, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Suddenly, a sound pulled Allen's sight back, and saw a blue figure flying out of the mine lake, it was Hamidina.

"Hiss... roar..."

Hamin Tina quickly came to Allen's side, and spoke a lot at a very fast speed.

Alan's face was stiff. He naturally didn't understand a sentence, so he could only pat Bahamut's neck with his hands and let Bahamut translate.

"Master! This guy said that the monster is often wandering around the island, as long as you wait carefully, you will definitely find the monster!" Bahamut said in a low voice, not very interested.

Bahamut is a hundred reluctant to go to Heilan Island. Running around is not as comfortable as staying in a cave. The most important thing is that it feels that it is about to break through the control level, so even if it is a day, it does not want to waste it. .

If Allen hadn't disliked the slowness of going back and forth by boat, he would not have planned to disturb Bahamut's cultivation this time.

"Okay! Then we will wait here until the monster appears again."

With that said, Allen jumped off Bahamut's back, sat cross-legged on a bluestone beside him, and slowly closed his eyes.

Naturally, he was not preparing to rest, but his consciousness sank into his mind, and he showed the luck map in his mind, and then set his sights on the location of Heilan Island.

Although the luck map can show the location of various mineral deposits in the territory, that place must be the territory that Alan really grasps.

After sweeping Heilan Island by force, although Heilan Island is in fact Allen's territory, Yuanyuanzhu does not recognize it, so the previous fortune map can only show Giant Wood City, Heilan City, and Giant Rat City The three old cities and the new city are near the areas under the jurisdiction of the four cities of Mouse City, while other areas are not included.

Until now, until now Heilan Island has been completely outlined on the map of luck. From the unification of Heilan Island until now, Allen has built five new cities on the island. The total number of cities on Heilan Island is The nine cities have completely included the entire territory of Heilan Island.

If Heilan Island, which is close to a circle, is regarded as a piece of cake, the cake can be divided into eight even pieces. There is a city on the periphery of each of the eight pieces of cake, and there is also a city in the center of the circle.

Except for the central city at the center of the circle, the other cities are Giant Wood City, Black Orchid City, Giant Rat City, Near Rat City, Green Wood City, Haibo City, Haifeng City, and Haitao City.

However, due to the excessive number of cities built, the population of each city is not as large as that of the original three old cities due to the diversion of the population. In the absence of war and sufficient food, the population of each city will gradually increase, and Allen is not worried.

At this time, Allen was staring at a place within the Central City, and he was overjoyed. He saw that place was shining with a dazzling light. Every other light on the whole of Blackland Island is brighter.

Allen knew in his heart that it should be the location of the blue gold vein he had been looking forward to for a long time.

The mission he came here this time was not only to resolve the World of Warcraft crisis, but also to find the location of the blue-gold vein. Now, taking advantage of the time to wait, he decided to take a look at the location of the blue-gold vein.

After probably knowing the location of the blue gold vein, Allen was not in a hurry to find it, but chose to continue to guard the extraordinary monster. After all, the vein is there, and as long as he knows the location, he can mine it at any time.

But as long as this extraordinary monster exists for one day, it will pose a threat to Helan Island for one day. Allen feels that the most important thing right now is to solve this extraordinary monster.

Waiting until the night, the night gradually deepened, the quiet purple moon hung high in the sky, the blood-purple light collided with the golden light in the side pool, forming a strange and splendid scene.

Just as Allen was dozing off, Bahamut's soft roar came from his ears. He quickly opened his eyes, and without Bahamut's reminder, he had already discovered a water-blue light ball hanging in the southern sky. The blue light is particularly dazzling and beautiful in the dark night.

This is exactly the signal sent by Hametina who is patrolling the periphery!As long as a monster is found, she will notify it.


Allen got up immediately, jumped onto Bahamut's back in an instant, and Bahamut lifted into the air in an instant, flying towards the blue light ball at top speed.

The sea breeze in the middle of the night was fierce, and it fell on Alan's dark and unclear face. Following Bahamut's quick movements, Alan came to Hamidina's side in just a moment.

Following Hametina's instructions, Allen saw a huge figure on the water in the distance, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

Under the blood-purple moonlight, a huge octopus was swimming on the water surface. Its head was like a hill, and its thick tentacles were tens of meters long. Huge sea beasts rolled up one by one, and stuffed them into mouths full of sharp teeth amidst the screams of sea beasts.

Of course, Allen was surprised not because of this, but because there were actually two octopus monsters, but Hamedina had never told herself that there were two extraordinary monsters before.

For a while, Allen looked at Hamidina with a bad complexion.


Hamin Tina scratched her hands with an aggrieved face, as if she was defending herself.

"Master! Hamin Tina said that she has only seen one monster appearing all the time, and these two monsters have never appeared together!"

At this moment, Bahamut translated aloud.

Allen's eyes flickered, his face relaxed, and he decided to put this matter aside first, and the opponent's Warcraft is the focus right now.

These two octopus monsters seem to be playing and hunting on the sea surface, completely unaware of the threat in the distance above the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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