Ambition Lord

Chapter 516 Blood Dragon Lizard

Chapter 516 Blood Dragon Lizard
Looking at Barton on the side, Allen thought for a moment, then handed the list to Barton and said, "Take the list to the resident of the Element Chamber of Commerce in the city, and ask the president of the Chamber of Commerce whether the Chamber of Commerce can collect all the materials on the list in a short time. ?”

"Yes! This subordinate will do it now!" Barton took the list.

Now Allen has only one goal, which is to improve the principality's high-level combat effectiveness as much as possible. The forging of extraordinary equipment for Barton and others, as well as helping Flame Mai to break through, are all based on this.

So whether it is volcanic crystal mud or various materials for forging extraordinary equipment, Allen decided to do his best to obtain it.


The setting sun hangs in the sky, and unknown seabirds pass by from time to time on the red sea, and the waves beat against the hull of the ship, causing layers of splashes.

The moist sea breeze came head-on, and Allen sniffed unconsciously. A smell unique to the evening sea breeze permeated the nostrils, giving people a sense of comfort and ease.

Allen was sitting on the second floor of the ship at this time, looking at the sea and sky through the window on the side.

"Master Ritter, your dinner!" It was Barton who was speaking. At this time, he was dressed as a guard, with a short sword on his waist, and several plates full of food in his hand, and he was putting the plates one by one. Put it on the table in front of Allen.

That's right, at this time Allen's name was Lite, and he was a businessman who worked tirelessly to purchase special products in Blood City, and Barton was his guard.

Vendors in the Red Dragon Principality generally purchase goods, and they travel between the Blue Principality and the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom. There are not many people who go to the Blood City, but this does not mean that there are none.

Although the journey to the Blood Underworld City is long, some of the specialty products from the Fire Realm are very popular in the Blood Underworld City, so some of the weaker vendors chose to go to the Blood Underworld City.

So there is nothing unreasonable about Allen turning into a merchant going to Blood City.

At this moment, Allen and Patton are in a large merchant ship. This merchant ship belongs to the top chamber of commerce in the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom - the Bloodstone Chamber of Commerce. The terminal is Black Bear Port in Black Bear Province. The port where he landed on his first trip to Austro-Hungary.

Due to geographical location, if Allen wants to go to Blood City, he has to go through the Kingdom of Austria-Hungary. Of course, he can also make a big circle by land to reach Blood City, but that way is too far, and he has to It takes a lot of time and is not worth the candle.

With the passage of time, the Shadow Section of the Principality has cast more and more shadows on the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, and the strongholds in various places have formed a scale. Alan has no details, and now he basically grasps the power distribution of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom at this time.

The struggle of the three princes of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom is far from over. The third prince Kapala has the support of the Duke of Black Bear, the eldest prince Mitik has the Duke of Fenglan as the backing, and the second prince Stam also has four marquis-level princes. Supporters, one of whom is the Kingdom's military minister.

According to Allen's information from the Shadow Section, in just half a year, many nobles and high-ranking officials from both sides have resigned, and more people have been reduced to abandoned children and lost their lives.

At this time, the situation in the King's City of Austria-Hungary can be described as a miasma. None of the forces wanted to restrain themselves, which led to a very tense atmosphere. What puzzled Allen most was the attitude of the King of Austria-Hungary. The two princes are fighting for power, and they have no intention of stopping it.

Therefore, Allen decided not to stay when he passed by Wangcheng this time. He rented a carriage and drove in the direction of Blood Underworld City. It is no less than a dose of catalyst.

Squinting his eyes, Allen leaned against his chair, took out a piece of smoked fish from the plate on the table, put it in his mouth and chewed it, a scent burst in his mouth instantly.

This smoked fish is the signature dish of the Bloodstone Chamber of Commerce. It is delicious, but the price is a little expensive. However, Allen does not have much favor for the Bloodstone Chamber of Commerce. Their service attitude is very poor, and the food is not delivered to the door. , but also to take it by himself, which made Allen very dissatisfied.

After a few bites of the remaining smoked fish, Allen wiped his mouth with the "brought" napkin, looked at the gradually setting sun with his head tilted, and muttered to himself: "Volcanic crystal mud, blood dragon lizard blood, I hope that the Flame Realm will not disappoint me."

Originally, there was only one goal for Allen to go to the Flame Realm, and that was the volcanic crystal mud, but a few days ago, Allen had to add another goal, and that was the blood of the blood dragon lizard.

Blood dragon lizard blood is naturally not for Flame Mai, it is one of the materials that Kenstein needs to forge extraordinary weapons.

Here I have to say that the Elemental Chamber of Commerce has a strong background and strength. After seeing Allen's list, the Elemental Chamber of Commerce said that it is effortless. As long as there is money, the Elemental Chamber of Commerce will transfer the materials in a short time. All materials are shipped.

However, the Elemental Chamber of Commerce could not satisfy Alan with the only material of "a large amount of fire-attribute extraordinary monster blood", because the blood of extraordinary monsters is time-sensitive, and the longer the time, the less effective it is, and it cannot be stored for a long time. The longest is only three months. time.

Therefore, almost no chamber of commerce would store something like the blood of an extraordinary monster, and it would basically dispose of it as soon as it was obtained, so as not to lose its efficacy and drop in value.

Coupled with Alan's urgency, the possibility of the extraordinary monster itself being hunted is low, so it is impossible for the Elemental Chamber of Commerce to take it out in a short time.

Fortunately, the Elemental Chamber of Commerce sent a message for nothing, that is, there are many extraordinary monsters with fire attributes, blood dragon lizards in the fire realm, and occasionally blood dragon lizards are hunted, and the materials are auctioned in the city of blood.

It just so happened that Allen was also going to the Flame Realm, so he declined the kindness of the Elemental Chamber of Commerce to help him buy it.

In fact, there were no such supernatural monsters as blood dragon lizards in the Yanhuo Realm, they were alien species.

They were originally the extraordinary war beasts of the Balrog, who stayed from Phoenix Island to the Flame Realm. With the outbreak of the war between the Balrog and humans, occasionally there would be extraordinary war beasts who escaped. There are many unowned blood dragon lizards in the Fire Territory.

And the blood dragon lizard is an extraordinary monster with fire attributes, and it likes a hot environment. The fire environment happens to have a group of volcanoes, and the temperature in the entire area remains high, which is just right for the blood dragon lizard to survive. They thrive here , leading to the existence of many blood dragon lizard groups in the fire environment.

There are usually five to six blood dragon lizards in a group of blood dragon lizards. They usually appear in the volcano group, and it is extremely safe to drill into the volcano whenever there is danger.

They only go out when looking for food, and this is the best time to hunt blood dragon lizards.

(End of this chapter)

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