Ambition Lord

Chapter 52 The Third Meeting of Qinghuang

Chapter 52

At the southern end of the Scarlet Continent, the weather is always unpredictable.

Qinghuang collar.

The dark clouds became one piece, and the sky seemed to be covered with a huge black curtain. With the sound of thunder, the raindrops fell like beans, and the violent wind slammed the torrential rain on the Qinghuang Castle.

After breakfast, Tingsi was walking towards Qinghuang Castle, when suddenly dark clouds, thunderstorms and strong winds came one after another, Tingsi, who was not prepared at all, was wet all over his body, and the dense rain hit his face, making him unable to see clearly ahead way.

As I was walking, I saw someone in front of me who seemed to be drenched in the rain. I took a closer look and found that they were acquaintances, Director of the Finance Department, Carey, and Deputy Director, Cooley. Today is the day when the baron convenes a territorial meeting. Look It looked like the two of them were the same as themselves, they both went straight out of the house, never expecting such heavy rain to fall suddenly.

Against the rain, Tingsi quickly leaned over.

"Director Carey, Deputy Director Cooley, what a coincidence! I met you two here!" Ting Si greeted.

"It's Director Tingsi! You should go to Qinghuang Castle too! This weather is really a headache!" Seeing that it was Tingsi who called him, Carey greeted politely and complained. weather.

"Let's go! Go to Qinghuang Castle first, the rain is too heavy!" Tingsi originally wanted to chat politely, but the rain was so heavy that people could not hear clearly, so he had to give up and talk to Kaili The two accelerated their pace.

After spending quite a while on the road, the three of them finally arrived at Qinghuang Castle.

There are already servants waiting here at the gate of the castle.

"My lords, come to the side room to change into dry clothes first! The baron has already prepared for you!" said the maid next to her.

After saying that, the drenched three followed the servant.

Allen has nothing to do with the weather. With such a heavy rain, even wearing a rain cape will soak his whole body. He can only prepare dry clothes for those attending the meeting and let them change in the castle.

After all, old butlers like Carey and the head of the Ethics Department are not even cavalrymen. They are weak and very likely to get sick.

The power of nature is difficult for human beings to contend with, even if this is a world with extraordinary power, it is still the same, even if you become a high-level knight, you can't resist a bolt of lightning.

Due to the impact of the heavy rain, the meeting originally scheduled for [-]:[-] a.m. was postponed to [-]:[-] a.m. It is estimated that the meeting will be over, and Alan will also generously invite everyone to have a lunch.

In the conference hall, the directors of the Ninth Branch had arrived, all of them had wet hair, and Antonio and several knights were also sitting on the side.

"Okay, this time I have occupied Baishiling, I will merge Baishiling and Qinghuangling, and it will still be called Qinghuangling in the future, but the original structure of Baishiling will be dismantled and incorporated into the nine management systems. What ideas can be put forward!" Allen, who was sitting at the top, asked loudly.

"Lord Baron, I think that the officials of the former Baishi collar are mixed and cannot be directly appointed. They need to be assessed. Only those who pass the assessment can be admitted to the Ninth Division depending on the situation." After thinking for a while, Ting Si proposed.

"Well, there is indeed an assessment, and this matter will be handled by your government affairs department." Allen replied to Ting Si.

"Yes!" Ting Si responded.

"Lord Baron, does the Household Registration Office need to conduct a census and land survey of the original Baishi collar!" asked Tony, the director of the Household Registration Office.

"Of course, this is what your household registration office has to do in the future. As long as you occupy a territory, you must quickly conduct a census and land survey for it, collect it and store it. Speaking of which, your household registration office has a very heavy task! "Alan replied affirmatively.

"Don't worry, Lord Baron, the household registration office must be completed as soon as possible!" Tony said.

"My lord, I think it is possible to transfer the former officials of the White Rock Territory and the officials of the Green Wilderness Territory, for example, transfer the village chiefs of the Green Wilderness Territory to work in the White Rock Territory!" Barry from the security department said with a guilty conscience.

Barry is very tired of the village chiefs in Qinghuangling. These village chiefs have served as village chiefs in the local area for decades. Since the police department has branches in various territories, they often encounter some village chiefs who hinder them from doing things. Relying on his identity as the village head, he even gave gifts to the guards and said things like human accidents.

Alan didn't think too much about Barry's words. After all, Barry's suggestion had some truth to it. The positions of village chiefs in the villages of Qinghuangling have not been changed. It is not a good thing to have a high reputation in each village, and because there is no competition, There is no aggressiveness at all, and it really needs to be changed.

"Well, this matter will be handed over to the Government Affairs Office. From now on, the village chiefs will be assessed every three years. If they fail the assessment, they will give way to the people below!"

"Yes, Lord Baron!" Ting Si wiped off the sweat in his heart. There are a lot of things in the government affairs office now, and he secretly thought that it is time for Lord Baron to arrange a deputy director to share the affairs for him.

Then the directors of other divisions issued suggestions, and Allen arranged the various questions raised one by one.

With the end of the discussions with the directors of the Ninth Division, the Baishi territory, which had been passed down for hundreds of years, collapsed. After the Ninth Division took action, it would completely become a part of the Qinghuang Territory.

"The following is the military arrangement for the territory. Starting today, the Qinghuang Knights will be established in the territory, with Antonio as the leader!"

"Ten people form a small team, each with a squadron leader and vice-captain, ten squadrons form a squadron, each squadron has a captain and a deputy squadron leader, ten squadrons make up a large team, and a large team has a captain and a vice-captain each. Each brigade is a knight order, with a leader and a deputy leader."

That is to say, there are at least 68 knights to set up a complete knight order, but there are only [-] cavalry in the territory, which is only enough to supplement five squadrons, which is still somewhat insufficient.

"Appoint Kant as the captain of Squadron 100 with 100 people; Kim as the captain of Squadron 100 with 100 people; Quincy as the captain of Squadron [-] with [-] people; Chad as the captain of Squadron [-] with [-] people." Allen ordered .

"Thank you! Lord Baron!" The four thanked each other.

Since the four of them were originally one of the five hundred cavalry, there were only 96 soldiers left.

"As for the remaining 96 people, form the Fifth Squadron and spread the word, whoever is the first to break through to the limit of cavalry and become a knight will be the captain of the Fifth Squadron!"

"Also! The Qinghuang Knights cooperate with the household registration office to recruit soldiers in the original Baishi collar to make up for the shortage of Qinghuang Knights. It is still the same, the cavalry is prioritized, the net worth is prioritized, and the number of children in the family is prioritized..." Allen Specially reminded.

"Yes!" Tony and Antonio replied simultaneously.

"Okay, that's the end of this meeting. The rain has lightened up, everyone can go!"


Allen didn't stay with everyone for lunch in the end...


(End of this chapter)

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