Ambition Lord

Chapter 524 Kezira Volcanic Group

Chapter 524 Kezira Volcanic Group
The sky is covered by endless dark dust, so gray that the sun can only get out with all its strength. The dark brown earth is like the skin of a giant, with cracks and scorched skin rolling over. There are grotesque shrubs scattered here and there. On this piece of land, life is scattered, birds and beasts are extinct, and it is a barren scene.

boom! boom! boom!
The sound of trampling came from far to near, and a team riding a black rhino slowly marched on the ground. The black rhino's hooves, which were as big as a human face, stepped heavily on the ground, making muffled noises.

In the middle of the team, Allen sat on the back of a black rhinoceros and looked around. It had been more than half a day since they set off.

It was already approaching evening, and the surrounding scenery was already different from that near Blood Underworld City. Now they have entered the battle zone between the Human Race and the Balrog Clan, and it is also the most densely distributed volcano group in the Yanhuo Realm.

The volcanic ash brought by the perennial volcanic eruption has poisoned this land, making this area withered, forming this unique and disgusting scene.

After looking around, Allen looked at the front of the team, a strong man in gray armor with a battle ax in his hand at all times.

The black rhino under him is bigger than the others. He is the leader of this team, Ming Ke, and the only one among the 28 high-ranking knights sent by the city lord's mansion of Blood Underworld. of.

The 27 people, including Allen and Barton, are all high-level mercenaries recruited by the Blood City Lord's Mansion this time.

boom! boom! boom!
Suddenly, there was a sound of stamping on the ground in the distance to the north, and a figure riding a black rhino slowly approached, and the marching team stopped in a tacit understanding.

"No exception."

After this person approached, he just said something to Mingke in front of him, and then he returned silently. After a while, three more people returned from the east, west, south, and four directions. A few minutes later, four more people left in four directions.

Since everyone is in the battle zone at this time, it can be said that the situation is not safe. Here you can meet greedy mercenaries, hungry and ferocious monsters, and even Balrogs.

Of course, with the strength of the team, most of the dangers could not threaten them.

However, this does not mean that the group can relax their vigilance. Some vigilance is essential. After all, once they are ambushed by a large-scale Balrog, they will inevitably flee in embarrassment and even suffer losses.

Looking at the vast and lifeless land in front of him, Allen couldn't help frowning. It's been such a long time, and Mingke only told him that the destination was the Kezira Volcanoes, and he didn't reveal what the mission was at all. , making people scratch their heads.

The Kezira Volcanic Group is very famous in the Fireland, because it is the most dangerous volcano group in the entire Fireland. There are more than a hundred complete volcanoes, and half of the volcanoes are erupting every moment. It seems that there is no dormant period. .

Many of the mercenary groups that went to the Kezira volcanoes to hunt monsters and collect cultivation resources were wiped out. After a long time, the reputation of the Kezira volcanoes spread.

After Ming Ke said that the destination was the Kezira Volcanic Group, the people in the team were very resistant and even shouted to give up. After all, they had spent such a high price to be promoted to high-level knights, and no one wanted to die.

Even Allen was stunned when he heard this. Even Chaofan didn't dare to face the volcanic eruption directly. If he was hit by the hot lava from the eruption, Chaofan would be choked up.

Fortunately, Mingke explained that they do not need to enter the Kezira Volcanic Group, otherwise Alan estimated that at least half of the team at this time would be lost.

"Stop, set up camp here tonight, and set off tomorrow morning"

The team came to a concave slope, Ming Ke, who was walking in front, looked up at the sky, waved his hand and said.

After driving for half a day, even if everyone's body can bear it, they will inevitably feel a little depressed. Besides, it will be dark soon, and the night in the fire realm is not the home of human beings. It is a wise choice to stop and rest for the night.

Everyone jumped off the back of the black rhino in unison, grouped the black rhinos into four groups, set up warning devices around them, and assigned personnel to keep watch at the same time to ensure that everything was safe.

Allen took Barton and sat down on the edge, eating the food that Old Doce had prepared yesterday.

At this time, Allen's eyes flickered, and his thoughts turned sharply. According to his judgment, Xueming City decided to make a big move this time. It seemed to be planning something, and Chaofan was very likely to participate. The location was basically Definitely the Kezira Volcanoes.

And since Allen and others joined in, it means that they are also part of this operation, but Mingke said before that no one needs to enter the volcano group. Could it be that this mission is for them to watch outside?

He didn't believe that Xueming City hired them at a huge price just to watch the show, but no one knew what their mission was unless Mingke disclosed it in advance.

As night fell, the blood-purple moonlight shone down, but was polluted by the dark dust in the sky, like shining a beam of black light into the dark space, which was useless.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the camp was extremely dark. Even if Alan had eaten the Siren Eye, he could barely see things within a hundred meters vaguely under the cover of gray dust.

This is also the reason why human beings basically don't choose to fight the Balrog in the dark. Compared with the Balrog, human beings are more restricted in this kind of area.

The Balrog family came from the volcanic Phoenix Island, and they were born with a pair of eyes that could adapt to such an environment. Even in such darkness, they could barely hunt.

The night was dark, except for the occasional whistling of the wind, the surroundings were extremely quiet. Even the black rhino closed its eyes and did not make any movement, and there was no fire in the camp. Most of them have been in the wild for many years. Mercenaries naturally wouldn't make such common-sense mistakes.

In the middle of the night, under the darkness, dozens of figures slowly approached the camp of Allen and others. They were wandering around, wandering around the camp without making a sound as they walked, as if they were observing something.

The two high-ranking knights who were on guard didn't notice at all. The night and the environment seemed to limit their perception, and the figure under the darkness was staring at them.

Suddenly, those dozens of figures no longer hesitated, like a pack of wolves pouncing on food in the dark, they let out a low growl and rushed towards the camp.

In an instant, an explosion sounded, and the trap placed by the team on the outside was triggered. Once this trap device called "Gary Bead" is activated, as long as a creature steps on it within a three-meter radius, it will explode immediately, and its power will vary. Small, but the fire and sound of the explosion are huge.

The two high-ranking knights who were guarding the night were stunned for a moment, then reacted and shouted: "Enemy attack!!"

(End of this chapter)

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