Ambition Lord

Chapter 59

Chapter 59
In the morning, Qinghuang Castle.

The territory's recruitment plan from Baishiling has ended. A total of [-] recruits have been called into the army, and they are divided into three squadrons by Allen, the first squadron of the Qinghuang Knights, the sixth squadron, and the seventh and eighth squadron. The most important thing now is to focus on training.

Allen was just about to visit the recruit training situation when he got the information brought by Andy.

The whole village of Yuantu Village in Bicaoling was slaughtered!

Allen paused in his heart, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Andy, what do you think of this matter!"

"Lord Baron! The massacre of Yuantu Village took place at dawn today. After investigation, the Shadow Division detectives found that most of the people in the village were mutilated, which seems to be done by wild animals, but the subordinates guess that this should be done by humans!"

Andy thought to himself, when the agents of the Shadow Division arrived at the scene, they were stunned by the scene. The whole village was slaughtered, and the corpses were scattered all over the village.

"But there is a doubt!" Andy added.

"Oh! Talk about it."

"That's right, when the spies observed the corpses, they found that most of these corpses had obvious marks of beating with blunt objects! This is probably the cause of death of these people, but the subordinates don't understand why the murderer dismembered the corpses! If you want to cover up the cause of death , that should not leave traces of the blunt weapon beating!"

"Dismemberment?" Alan suddenly felt palpitations. He was killing enemies with blunt instruments, and he also liked to dismember corpses!The use of blunt weapons shows that the murderer should be a human-like race with flexible hands. In addition, he likes to dismember the corpse after killing, so Allen guessed.

Allen the wolf man is indeed not very familiar with it. He only found a few words from the library of Viscount Bernard and the family study. After the death of the enemy, he took pleasure in dismembering the corpse, which corresponds to what happened in Yuantu Village one by one, which is very consistent.

The reason why Alan didn't guess that it was done by humans is that Yuantu Village is close to the sea. Except for the sea route, you can only get to Yuantu Village from Baishiling and Bicaoling. A group of people passed through the baron's territory, and they couldn't escape the detection of Allen and Baron Boots.

Plus the average person would never be so bored as to dismember a corpse, so the answer is obvious.

Thinking of this, Alan was a little worried. If his guess was correct, where did these gnolls come from?And how did you get to Bicaoling?What is the purpose of coming here?
There have been no wolf men in Kane Principality for many years, and the information about jackals he knows is also from books. Allen doesn't even know what jackals look like. A black dragon mountain range combines jackals and Kane. The principality stands in the way!

And there are only three ways for Jackals to come to the Principality of Kane. The first is to cross the sea and bypass the Black Dragon Mountains to reach the Principality of Kane.

The second is to reach the Principality of Kane across the unimaginable Black Dragon Mountain Range.

The third is to be sold as slaves to the Principality of Kane by human merchants.

However, because the Principality of Kane refuses foreign caravan trade, no caravans from other countries have come to the Principality of Kane for many years, and the third kind is out of the question.

However, judging from the current situation, only the first two are the most likely.However, even if there are two methods, it is extremely difficult. There are storms, sea monsters and pirates on the sea, and there are a large number of monsters living in the Black Dragon Mountain Range, and the forests are tall and dense, making it difficult to distinguish the direction.

But now that these gnolls have disappeared, Allen suspects that they have hid in the Black Dragon Mountain Range, and there is no trace to be found.

However, these jackals are indeed a hidden danger to the Qinghuang collar. No one knows when they will attack the Qinghuang collar. Allen does not want the village to be massacred in his territory.

However, since these gnolls could not be caught for the time being, Allen could only ask the Shadow Section to set up secret sentries around the Qinghuang Territory, and the Qinghuang Knights patrolled near the border of the Territory every day.

"The baron, should we give Baron Buzz a word!" Andy asked.

After all, Yuantu Village is quite close to Baishiling. From the geographical point of view, Bicao Town can be bypassed. Only Baishiling can attack Yuantu Village. It is estimated that Baishiling was the first suspect of Baron Buzz.

"No, since Baron Buzz can think of joining us, it means he's not stupid, and he certainly won't suspect that it was my Qinghuang collar who did it." Alan narrowed his eyes and said slowly.


At this moment in the Catch Fort, the angry Baron Buzz stared at Osmond, who was below him.

Buzz said bitterly: "Osmond, when I returned to Fishing Fort, I handed over the Bicao collar to you to guard, but look at what you have done! A village! A whole village was wiped out! Now Bi Caoling is panicking!"

"Lord Baron, this is my subordinate's dereliction of duty, and I, Osmond, would like to punish him!" Osmond lowered his head, ashamedly said.

"Alas!" Boots sighed, even if he punished Osmond now, it would be of no use, the matter had already happened.

"How's the investigation going! Have you found out who did it?" A cold light flashed in Baron Buzz's angry red eyes.

"My lord, no, there is no murderer at all. Judging from the specific situation, the only suspect now is... Baron Allen!" Osmond said uncertainly.

"Alan? No, it's impossible!" Boots didn't quite believe that it was Alan's doing. After all, it was the time when the two territories joined hands, and Alan couldn't do anything to a small village, let alone massacre a village. No good for Allen!

"That may also come from the sea?" Osmond asked with some doubts.

"Sea? Kraken? No, Yuantu Village is far from the sea. Although the sea monster can walk on land, it can't go that far at all!" Baron Buzz denied.

"My lord, there are not only sea monsters, but also pirates!" Osmond reminded.

"Pirate!" Buzz was startled. It is really possible that this thing was done by pirates. Pirates are murderous. Pirates often do this massacre of villages.

Boots shook his head helplessly. If those pirates really did this, then this revenge will be hard to avenge!
When the pirates plundered, they would flee by boat after the plunder. Now these pirates probably have returned to the sea. With the strength of the catch leader, they can't find them at all. How can I take revenge!

Seeing that there was no hope of revenge, Baron Buzz could only keep this matter in his heart, put it down, and see if he could catch this group of pirates in the future.

"The most important thing right now is to stabilize the situation in Bi Cao Ling, Osmond, you spread the news about the pirates attacking Yuantu Village, but tell the citizens of Bi Cao Ling to not panic, the pirates have been defeated by the soldiers in the territory , was driven back to the sea!" Now Baron Buzz can only do this in order to stabilize the situation in Bi Caoling.

"Yes!" Osmond nodded in response, and hurried to Bicaoling.


 Please recommend, collect...


(End of this chapter)

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