Ambition Lord

Chapter 69 Cavalry Charge

Chapter 69 Cavalry Charge
Going down the high slope, only more than 400 meters away from the chaotic battle, Allen rushed down the high slope with the Qinghuang Knights, and the Kung Fu Knights were getting closer and closer to the battlefield in the blink of an eye!
Suddenly the sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded from the right side, which really startled Baron Jean. A large number of cavalry appeared on the right side of the army. Baron Jean didn't expect that there was an enemy army hidden on his right side. I was terrified, but unfortunately the battlefield was changing rapidly, and I didn't react at all. The enemy army arrived in front of me...

At this time, Baron Jean was fighting with Baron Boots. Although Baron Boots was powerful and experienced in fighting, he had a broken hand after all, so the fight with Baron Jean was inextricably linked, and no one could do anything about it. Nobody!
The sudden change made Jean's hair stand on end. Baron Jean called out to Joseph who was not far away: "Joseph! Quickly lead a group of soldiers to block the cavalry on the right! Quick! Don't let him rush in!"

"Ha! Ha! Gene! Didn't expect that! Baron Allen hasn't come out yet! I'm going to bury you here today!" Baron Buzz laughed loudly.

In fact, Baron Booth has already scolded Allen as a bastard thousands of times in his heart. For this raid, Baron Allen's [-] cavalry are the key. After waiting for a long time, there is no sign of Allen.

If Alan doesn't make a move again, I won't be able to stand it anymore, but fortunately, this guy Alan showed up at the last minute!

Baron Jean ignored Baron Boots' sarcasm, suppressed the panic in his heart, and continued to fight Boots, but Baron Jean's attacks became more and more fierce!
Joseph, who dodged a cavalryman's battle sword and knocked him off his horse, quickly turned his horse's head when he heard Baron Jean's shout, and rushed to the right with a group of soldiers under him.

Ignoring Joseph and the others who were defending on the right, when the distance was shortened to only 200 meters, Allen ordered indifferently: "Throw it! Pick up the spear and pierce them!"

I saw Allen gave an order, the Blue Desolate Knights in the front one, two, three, three squadrons of three hundred crossbow cavalry slowed down, and the fifth squadron of one hundred spear cavalry in the rear became the front line, with three hundred crossbow cavalry behind, The team used Allen and the knights as arrows to form a triangular formation and rushed forward.

After Allen gave the order, the three hundred crossbow cavalry also pulled the crossbows one by one, shooting cold iron arrows into the air, piercing into the crowd like lightning.

Three hundred arrows completely covered the right side of Baron Jean's army, and Joseph on the right side also noticed the arrows shooting from the sky.

It's a bow and arrow!Joseph recognized it, and his hair stood on end. Joseph knew the power of the bow and arrow, and the lethality was amazing!

Joseph wanted to remind the soldiers under him to be careful, but it was too late, the figure of the arrow gradually enlarged between the pupils of the soldiers, approaching quickly!

"Ah! Uh..." Accompanied by bursts of piercing sound, the soldiers on the right side of Baron Jean's army screamed incessantly, bursts of blood rose into the sky and scattered on the battlefield. Joseph only had time to avoid a bullet that hit his chest As soon as his eyes blurred, another arrow hit his left shoulder, and he fell off the horse!
Only 100 arrows caused the loss of more than half of Joseph's defense on the right side, nearly [-] people were killed in battle, and even dozens of cavalrymen under Joseph's command were killed or injured!

Allen did not give the enemy a chance to breathe. The short distance was too short to rewind the Qinghuang crossbow again. After the [-] crossbow cavalry behind shot the arrows, they quickly hung the Qinghuang crossbow on the side of the horse. Buttons specially used for hanging crossbows.

Then three hundred cavalry raised their spears again, followed behind the fifth squadron, and launched an impact to the right!

The large number of deaths of comrades-in-arms around made the soldiers on the right side of Baron Jean panic-stricken. The tall horses charging head-on, with their spears glowing with cold light, put enormous pressure on these soldiers who had not enlisted for a long time, and they were sweating profusely. Not having the courage to resist, he stared at the cavalry approaching with ashen ashes, and became dazed!
The blow of the crossbow arrows had already made the enemy army on the right sparse, and Allen took the lead, and the triangle array was directly inserted into the enemy army on the right.

For a moment, like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, under the huge impact of the horses, all the enemy soldiers on the right were rushed back a few meters away, spears pierced their chests, screams were heard endlessly, corpses lay all over the ground, the whole The right side of the enemy was pierced by the Knights of the Blue Desolation, and even Joseph, who got up to fight back, was taken away by Allen, and the body lay there quietly.

Without looking back or stopping, the Blue Wilderness Knights, led by Allen, who was already an intermediate knight, continued to rush forward thinking about the enemy's central army. Allen's order was to cut through the entire enemy army, not just the enemy's right.

There was no surprise at all, the Knights of the Blue Desolation were like a rampant dragon, galloping recklessly on the battlefield, piercing Baron Jean's center and left side one after another, passing through from the left side.

After one impact, the cavalry of the Blue Desolate Knights basically suffered no losses. Most of the sharp spears pierced through the body of one soldier, and some even exceeded two.

An attack by the Blue Desolate Knights not only interrupted the formation of Baron Jean's army, but also took the lives of more than 500 people. The army of 300 people was almost crippled. The army is also constantly consuming the strength of Baron Jean, and now there are only about 500 soldiers left under Baron Jean, which is a heavy loss!

"Alan! I hate it! You wait for me!"

At this time, Baron Jean, who noticed this scene, was burning with anger. His eyes were red and he glared at the back of the horse sitting on the right side. If it wasn't for Allen, he wouldn't be in such a miserable situation today, and he might have subdued Bi Cao town!
Considering the current situation, Baron Jean knew that things could not be done, so he could only retreat with the remaining soldiers in resentment.

"Retreat! Retreat! Aqis, retreat!" Gene roared, commanding Aqis who was not far away, and then slashed Baron Buzz back in front of him with a sword, then turned his horse's head and prepared to retreat into the valley with the remnant soldiers !
Aqis was also unambiguous, and followed closely. He knew that now was not the time to think about earning military merits. If he put his life in it, it would be worthless. No one on the battlefield cared about whether he was the leader of the night. Son of the Viscount!

Except for the dead Joseph, two other hired knights died under the impact of the Blue Desolate Knights. Only Biqier, who was the strongest, survived, but Biqier had a record on his right shoulder. He was also injured!

Sensing that Baron Jean wanted to retreat, of course Baron Booth could not let him succeed easily, and decisively led the soldiers to pursue the victory, causing Baron Jean, who had only more than 500 soldiers, to lose more than 200 soldiers again.

It's a pity that after this, Baron Buzz can hardly fail to catch up, because now there are only more than 200 cavalry left under Baron Jean's command, and the infantry in the team have been killed by Baron Buzz who is chasing up because their escape speed is too slow kill them all.

 Thanks to "Flying Number" for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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