Ambition Lord

Chapter 71 The end of the catch collar

Chapter 71 The end of the catch collar
After learning that the elemental grass was indeed taken away by Viscount Curry, Allen didn't ask Archis any other questions, but ordered the cavalry to tie Archis up and prepare to take him back to the Green Desolation Territory.

It is actually very simple to kill Aqis now, but Aqis's identity has to be considered. After all, in the current situation of the Qinghuang leader, it is not a good choice to anger the night leader.

After ordering Archis to be brought on the horse, Allen returned with the Knights.

It took less than half an hour from chasing into the canyon to leading the knights out of the canyon.

When Allen and the Knights returned to the battlefield, they happened to meet Baron Buzz who wanted to leave.

At this time, there were only more than 300 people left in Baron Buzz's army, and some of them were wounded. When he noticed Alan who was coming from behind, Baron Buzz's face was a little cloudy.

"What? Baron Buzz wanted to leave before he came back!" Allen said in a deep voice, then raised his arm violently.

The Blue Desolate Knights understood, and the four squadrons quickly surrounded Baron Buzz's team, the three squadrons raised their black green wild crossbows, and the fifth squadron raised their spears.

Seeing the cavalry surrounding him, Baron Booth raised his eyebrows and blinked for a moment, then turned and glared at Allen behind him!
"Baron Allen! What are you doing!"

Baron Buzz had already noticed that Allen had 300 cavalry under his command, and after this battle, there were only more than [-] men left, and everyone was injured. After returning with the cavalry, it is possible to kill yourself!

Baron Buzz couldn't help secretly regretting that he shouldn't have had a fluke mentality and coveted the spoils on the battlefield. He was dizzy at the time, thinking that he could clean up the battlefield before Allen returned with the cavalry and return to Bicao Town.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to leave, he ran into Alan who was returning!
"What did I do? Don't Baron Buzz know? Get ready!" Allen narrowed his eyes and ordered to the soldiers.

Following Allen's order, the crossbow cavalry who received the order began to aim the star chasing of the blue crossbow at Baron Buzz's team, and the soldiers of the Fifth Squadron holding their spears even raised their spears high, The meaning of threat is more obvious.

The surrounded soldiers were terrified and desperately squeezed into the crowd, howling loudly, with lingering fear of these killing gods.

Buzz in the front was terrified when he saw the strange weapons held by the cavalry in front of him. Baron Buzz had seen the power of these things before. They looked like bows and arrows.

Baron Buzz knew that if he resisted, under the cover of these arrows, none of his people would be able to escape!
Baron Buzz, who was sweating profusely behind his back, turned around and came to Allen, bowed his head and said, "I am the Catchment Leader and submit to the Green Desolation Leader!"

"Baron Boots! Kill yourself! I promise you, I will let you catch the Aaron family!" Allen said indifferently, looking at Baron Boots in front of him.

As long as the goal can be easily achieved, Alan doesn't want to cause more killings, but Baron Buzz must die. After all, he has been operating the fishery for many years. If he is allowed to live, it will greatly hinder Alan's rule of the fishery in the future.

As soon as Baron Boots dies, Aaron will move the rest of the Aaron family who ruled the Fishing Territory to the Qinghuang Territory. It won't take long for the Aaron family's influence in the Fishing Territory to collapse.

Baron Booth's expression changed, and he glanced at Allen in disbelief, and found that his eyes were firm and indifferent, and sighed in his heart, knowing that he could not escape this disaster.

"Okay! I hope you don't break your promise!" Baron Buzz smiled wryly, his face pale, and he lifted the sword in his hand with his only right hand.

Baron Butz knew that if he didn't agree, not only himself and others would die, but also the Aaron family would not be able to survive. The end of competing for the Viscount is so cruel, and Alan is showing mercy right now!
"What! Baron! You can't agree!" Osmond next to him gritted his teeth and was about to step forward to stop him.

As for Yves, who was the same as Osmond, he had already died in the battlefield just now.

"Osmond! Get back!...Take care of the Aaron family for me!" After Buzz shouted him back, he immediately raised his long sword and slid it towards his neck. The cold light swept over him, and Baron Buzz fell down.

"Lord Baron!" Osmond ran forward, approaching the dead Boots.

"Antonio! Disarm them, and bring Baron Buzz's body back." Allen ordered.

"Yes! Lord Baron!" Antonio replied.

Soon the remaining fighters of the Yuhuo collar were disarmed, and the soldiers of the Qinghuang collar tied them up. With Baron Buzz's suicide, the battle on behalf of the Musen collar officially ended.

Without hesitation, Allen returned to Baishi Town with the Blue Desolate Knights and a group of surrendered soldiers.


At this time, Baron Er Er, the horse breeder, had just arrived in his horse raising town. Looking at the calm and calm Yangma Town in front of him, Baron Er Er was puzzled, where are the people in Musen City?Is it not here yet?Baron Er felt in his heart.

At this time, a cavalry leader of the horse breeder returned, got off his horse and saluted in front of Baron Er and said: "Master Baron, the latest information, the army of Musen City has returned to the same road after advancing one kilometer from Yangma Town. Wooden City."

Baron Er's heart skipped a beat, he felt that something was wrong with this matter, and then thought of the incident of the repatriation of soldiers from Bicao Town, and shouted that he had been fooled and fell into Musencheng's tricks.

Baron Er is regretful and impatient. If the prediction is correct, the guy Jean’s goal must be Bicao Town. Unfortunately, it’s too late to say anything now. It takes six or seven to go from Yangma Town to Bicao Town. Hours, when he led his troops there, Baron Er estimated that the war was over!
Now that it is irreparable, Baron Er can only send cavalry in the territory to scout around Bicao Town to find out the latest battle situation, while he guards the horse collar and does not go out easily to prevent the town from being attacked again.

Allen, who brought the Knights back to the White Stone Collar, was not idle either. After a short rest, he began to give orders.

"Now, order Tony to lead the Fifth Squadron to the Iron Stone Territory and occupy the Iron Stone Territory."

"Tony takes orders!" Tony in the next crowd responded.

"Order Antonio to return to Qinghuang Town, lead the [-] squadrons in Qinghuang Town to occupy the Bicao collar and the fishing collar, and remember to bring the Aaron family back."

"Yes! Lord Baron!" Antonio nodded in response.

"That's right! Antonio, you return to Qinghuang Town this time, and bring Aqis back to Qinghuang Town and lock him up tightly!"


As for Allen, after giving the order, he took one, two, three, three squadrons and rushed to Baron Jean's base camp non-stop, where there was the magical plant firewood vine that Allen dreamed of.

This time Allen not only wanted to occupy the Muteng collar, but also launched an attack on the Jinsen collar next to the Muvine collar. Not long after Allen returned to Baishi Town, he received the latest information about the Jinmori collar from Andy, and the Jinmori collar hid The power of the army is secretly gathering towards Jinsen Town.

(End of this chapter)

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