Ambition Lord

Chapter 9 Recruitment and Exposure

Chapter 9 Recruitment and Exposure

This year, Qing Huangling received about 6000 gold dragons in taxes, but most of them were collected in the form of wheat. Only by selling the wheat through caravans could they get real gold dragons.

Inside the baron's castle of Qinghuangling.

"Master, all the taxes for the territory have been collected without any omissions, which is much smoother than in previous years." Carey smiled.

"The tax has been reduced by [-]%. Of course they are active." Allen said with a smile.

Antonio next to him also changed from normal, and smiled on his previously stiff face.

Allen looked at Antonio with a half-smile, of course he knew what Antonio was thinking.

Before all the taxes are paid in, Allen plans to arrange the recruitment of soldiers in advance.

"Okay, let's talk about the expansion of the army first. I plan to recruit 300 more people. First of all, the strength of the cavalry is given priority. Only people under the age of 40 and over the age of 18 are recruited. Those with more brothers in the family are given priority." Allen explained the conditions for recruiting soldiers one by one. Tell Antonio, command Antonio to carry out.

"By the way, half of the unsold grain will be used as rations for the soldiers in the future."

Allen plans to use the golden dragons obtained from selling wheat to buy meat to improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers in the future, expecting more and more soldiers to break through the cavalry.

Thinking of the huge increase in the number of cavalry under his command, Allen was also secretly delighted.

According to Allen's understanding, nobles in this world don't like to keep a standing army. The Qinghuang Territory used to have 200 standing armies, which is already a lot compared to other baronies.

It is rumored that the Viscount Bernard has only 400 standing troops, but the number of cavalry in the army is relatively large.

Nobles are greedy. If it wasn’t for maintaining the security of their territory, they might not even have a standing army. Nobles are very rich, but they don’t spend money on the army. Whenever there is a war between two territories, civilians are recruited to pull out 1000 soldiers. There are many people, but the combat effectiveness is worrying, just like children fighting.

After Carey and Antonio left, Allen took Barton, Barry and Bud towards the castle dungeon.

The reason for going to the dungeon is because the spy who was discovered last month has been captured.

But the mouth is very stiff. It has been three days without saying a word. Allen went to check the situation today.

After taking the three of them down three flights of stairs, the four of them came to the dungeon of the castle. The dungeon was dark, with only a few oil lamps hanging on the wall.

The dungeons of the castle generally do not hold prisoners, and the prisoners are usually detained in the prison of the government affairs office, but due to the special circumstances this time, they can only be detained in the dungeon of the castle.

Thinking of this, Allen couldn't help but feel that the power of government affairs is too great, and it seems that the law enforcement power of the Government Affairs Office must be independent, Allen thought to himself.


In the depths of the dungeon, screams came, and the jailer was torturing the spies.

Bringing the three of them closer, Allen saw three spies tied to a wooden frame, and they couldn't see a piece of good meat all over their bodies, so they didn't say a word. Allen also admired the loyalty of these people.

"I am the lord of this territory—Alan Charles, I am sure you will be familiar with it."

"I don't know who is the leader among them. Don't worry, as long as you tell me which lord is behind the scenes, I swear to spare your life." people said.

"Lord, don't need to say anything, please give us a good time! Don't waste your energy." Allen looked at the speaker among the three, a middle-aged man with bloodstains on his face and brown hair stained with blood. .

Allen looked at the man who was obviously the leader of the three, and really admired the courage of this man, but Allen never believed that anyone would be loyal enough to give up his life.

"Do you think that your family will be safe if you don't say anything to your death?" Allen looked at the three of them sarcastically.These people are really stupid and naive.

"Three, believe it or not, I'm spreading the news of the arrest of the three of you now. Your family—well, whether it's your lovely children, your loving wife, or your elderly parents will not end well."

"You don't naively think that your behind-the-scenes lord will be kind enough to help you take care of your family. If it were me, I would throw away things that are not worth using." Allen laughed teasingly. Watching the three gradually lose control, the three did not speak.

Seeing that Allen was about to leave, the leading man couldn't hold on anymore.

"Wait don't go! I said."

There is a play, Allen is overjoyed, it seems that what he said is still very effective!

Of course, Alan didn't deceive them either, the nobles in this world have never been of high moral character.

Allen signaled the jailer to let the three of them down.

"It's Baron Kurit, we were sent to poison... poison the baron."

"Then why didn't you evacuate when you found out that the plan failed? And what was the reason for assassinating me?" Allen asked curiously.

"Lord Baron, after the plan failed, Lord Ji'an asked us to stay in Qinghuang Town, monitor the movements of Lord Baron, and report to him every seven days."

"As for the reason for murdering your lord, I'm not too sure..."

After watching the three of them tell what they knew, Alan was not interested in watching them anymore, so he asked the three of them to continue to return to their original residence, and sent someone to guard them, so that they could send out information as planned, so as not to reveal that they had been discovered .

He also promised to send someone to protect their family and take them over when the time is right.

Allen knows Baron Currit very well, and it can even be said that Baron Currit is well-known in the entire Wooden Territory.

Baron Kurit was privately ridiculed by the entire Wooden Land nobles as a useless baron.

Baron Kurit looks ugly, but he has a beautiful older sister who was married by Viscount Bernard as his concubine, and he is deeply loved by Viscount Bernard.

Aiwu and Baron Ukurit were conferred the title of Iron Stone Baron without meritorious service, holding three hematite ores in their hands, which dissatisfied the entire Musen collar nobles.

However, he is called a waste baron because he has never been promoted to a low-level knight, but he is still a cavalryman in his thirties.And his methods are cruel, and there are often rumors that he tortured and killed maids.

Allen didn't know why Kurit assassinated him, but he wouldn't sit still.

He recruited Andy, and spent luck to get a training manual for intelligence personnel from the original pearl, allowing Andy to organize the establishment of an intelligence department.Allen served as the director of the intelligence department, and Andy served as the deputy director.

Information is very important at any time. If Allen wants to get all kinds of information at any time, it is necessary to establish a territory's own intelligence organization.

In addition to the base camp of Qinghuangling, the first place the intelligence department wants to break into is Tieshiling, monitoring every move of Tieshiling, and breaking into the interior to obtain some information.

After the planning of the intelligence department was handed over to Andy, Alan started today's knight training. After these days of continuous training, Alan gradually discovered that he did not rely on the ability of elemental attachment, and his own strength was getting closer and closer to the limit of low-level knights. One hundred kilograms is equivalent to the strength of half a ton.

Now Allen estimates that he can be besieged by a hundred knights without losing the wind. Of course, these hundred people are not wearing armor.If he faced the heavily armed elite centurion cavalry, he would also be defeated on the battlefield.

This is also the reason why knights have always charged in groups, rather than going deep alone.

(End of this chapter)

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