Ambition Lord

Chapter 98 Reagan County

Chapter 98 Reagan County

The Earl of Reagan is located in the southwest corner of the entire Principality of Kane, with the Earl of Andre to the north and the Marquis of Lane to the east. These two territories are ruled by the Andre Family and the Lane Family, which is also the origin of the names of the two territories.

At this time, Earl Regan directly ruled the Twilight Territory, and Earl Dennis Regan was listening to the report of the sheriff Uriah.

"My lord, a large-scale battle between the blue water collar and the sea monster has broken out. Now more than half of the blue water collar army has been killed or injured. The blue water viscount is asking for your help, and I hope you can send troops to help."

Bluewater Territory is located in the east of Musen Territory, bordering on Musen Territory. Compared with Musen Territory, where large ports cannot be established by the sea, Blue Water Territory has many deep-water ports on the coast of the Territory due to its superior geographical location. It is the shipping that carries the entire Reagan County.

If you want to sail in the evil black sea, you need special ships. There are dozens of special wooden ships in the blue collar. Relying on these special wooden ships, the blue water collar develops maritime trade and vigorously develops commerce. It relies on these special wooden ships every year. There are several viscounts around, and sometimes go to the Marquis of Lane for commercial trade.

The special products in each territory are transported to other territories, thus making the entire Blue Water Territory's commercial strength developed, and strengthening the commercial exchanges of each territory. There are many merchants, and its economic strength is second to none in the entire Reagan Earldom.

For example, in the fishing port of Musenling, there are often fleets of blue water collars coming to trade.

Of course, so many specially-made wooden boats cannot be produced by Bluewater Collar. Of course, Earl Reagan is involved in this, and Earl Reagan can earn a lot of Golden Dragons in Bluewater Collar every year.

Similar to the fishing collar, if you want to develop maritime trade and build ports, you must resist the ubiquitous sea monsters in the evil black sea.

Compared with small fishing ports, Blue Water Territory, which has several large ports and seven or eight small ports, is much more strongly attacked by Krakens. Even the Viscount Bluewater will suffer a large number of casualties.

Not long ago, a small number of Kraken attacks appeared in several large ports in Blue Water Territory. The nobles in Blue Water Territory knew that this was a precursor to a large-scale attack by Kraken.

Sure enough, just yesterday, a large-scale attack by the Kraken Tribe occurred. Unlike usual, this time the scale of the attack was unprecedented. When the war broke out, the various territories of the Bluewater Territory suffered heavy casualties, and the Viscount Bluewater had to ask for help from the Earl of Reagan. .

After hearing the report from Sheriff Ulea, Earl Reagan frowned tightly and did not speak.

Seeing that Earl Reagan didn't reply, Uriah continued.

"Some time ago, the Musen Territory finally stabilized. In the end, the Charles family wiped out the other baronies and became the only candidate for the Musen Viscounty Territory."

"Huh! The Charles family? That green collar? The young baron?" Earl Reagan raised his eyebrows, becoming interested.

After the death of Viscount Mu Sen, the Mu Sen collar will automatically enter the battle for viscount. This is a rule issued by Earl Reagan, and it is basically a rule that is going on in the entire Scarlet Continent.

Earl Reagan only observed the major baron families in the Musen Territory when Viscount Musen died. After understanding the strength of each family's territory, he had a rough idea of ​​which families might become Viscount Musen in the end. Guess, of course, there is no Qinghuang collar among them.

In other words, Earl Reagan was not optimistic about the Qinghuang collar at the beginning, but now the Qinghuang collar that he was not optimistic about stood out, which surprised Earl Reagan.

"Yes, Lord Earl! According to the last battle between Baron Qinghuang and Baron Jinmori, Baron Qinghuang should have been promoted to a middle-level knight early, and there are many low-level knights in his territory. It is guessed that the Baron Qinghuang probably obtained some opportunities to allow him to grow to this point in a short period of time." Uriah said.

"Opportunity? Ha! Ha! This Baron Qinghuang is indeed extraordinary. The youngest mid-level knight in the entire Earl of Reagan, it is also extraordinary to be able to unify the Musen collar at a young age." Earl Reagan smiled and praised Allen one two.

"The Earl! How about...send someone to Mu Senling to find out what kind of opportunity this Baron Qinghuang got." Yulia suggested after thinking about it.

"No, since the Baron Qinghuang got the chance, it should belong to him. My Reagan family is not rascal enough to snatch the viscount's property. Isn't this going to make other families laugh?"

Earl Reagan didn't care about this. Even if the Baron Qinghuang got a little chance to break through to the middle-level knight, it would not threaten the status of his Reagan family at all, and there was no need to do such a thing.

"My lord, the lesson is!" Uriah said in shame.

"By the way! Isn't the blue water leader going to support? Originally, I only planned to let the flying fish leader send troops to support, now let's add the wood forest leader! And let Baron Qinghuang come to the twilight collar to accept after the sea monster recedes Canonized, I hope he won't let me down!"

"Yes! Lord Earl."

"Is there anything else?" Earl Regan asked when he realized that Uriah hadn't left yet.

"Yes! It's... about the gold iron collar and the nightingale collar!" Uriah said hesitantly.

"Tell me! Could it be that the two guys, Joshua and Gao Wei, are fighting again!" Earl Reagan's facial muscles trembled slightly after hearing this.

The Joshua that Earl Reagan said was Viscount Joshua Frank of the Golden Iron Collar, and Govey was the Viscount of the Nightingale Collar, Gowe Zeny, who was the uncle of Bernard, the eldest son of Viscount Yuan Musen.

"Recently, a small hematite mine was discovered on the border between the Golden Iron Territory and the Nightingale Territory. The two viscounts both felt that the iron ore mine belonged to their territory, so a conflict broke out between the two territories after a disagreement, causing casualties. Many people, the armies of the two territories are already confronting each other at the border." Ulea also said with a wry smile.

Although the value of this small iron mine is quite high, it will not let the two territories reach the point of shopping. In the final analysis, the two territories have enmity early, and conflicts often break out. The iron mine is just an introduction That's all.

Ulea remembered that when he first became a sheriff, the conflict between the two territories already existed, and from time to time, the army would be assembled to fight, but so many times there was no result, and it was a situation where both sides suffered.

Earl Reagan rubbed his head.

"Reply to those two guys, half of the iron mine is for each person, stop fighting. If you don't listen to the warning, the share of the blue water caravan this year will be halved by the two of their territories."

"Understood, Lord Earl!"

Ulea was filled with admiration in her heart, and secretly thought that the Earl was really clever, and threatened the two viscounts with the proceeds from the blue water caravan, and he was not afraid that the two viscounts would not submit.

The blue water caravan is the caravan established by the blue water leader who heard about the special wooden boat. Not only Earl Reagan participated in it, but even the other viscounts of the Earl of Reagan also had a share in it. , the share is automatically transferred to Alan.

Each viscounty territory will get a large amount of golden dragons for the blue water caravan's income every year. Now if the share of the two territories is halved, those two territories will lose a large amount of golden dragons.

 Thanks to the book friend "Feiyanghao" for the reward, thank you.

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(End of this chapter)

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