Mage Veja

Chapter 116 Accompany you to the end!

Chapter 116 Accompany you to the end!

"You came."

"I am coming."

"You shouldn't have come."

"I know."

"Yet you came anyway."

Silence, deathly silence.

The dawn moon opened, the curtains moved slightly, and Vega and Gunther Burton sat opposite each other in the room.

Gunther Burton picked up a cup of warm coffee on the table, and took a sip. Even at home, he was still wearing a serious military uniform, and his slightly frowned brows had almost twisted since he saw Vega. up.


The pendulum of the western clock kept shaking, and neither of them spoke.

Vega didn't say anything, he was waiting for Ganser's reply, but Ganser didn't speak, he was guessing the purpose of Vega's trip.


In this turmoil, he didn't want to have too much contact with Veigar. Once he was witnessed to be in contact with Veigar, it would not only lower his evaluation in the army, but even bring displeasure to the judicial system.

Just two days ago.

When Veigar absconded in fear of crime and was listed as a wanted criminal by the judicial system.

The prosecutor of the trial system once brought people to understand the situation, and he firmly denied that he was familiar with Vega almost immediately, but due to work reasons, he probably met twice.

Although everyone knows that this is simply nonsense.

You, Ganther Burton, are able to sit in this position, thanks to Vega’s contribution, but Ganther Burton still firmly stated that he has no relationship with Vega. This is of course an attitude for the judging system and the upper echelon of the military department to see. .

If someone sees Vega in contact at this time.

Just thinking about it sent a chill down Gunther Burton's back, but there was nothing he could do now.

As for why?
Of course it was because Veigar was too powerful.

His guards, the guards assigned by the army, and even the magician he recruited were not Vega's opponents at all. Ganser was worried that if he sternly refused and forced Vega into a hurry, he might come to his death.

So even if you don't want to.

Gunther Burton finally sighed and stopped being silent.

"Go ahead."

Seeing that Gunther Burton finally let go, Veigar showed a triumphant smile: "Master Brigadier, I want to see the commander-in-chief."


Gunther Burton immediately vetoed it: "I can help you escape from Kareni, and I can even give you a lot of money, but I really can't help you with the matter of meeting the commander-in-chief."

It's not that we can't, but we dare not.

Gunther Burton certainly did not dare to promise Vega this matter.

When the authority of the Wings of the Empire is frozen, it means that Veigar has been abandoned by the military.

This is the military's statement to the entire judicial system, and it also indirectly tells the first-level presiding judge of the judicial system that the Third Army has no intention of breaking the rules of the game, and asks the judicial system to continue to abide by the rules of the game.

What are the rules of the game?

The judicial system does not intervene in cases accepted by the investigation team, and the military does not intervene in cases reported to the judicial system.

This is the hidden rule of the game between the two systems, and the beneficiary in this game is undoubtedly the army.

This is the right that Foster, the commander-in-chief of the Third Army, won with great difficulty at the last Kareni Three Powers Summit, but everything needs to be mastered. Once the army makes progress, it will inevitably accept the crazy resistance of the judicial system .

It is the attitude of the military to sacrifice a Veigar to keep the rules of the game.

And as the newly promoted brigade commander, once he brought a person wanted by the trial system to meet the commander-in-chief, it would be easy for the trial system to misunderstand that the military was planning to break the rules of the game.

Breaking the rules of the game?

The trial system has been waiting for this day for four years, and they can't wait to take back the trial power they were forced to hand over at the Three Powers Summit next year, but the army absolutely does not want to break the rules of the game.

Once he does.

Not to mention that the entire Third Army will not let him go, even the trial system will regard him as a pawn for the army to express its position.

It was targeted by the two largest forces in Kareni.

Just thinking about it made Gunther Burton feel like the end of the world.

But Veija did not intend to let go: "Fleeing from Kareni like a bereaved dog? Will there be better development in a different environment? Heh! I can live with this matter. As long as I can see the commander-in-chief, I will definitely Let him break the rules of the game for me."


Gunther Burton showed a mocking expression for the first time: "Second Lieutenant Vega, oh no, Mr. Wanted, do you know how important this rule of the game is to the Third Army? Get the entire Third Army?"

"A mere third army?" Veigar stood up.

A pale moonlight finally shone on Vega's immature face through the cracks of the crackling curtains.

Gunther Burton saw Veigar's expression.

What words can be used to describe this expression?
Confidence of a strategist?
Gambler's madness?
Out of all the words, probably only the words "confident to crazy" can describe Veigar's expression.

Like a war fanatic with a nuclear bomb button, he said in an extremely crazy tone: "Not enough, not enough at all! Want to be worthy of me? Then please, Your Excellency, first put the entire city of Kareni and the millions of square kilometers of the empire in the north. Let's fight together!"

Veigar leaned over and clapped his hands heavily on the table, making a muffled sound.

An extremely crazy and provocative voice echoed in the room: "Brigade Commander Ganser, I won't tell you where my self-confidence comes from. I just want to ask you, do you dare to bet on this?"

Four eyes facing each other.

What Ganser saw was a look that was even crazier than crazy.

He stared blankly at Veiga. How could this body weighing less than 50kg be compared with the territory of millions of square kilometers in the north of the empire? No normal person would believe such lunatic words.

And he's getting old.

Being able to sit in the position of brigade commander has fulfilled his long-cherished wish in this life, and now there is no need to take risks with this lunatic, not to mention that this is just the other party's unilateral words, regardless of whether they are credible or not, even if they win the bet, they can How about it?
But if you lose the bet, you lose everything.

This person, you still have to be content and happy, and don't think about these unrealistic things.


Gunther Burton drank the coffee in his hand, then slammed it heavily on the table——

"Second Lieutenant Veigar, I, Gunther Burton, will accompany you to the end!"

Gunther Burton's equally crazy voice echoed throughout the room. Even though he had given himself thousands of reasons for rejection, the words turned into an extremely crazy affirmative answer when the words came to his lips.

At this age, one should not be influenced by feelings.

But opportunities come with dangers, and Veigar has never let him down.

If you don't want to pay anything, what can you get?
Let's be crazy like this one last time!

Gunther Burton is not willing to stop here in this life, this time he will either have nothing or reach the sky in one step.

 Uh, that, this... Summoner's Canyon went dark tonight... Ahem, wait a minute, I'll find an excuse.Well, because I updated 6000 words last night, and it flashed to my fingers, so today's chapter of water, please be sure to care for the handicapped author T_T~
(End of this chapter)

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