Mage Veja

Chapter 122 Surname

Chapter 122 Surname
Centuries ago.

The surname is an existence that only nobles can have, and it represents honor, status, and identity.

Even today.

A surname is also a kind of glory. A person with a surname, even if he is reduced to an ordinary person, can proudly hold his head high when attending a rich businessman's banquet.

That's right.

A few short words are more noble than any material adornment, because in modern times, no one can get such a thing as a surname anymore.

No, not really.

There is also the most special way, meritorious service.

But this feat must be so great that even high-ranking generals can hardly match it, and it must even go beyond saving the city.

Save the whole city with one man?
This is not a biography of a hero, let alone a mythical novel.

It is almost impossible to save a city with a population of several million with the meager power of one person.

But it is undeniable that some otherworldly geniuses can do it.

As long as this kind of thing is done that even biographical novels dare not write like this, then after the meeting of the three powers in the city, this person can be given a noble "surname".

Foster Nolan is one of them.

With the surname of the empire, as long as he stands on the territory of the empire, no one dares to point weapons at him.

The same reason.

Taking the name of the city of Kareni as the surname means that as long as you stand on the territory of Kareni, even the top of the three powers of Kareni, the highest executive, cannot arbitrarily treat the holder of the surname conviction.

Unlike medals which may be frozen.

The surname is an honor worthy of any soldier who fights for a lifetime.

It cannot be frozen, it cannot be recycled, it cannot be violated.

A hundred years later, some people may forget the holder of the medal, but the hero named after the city will definitely be engraved in the city's annals and will be immortal for thousands of years.

And this honor.

Even the lord of the city of Kalieni never got it.

This is why Georgia is so surprised that he can't speak. If this person named Vega is awarded this honor, it means that in Kareni City, even if they are the peak of their three rights, at least they cannot Target him in the open.

That's right.

Even if it can't be targeted only on the surface, it is already terrible.

He looked at Foster again, but Foster was not prepared to explain anything, he had already closed his eyes, and seemed not worried that Georgia would not write this chapter.


Georgia shook his head. Now he has a request from Foster, and he has to agree to the other party's request.

Pick up the official seal of the city lord.

Georgia stamped a bright red pattern on this document, and even he was a little envious and jealous of this second lieutenant named Vega, and he dreamed of getting Kareni's surname.

Because of the surname named after the city.

Regardless of the privileges in the city, even if you walk out of Kareni, when people hear your surname, they will respect you, because the whole city stands behind you!

The way to get the surname Kareni is simple.

As long as the meritorious service is high enough to save the city by one person, and then obtain the consent of the two highest officials among the three powers, you can get this surname.

But just the first step, almost no one can do it.


the next day.

Veigar put on his familiar military uniform and came to the headquarters of the A91 Brigade.

The A91 Brigade is a newly established standard brigade with a total of 6000 soldiers and 432 officers.There are 3 standard regiments under the army, one directly under the professional brigade, and one directly under the mage squad.

However, except for officers, mages and professionals, the rest have not carried out systematic training.

Veija's temporary department is the team leader directly under the professional brigade. There are 3 squadrons in the whole brigade with 120 professionals. The average rank of the whole brigade is about level 4 trainee professionals.

But that's enough.

With such a team of professionals, even if it is facing 10 times or even 20 times or 30 times the enemy, it can be crushed in an instant, provided that the opponent does not have professionals.

"Hello sir!"

Wei Jia had just stood on the podium of the school grounds, and the people below stood at attention to say hello.

Apparently they have been notified that an airborne officer will be their captain today.

But what they didn't expect was that this officer was actually the wanted criminal Vega.

That's right.

At this time, Veigar's wanted notice was pasted on the gate of the barracks.

Although he was puzzled, no one came forward to ask questions.

Because Vega was able to stand here, it was obviously an order from his superiors, and they were not cannon fodder soldiers who would not obey discipline, so they had to keep in mind that they had to obey the orders of their superiors.


Vega inspected the 120 professional soldiers below: "From today onwards, I will be your commander. In order to deepen mutual understanding, before the training, please introduce yourself one by one."


"Very well, starting with you."

Veigar pointed to the first soldier in the row with his right hand.

"Reporting to the captain, the 7th team under him, Jackson, a level 5 trainee professional, good at sword skills."

"Reporting to the captain, the second team under him, the next professional, Inglesh, is good at tracking."

"Report to the captain..."

The introduction of the professional brigade can tell everyone their strength in the simplest words. At the beginning of the formation, they were even required to repeat the self-introduction twice a day so that every team member could remember their own strength.

10 minute later.

When all the people were introduced, Veigar nodded and said: "Very well, then let's start today's daily training, everything will be fine as usual."

The training of the professional brigade is mostly duels.

The first is individual confrontation, and the second is team confrontation.

The purpose of this kind of training is to deepen mutual understanding, and to be able to deal with all situations tacitly in battle.


Just as Veigar was about to step off the podium, a soldier suddenly reported loudly.

"I remember your name is Ingerushu, what's the matter?"

Was called out by name?

Ingerushu didn't expect Vega to remember his name at all. He felt that he was respected, so he straightened up and said, "Reporting Captain, you haven't introduced yourself yet."

"Inglesio, I remember you are good at tracking?"

"Report to the captain, yes."

Veija snorted: "Didn't you see the big wanted notice posted on the gate of the barracks? Your training today will be cancelled, and you will be fined to copy the wanted notice 500 times. I will check it tomorrow."

Say so.

Veigar walked towards the headquarters.

He will never forget that he received an order from the commander-in-chief last night and reported to the headquarters before 10 o'clock today.

Veigar hadn't gone far when there was a burst of laughter behind him, and Ingrushu was already stunned.

But because of what Vega said, everyone had a better impression of Vega.

Even ordinary people will try their best to cover up their shortcomings, but as a chief, he doesn't care about his subordinates talking about his stains. This behavior style alone makes everyone feel that Vega is at least a reliable chief.

(End of this chapter)

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