Mage Veja

Chapter 129 The Fall of Kareni

Chapter 129 The Fall of Kareni

It's the Royal Army!

Why did the Royal Army appear at the entrance of the air-raid shelter?
In just a split second, Veigar guessed the whole story.

As the only team for city security, Bruno of the Law Enforcement Bureau must have handed over the layout of the entire city to the Royal Army, and while the Royal Army dispatched war airships for magic bombing, they also sent some war airships to carry soldiers to land inside the city. With air supremacy, the Kingdom Army can do anything they want with ease.

Isn't the Royal Army afraid of being counterattacked by the ground forces?

First of all, this is simply impossible. This surprise attack, the imperial army did not expect to lose air supremacy at all. The ground troops may have been severely damaged by the magic bombing, and there is no effective counterattack force at all.


What Vega is most afraid of now is that the magical bombing of the Royal Army will cover the general headquarters of the Third Army, the trial building, the government building, the aviation unit of the Third Army... these most important locations.

Once the first three places are bombed by magic, the command system of the entire Kareni city will be completely paralyzed, and the fourth place is the war airship that deploys the entire third army. If it is also bombed...

The entire army will completely lose air supremacy!

In modern warfare, only wind magicians are the only anti-air force for a single unit. This is not only inefficient, but also has little effect. Only war airships can fight against war airships. Whoever loses the war airship first will lose air supremacy.

"Captain? Captain!"

The adjutant woke up Vega, who was frowning and thinking, and said, "Captain, the other party seems to have spotted us. Should we retreat now or confront us head-on?"

Veigar didn't answer.

He glanced behind him and found that the team members were staring at him with hatred, wishing they could eat the soldiers of the Royal Army who were approaching. However, they were not impulsive, nor did they put forward their own ideas, but waited for Vega's order.

"In that case."

Veigar licked his lips: "Then let's fight, and let the bastards of the Royal Army know that even if they lose their air supremacy, the Imperial Army is not comparable to them."

Raise your right hand.

When the two soldiers of the Royal Army walked a certain distance, Veigar lowered his right hand.

The remaining less than 40 team members understood, and immediately rushed towards the two Royal Army soldiers.

The two soldiers reacted quickly. When they saw Veigar's troops, they immediately turned around and were about to flee.

But Veigar's army was composed of all professionals, and these two soldiers were just ordinary people, they couldn't beat the pursuit of the professional players at all, and they were separated in less than 5 seconds.

The movement here alarmed the Royal Army near the air-raid shelter.

Almost in an instant, about 120 royal troops rushed towards this side. Faster than them were several medium-sized fireballs. Obviously, this was a level 1 fire magic, and each fireball not only had the power of a grenade , and the flying speed is still very fast.


Vega immediately issued an order.

He originally thought that it was just a group of ordinary soldiers landing here, but he did not expect that a professional brigade, a magician and some ordinary soldiers were guarding the air-raid shelter. It seems that the Royal Army had already expected the remnants of the Imperial Army who were dizzy by the magic bombing. I will immediately want to go to the air-raid shelter.

This is simply waiting for a rabbit!

Veigar is aware of the seriousness of the matter. This time the Royal Army's attack has probably been planned for several years, otherwise it would be difficult to cover everything, even the only way out for the Imperial Army.

Originally, Veigar was still holding on to the end of the magic bombing, and the imperial army could organize an effective counterattack force.

But now it seems that the Imperial Army will be pretty good if it is not overwhelmed by the airborne troops of the Royal Army. What about the counterattack force? Now the general headquarters may be paralyzed, because there is no order at all.

Da da da--

Like a headless chicken, Veigar led his troops to hide in XZ, and finally got rid of the chasing troops after 10 minutes.

Fortunately, they are a team of professionals.

If it were an ordinary team, it would be inevitable that they would all be wiped out.


Veigar took a few breaths, then glanced towards the sky.

He found that one after another airships had been centered on the core control area of ​​the crystal hub, and were carrying out magical bombardment towards the periphery. Could it be that they wanted to plow the entire Kareni?
The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

In desperation, Veigar could only temporarily hide with his troops in the underground storage room of a large store.

Originally going to the air-raid shelter, Veigar had the mentality of meeting up with the rest of the troops.

However, the air-raid shelter has been occupied by the airborne troops of the Royal Army. It is afraid that there are hardly any soldiers of the Imperial Army except civilians.

What should I do now?
Veigar took off his military cap irritably, without even wiping off the stains on his face.

The general trend.

The Royal Army's magical soldiers descended from the sky. They can certainly last until the end of the magic bombing, but what can they use to resist the Royal Army's airborne troops after the bombing is over? They will accept ordinary troops that surrendered, but they will not accept magicians and professionals.

As for frontline reinforcements?

Don't be ridiculous, the war on the front line may have started now, the ground troops of the Royal Army have probably contained the troops of the Imperial Army, and without orders from the headquarters, they are probably very confused about whether to fight or defend.


Veigar knew clearly that the war had been lost so far.

When Kareni fell, the general headquarters was paralyzed, the supply line was interrupted, and the air supremacy was lost, it meant that the entire Third Army had been pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Soldiers are very fast.

No one is to blame for the failure of this war.

The blame can only be blamed on the fact that the Royal Army's attack speed was so fast that the Imperial Army didn't even have a chance to react, and it disintegrated all the strength of the Imperial Army in Kareni City in just a few hours.

After this battle, great powers rise.

Using the most powerful espionage system in the mainland to lay out for several years, tore up the armistice agreement and launched a war brazenly under the circumstances of internal and external difficulties, and then used the victory of the first war to gain more support from the people, raise more war funds, and roll up Bigger snowballs...

Clenched fist.

Veigar was unwilling to die here.

He just got his surname, became a magician, and was about to reach the pinnacle of his life with his own ability, but now he told him that the whole Kareni was going to end, and your surname was no longer a symbol of glory, but a symbol of shame.


Instead of sitting here waiting to die, hiding XZ like a sewer rat, I might as well struggle hard.

Veigar put his cap back on.

The direction he was looking at was the air-raid shelter he had just escaped from.

Struggling requires strength, and both individual strength and group strength can be obtained from there. Although there is a considerable degree of danger in that place, Vega feels that it is more dangerous to sit and wait to die.

(End of this chapter)

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