Mage Veja

Chapter 13 The Devil's Name

Chapter 13 The Devil's Name
Swear by the glory of the Empire.

In the Nuolan Empire, and even in the entire Jialan Continent, this is the highest oath as a soldier. Once an oath is made, it means that it needs to be strictly followed. Vega's swearing appearance won the trust of the three of them.

"I trust your oath."

One of the bearded people said: "I'll take you to the intersection of the secret room, but before that, you need to let the two of them go, otherwise I can't believe you will break your promise."

"so troublesome."

Veigar frowned, and waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go."

"Big Beard, we can't leave you behind." The other two exclaimed.

The bearded man growled at the two of them: "You bastards, get out of here, don't hinder me here, if you don't leave, I'll have to pull out your skins when I go back."

The two young men shrank their heads at the same time.

They looked at each other, and then said to the bearded man, "Big Beard, you must come back alive."

After speaking, the two rushed towards the back door with tears in their eyes.

The bearded man let out a long sigh when the two disappeared, then turned to Vega and said, "Sir, thank you for keeping your promise. The secret room is not in the casino. Please follow me to the second floor above ground."

Nodding, Veigar smiled innocently.

Just halfway through, Veigar suddenly felt two streams of heat flow into his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that the two criminals who wanted to escape through the back door had been executed by his subordinates on the spot.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself.

Veigar never thought about keeping the oath from the beginning to the end. The human head is the key to improving strength and obtaining military achievements, and things like imperial honor are not worth as much as a steamed bun. Some people actually believe in this cheap oath.

"Sir, sir, are you all right?"

The bearded man was taken aback by Veigar's sudden smile. That "angel" smile appeared on the face of a young child covered in blood and killing countless lives with his hands. No matter from which angle you looked at it, it looked like the cruel grin of a devil. .

"I thought of some happy things."

There was a smile in Veigar's eyes. He felt that as long as he ended the life in front of him, his strength would be improved, and he would probably be able to advance to the level of a second-level trainee professional.

"Yes, yes." The bearded man hastened his pace.

He has been with the boss for more than 20 years, and of course he has done a lot of murders, but the panic and anxiety after each murder made him suffer. If you can choose, no one is willing to kill your own kind. All this is for the sake of being able to It is imperative to survive.

But this kid is different.

When Veigar caused a commotion, the bearded man saw the child's eyes.

That didn't look like the eyes of an 11-year-old child at all. He didn't see any anxiety or panic in Vega's eyes after the murder. It was not so much that he was forced to kill in order to survive, but rather that he was full of enthusiasm for the killing. Eager and longing.

Thirst to kill?
People with this kind of thinking are either lunatics who are proficient in killing skills or war madness full of destructive desires. They like to kill and desire to kill. Even if they wear the skin of a child, their soul is a demon from hell.

Facing the devil, he lost the courage to resist.


Casino back door.

The corporal who was ordered to guard the back door was dismayed.

According to his thinking, it is natural to follow Vega into the casino to earn a few kills, get more military exploits, and perform well in front of him by the way, but the team still lacks a vice-captain.

But he didn't expect to be sent to the remote corner of the back door by Vega.

Of course, guarding the back door also has military merits.

But this kind of military merit is almost negligible compared to taking a human head. Coupled with the strength of the captain, there is no possibility that there will be a fish that slipped through the net. This makes him, a senior soldier, stand out and show his strength in front of the captain. .

"Boss Kane, look, someone has come out."

The reminder from the team members beside him made Captain Kane very alert. He picked up the information and compared the two, and suddenly realized that these two were not one of the targets tonight.

It was a stroke of luck.

On one side are slightly stronger civilians, and on the other side are veteran soldiers.

One side is empty-handed, while the spear is sharp.

Naturally, the reaction of the senior soldier was not comparable to that of the soldiers. With a spear in his hand, he pierced one of the targets to death with a single stride. Before the other target could react, he was jointly killed by two other ordinary soldiers who came from behind.

The result of the battle was almost instant kill.

The upper class soldier waited for the rabbit, and after killing two enemies, he smiled happily: "I didn't expect that when the captain missed, he actually let go of the two targets. We are embarrassed to accept these two military achievements, hehe."

One of the soldiers echoed: "The captain is strong. I heard that he killed enemy soldiers on the front line, but after all, he is a child. It is inevitable that he is not careful in thinking about things. We should support him a lot."

Another soldier said: "I don't think it is possible for two ordinary people to escape with the professional strength of the captain. Is there something wrong with the captain? There has been no movement for a long time. Why don't we go in and take a look?"

A word to awaken the dreamer.

The private officer hesitated for a moment and said, "Just taking a look at him shouldn't count as disobedience. To be honest, my bastard son is just as old as the captain, so I feel a little uneasy about letting the captain go in alone."

The three of them walked carefully to the casino lobby through the back door.

What caught the eye was blood red, and even the air was filled with the smell of blood.

come closer.

The three privates found that except for the complete bodies of the three targets, the rest of the more than a dozen were missing heads, arms, and calves, and some of their faces were blurred. They seemed to be resisting. They were violently killed on the way, and there was not a single complete body at all. Many dead bodies still had extreme fear in their eyes.

And that's not counting the gamblers who were stampeded to death.

vomit vomit——

Two ordinary soldiers who had never been on the battlefield vomited on the spot. They had killed people before, but this was the first time they had seen such a big scene with mutilated limbs and arms and blood.

Is this hell?

If this is hell, is the captain who created hell a demon in the skin of a child?

The brains of the three of them simultaneously thought of the innocent young boy. It was hard to imagine that this terrifying Shura field was something an 11-year-old child could do. What was he doing when he was 11 years old?I'm afraid I'm still crying over a dead puppy.

The three were convinced that the 'demon' rumors circulating in the 3rd Battalion were not exaggerated.

One of the team members said with a pale face: "Boss Kai, Kane, is the captain a demon?"

The slightly pale senior soldier said: "Even if he is a devil, he is also our captain. As long as we strictly follow his orders, the captain will definitely not deal with us casually. You two record this with a video crystal by the way. In the future, other teams If you dare to ridicule us as boy scouts and just take out the video, I want to see who is the real boy scout."

Another team member said: "Boss Kane, it has been recorded, but there is one thing I don't know if I should say it or not."

"If you have something to say, hurry up and let your fart go."

"The captain asked us to look at the back door, we seem to have disobeyed the order..."

The face of the first class soldier turned pale: "Quick, before the captain finds out, let's go back to the back door."

(End of this chapter)

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