Mage Veja

Chapter 134 The Bombing Ends

Chapter 134 The Bombing Ends
The magic bombing is still going on.

But despite the loud explosions outside, the air-raid shelter remained motionless like a mountain.

by understanding.

Vega probably knew the basic situation of the A5 Brigade of the 87th Division and Wolf Eder, the head of the 2nd Regiment.

The A87 brigade and the A91 brigade where Vega is located belong to the new standard brigade.

There are 1500 ordinary soldiers in the regiment, a professional squadron directly under it, and several professional officers.

The reason why they came here was because the 2nd Regiment participated in the combat mission against the General Administration of Law Enforcement this time, but they waited for the bombing of the magic airship before receiving the order to charge.

Since the 2nd Regiment's position was relatively backward, he immediately ordered a retreat.

Also because of the timely retreat, the 2nd regiment withdrew from the bombing area with almost zero casualties.

Wolf's war mind is still quite clear.

He understood that if he wanted to survive the bombing of the war airship, he could only have a chance if he went to the air-raid shelter.

So he took the troops to the air-raid shelter.

But as soon as he arrived at the air-raid shelter, he found that the air-raid shelter had been occupied by the enemy's airborne troops, so they were instantly surrounded by the enemy, and the enemy had magicians who could provide fire support at any time. The 2nd regiment could only be forced to be a prisoner.

After becoming a prisoner, Wolf did not expect that the Royal Army violated the international agreement, not only executed the entire professional squadron, but also killed all the professional officers, and arrested him alone for interrogation.

Wolff's mouth is tight.

Even after the extremely miserable torture, and even lost two fingers, he did not explain how many secret air defense points the Third Army had, and among these secret air defense points, the commander-in-chief Foster might be hiding.

Veigar saluted Wolf Ed with a standard military salute.

His eyes were filled with admiration. To be able to persevere under the torture of the enemy requires great perseverance: "A91 Brigade Professional Brigade, Captain Vega, salute you."

"Captain Veigar is serious, he's just a defeated general." Wolfe said with a wry smile.

Vega quickly comforted him, and then ordered the military doctor to bandage and treat Wolfe. After everything was busy, Vega started a discussion with Wolfe about the follow-up plan.

"Captain Veigar, you came out from the front line, what's the current situation?"

"The magician troop and professional troop have been heavily bombed."

Vega glanced outside the door and said: "My team used to have 120 professionals, but now there are only less than 40 left. I'm afraid the other professional teams are not much better, let alone the magician team. But the most important care object."

"That is to say, we have no reinforcements?" Wolfe frowned.


Vega affirmed: "Not only is there no reinforcements, but I just repelled the airborne troops of the Royal Army occupying here. When they regroup their forces, I'm afraid they will come to retake the air-raid shelter. We can only stay until the bombing is over."

"What does Captain Veigar mean?"

Vega said decisively: "I mean, when the bombing is over, go to the general headquarters. I think the commander-in-chief will not die under the mere magic bombing, and the number of military air-raid shelters is spread all over the entire barracks." , if there is a large-scale counterattack force in Kareni, it must be the general headquarters."

"Your officer may be right."

Wolfe pondered for a while, then glanced at the dull-eyed civilians outside the door and said: "But what about these civilians? We are soldiers of the empire, should we abandon the civilians and escape alone? If the Royal Army kills them..."

"Captain Wolfe!"

Vega slapped Kareni's map with a slap: "Now we can't protect ourselves. The fate of staying here after the bombing is not only unable to protect the civilians, but also ruining the troops. And the enemy didn't harm the civilians before, right? "

"That being said..."

Wolfe hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Okay, I agree with your officer's plan. As soon as the magic bombing is over, we will immediately move towards the headquarters."

"Smart move."

Veigar nodded: "Then I won't bother you to organize your troops. I'll let you know before I'm ready to leave."


After closing the door, Veigar let out a long breath.

Taking huge risks to take down the air-raid shelter finally paid off.

As long as there is such a regiment-level force, the chances of breaking through from the central area to the northern area are greater than [-]%. As for the situation of the general headquarters, it still retains a large amount of counterattack force as guessed. Vega didn't care about that at all.

He was just fooling Wolfe.

Because the headquarters is the closest to the city gate, as long as it can reach the headquarters of the North District, even if the headquarters has lost all counterattack force, with his shadow mage ability, he can still find a chance to escape from Kareni.

Continue to stay in Kareni?
Even if the Third Army did retain counterattack forces, under such a sudden and intensive magical bombardment, there might not be many counterattack troops left, not to mention the loss of air supremacy.

This battle has already been lost, and there is no capital to turn defeat into victory.

The enemy's airborne troops will only increase as time goes by, and there is no other possibility to stay in Kareni except a dead end. In order to survive, he must escape here no matter what.

If you can't even guarantee the safety of your life, what kind of power and status are you talking about, and what kind of smooth sailing life are you talking about?

Only by escaping from Kareni, or even from the northern front, with the honor he has won, no matter which army he goes to, he can be trained as a senior officer immediately, because the defeat of Kareni and even the northern front is not his fault.

And his Imperial Wings only had his authority frozen, but his honor still remained on him. Coupled with the city-level surname of Kareni, it was enough for him to make a comeback in any army.

In order to achieve this purpose.

Even if he deceived Wolfe, he would not hesitate to recruit 1500 people as cannon fodder, and in fact there was only one way out, staying in the central area, just delaying the time of death.

The magic bombing continued until 4:[-] am.

When Vega and Wolf walked out of the air-raid shelter, the haze over Kareni finally dissipated. Through the bleak moonlight, Vega saw the scars all over the ground, crackling fires that were still burning, and... …the smell of flesh and blood in the air.

Kareni is done.

The former heavy city in the north has been burnt down in less than 8 hours.

No time to take care of these.

Vega said to Wolfe: "It's not too late. Just as the bombing has just ended and the Royal Army's airborne troops have not yet started their sweep, we must rush to the North District as soon as possible, otherwise we will be surrounded by them when they come to their senses." .”

"All forward."

Wolfe didn't talk nonsense, he shouted to the back, and the whole army began to move towards the direction of the North District.

Walking through dilapidated alleys and potholed streets, the whole team marched very fast.

After walking for about an hour and a half, it has almost reached the edge of the central area.

It can be seen that the nearby areas have not suffered from large-scale magic bombing, the basic buildings are well preserved, and they have not encountered a single enemy along the way.

If everything goes well.

At this speed, it will soon be possible to leave the central area and return to the northern area of ​​Kareni.

(End of this chapter)

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