Mage Veja

Chapter 137 Preparations before the war

Chapter 137 Preparations before the war
Wolf Eder is under house arrest.

As a result, Veigar gained command of the remaining 800 troops.

As for the process of obtaining the command power, it can be known without going into details, and it must be accompanied by violence and intimidation.

The few people who took the lead in questioning have been locked in the room with Wolfe. Now, no one in the entire army is questioning Veigar, and Veigar can also develop his own tactical ideas.

guerrilla tactics.

This is a battle plan that Vega decided to use after thinking about it.

Supplemented by the high mobility of the professional brigade, the main job is to harass and attract the attention of the enemy. If the enemy counterattacks, they will retreat immediately. After all, if the professional troops want to leave, generally no one can stay.

Use ordinary troops as the main force.

Combined with the combat concept of street fighting in the previous life, occupy nearby commanding heights and some large buildings that are strong and fearless of long-distance fire support, and use crossbow bolts and throwing weapons as means of attack to slowly consume the pursuit troops.

Once there are too many chasing troops.

Taking advantage of the familiar terrain and the advantages of home battles, our troops can retreat in time, and if the enemy pursues them, they can naturally lead them into the next encirclement. If the enemy troops dare not pursue because of heavy losses, and even want to withdraw Walk.

At this time, it is natural to implement the strategy of 'the enemy retreats and I pursue'.

The most important thing is that the Royal Army doesn't seem to understand the combat concept of street fighting. They didn't immediately seize the nearby commanding heights and large buildings that are easy to defend and difficult to attack while establishing a blockade line of defense.

This is good news for Vega.

Otherwise, it will take a lot of time and troops to seize advantageous buildings and commanding heights.

this afternoon.

After all the soldiers had rested, Veigar found the temporary officers of all levels of troops and began to formulate a detailed battle plan.

Vega instilled in all temporary officers the combat concepts of squad formation, lightweight, flexibility, and mobility. Of course, this was opposed by all officers. They all believed that the combat method with 10 people as a unit was simply a joke.

A hot-tempered officer patted the table and said: "What can a small army of 10 people do? Once surrounded by the enemy, it can hardly survive for a minute. The empire's fighting style has always been based on frontal confrontation. This kind of combat philosophy Please forgive me for not accepting it, I will not joke about the lives of myself and my subordinates."

The officer's speech won the support of most people.

But a few minutes later, after Veigar took advantage of his command and forcibly removed the officer's temporary position, no one dared to object anymore, and everyone chose to obey Veigar's order.

"very good!"

After talking about the battle concept, Veigar looked at the officers and said: "Now I need you to make all the preparations before tonight according to the plan. The investigation department, please plan the ambush position and the retreat route. a team."

Veigar looked at the head of the logistics department: "Whether you make it or steal it, I need you to ensure that each soldier has ten arrows in the hand crossbow before tonight, and set up weapons and supplies in some hidden places. Supply point."

Veigar finally turned his attention to the combat department: "Yes, you are the protagonists tonight. I need you to cover the professional brigade and use the team to fight together to block, attack, and even destroy the enemy's chasing troops. Combat with crossbow arrows Focus on throwing weapons, try to avoid hand-to-hand combat, and immediately change the location after each attack to give full play to the mobility of the troops."

"Yes!" Everyone stood up and said yes.

Veiga nodded in satisfaction, and then said loudly: "Everyone, please remember the sixteen-character mantra of 'When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we fight; us!"

"For victory!"

In this almost roaring voice, this came from the earth, and the combat plan combining the two combat concepts of "guerrilla warfare and street warfare" was officially launched, and the implementation of the combat plan was placed at night.

The time comes to evening.

Veigar looked at the red sunset, today was unexpectedly good weather.

He stood on a high place, overlooking the desolate city of Kaleni, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The war has really come.

And he didn't seem to hate the feeling that the air was full of gunpowder.

Looking at the enemy's blockade line of defense, Veigar even had a crazy idea. If he was given enough troops and supplies, he could even use his previous life's combat philosophy to completely bury the Royal Army's airborne troops in the city of Kareni.

If he can win this war, he will be famous in the empire.

The father of guerrilla and street fighting?

A super commander who wins more with less?

Kareni and the savior of the Northern Front?

No matter which title it is, it is enough to make Veigar the real ruler.

Where does this confidence come from?

Vega has already fully discovered that the rise of the United Kingdom is very similar to that of Germany on Earth. Even the way of becoming famous in World War I was the famous World War II, and even the blitzkrieg that could capture a country within a few hours.

And what is the weakness of Blitzkrieg?
That's right, the biggest fear of blitzkrieg is being dragged into the mire of street fighting by enemy troops.

Once pulled into street fighting, the friendly air support troops will be completely useless, because you can't guarantee that you won't accidentally injure the friendly troops during the magic bombing, and if the airborne troops occupy the city alone, the long supply line and unfamiliar terrain are enough They suffered so much that they even lost the initiative in the war.

the most important is.

Veigar discovers that the Blitz in the United Kingdom is only taking shape.

The Royal Army actually took it for granted that the end of the magic bombing represented the occupation of the city, and even the airborne troops dispatched were eager to occupy the air-raid shelter and establish a blockade line of defense to ensure the occupation of resources, rather than seize the commanding heights and important buildings in the first place to lay down street fighting. Advantage.

Even so, the Imperial Army didn't even have the thought of resisting.

It seems that the Imperial Army also took it for granted that the failure of the crystal hub, the end of the magic bombing, and the arrival of the airborne troops meant that the city of Kareni had been occupied by the United Kingdom.


Veigar had reason to believe it.

Don't need too many, as long as he can gather a standard brigade-level force, he is sure to completely disable the airborne troops of the Royal Army through street fighting and guerrilla tactics within half a month.


Ideas are beautiful, reality is cruel.

With his current situation, where can he find a brigade-level force.


"Captain, it's almost time."

The adjutant interrupted Vega's thoughts: "The preparations have been completed. All the teams have entered the ambush site. The battle can be launched at any time. Please give instructions from the captain."

Veigar stood on the commanding heights.

When the afterglow of the setting sun disappeared into the sky, Veigar smiled at Captain Wolf who was "invited" by his side.

Then, in front of Captain Wolfe, Vega gave an order to the adjutant: "Notify the troops that the battle plan has begun. If it is a miracle to win more with less, then let's create a miracle."

(End of this chapter)

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