Mage Veja

Chapter 139 Fight Night

Chapter 139 Fight Night
800 remnants defeated a regiment?


This is definitely a joke!

As a middle-level officer who graduated from the Central Military Academy, Wolfe couldn't believe such words that were not too much to say.

Perhaps in the eyes of the uninitiated.

It seems that it is not difficult for 800 troops to defeat 1600 troops, isn't it just 800 more people?

But is this really the case?
In the war of blood and fire, how can one win more with less by just playing tricks.

A real war needs to consider many factors.

First of all, morale is such a mysterious thing.

A force that is not afraid of death, even if their predecessors are cannon fodder and scum, is enough to fight against elite troops.

And where does morale come from?

Number of people, supplies, equipment, beliefs, reinforcements, situation...

These innumerable factors constitute the so-called morale of an army,

So now let's take a closer look.

Among these numerous factors, is there anything that the Imperial Army possesses that the Royal Army does not possess?
How many people?

Supplies, equipment, even faith...?
Feel sorry!

The imperial army, which has just experienced magic bombing, does not possess any of the above victory factors.

On the other hand, the Royal Army.

Whether it is the gap in troop strength or the support from the rear, it is beyond the reach of the Imperial Army. Even in terms of belief, they all hold the heart of revenge that will win, while the Imperial Army is only mechanically executing the tasks in front of them. The order of the Cub Scout officer.

Which is strong and which is weak, you can tell at a glance.

In the opinion of Wolfe, a professional soldier, only a layman with no command experience can easily say such big words as defeating the many with the few, defeating the strong with the weak, or even swallowing a regiment with 800 remnants.

Not to mention doubling the number of troops.

In a real war, even an extra brigade of 120 men is enough to affect the entire battle situation.

With a difference of 800 troops, coupled with the gap in various factors, if you want to win in this situation, even the real super generals in the empire dare not boast of such a big mouth, let alone a military academy without Ever been a Cub Officer?

Wolf's face was full of anger and disdain.

Veigar was angry that he was joking with the lives of soldiers, and disdainful was that he was young and ignorant and regarded war as a child's play.

child's play?

Let's play it!
In Vega's view, war is an unprecedented game in which wise men play with fools' lives arbitrarily. This is a game in which only wise men are qualified to live, and the bet in this game is life.

The life-threatening war game has begun.

The professional brigade deliberately slowed down, and sure enough, the enemy was hooked, and the enemy also fired a signal flare for help as imagined, so what we have to do now is to kill this 400-man army that has fallen into the trap.

"All preparations."

"3, 2, 1, shoot the arrow!"

The No. 1 to No. 5 squads occupying the commanding heights in the north released their arrows collectively, and instantly overwhelmed the chasing troops.

"Behind, there are crossbowmen behind."

The Royal Army was in a hurry, and a round of salvo caused them to lose nearly 20 soldiers. Although it was harmless, the most important thing was that this harassment made the professional squadron of the enemy country successfully leave the battlefield and disappear into the night.

Now that the target disappeared, Bill could only reposition the target on the upper floor where the arrow was emitted.

So he gave an order and rushed to the location where the arrows were launched, but how could a large-scale army be flexible with a small team of 10 people? When they arrived at the location, what was waiting for them was not the imperial army, but another round of new salvos .

"The offal of the Imperial Army!"

If he was teased a few more times, when the army lost close to a hundred people, he couldn't bear it anymore and organized a professional army of 5 people to rush to the place where the arrow was shot first.

With the speed of professionals, of course, the team of 10 people will not be able to escape.

But don't forget, Veigar's professional brigade is on standby at any time. Apart from harassment tactics, their mission is to fight and block the enemy's professional troops and protect the safety of ordinary friendly troops.

The 5 professionals of the Kingdom Army could not walk halfway, and 4 of them were taken away.

The remaining one escaped the ambush of the Imperial Army professionals due to his agility, and he was attacking the 10-member ordinary team that had not yet arrived and moved to the next target location.

"Captain, a professional is catching up."

A soldier at the end hurriedly reported to the temporary squad leader. After all, 10 of them were just ordinary people, not enough for a professional to chop.

"How much? A professional?"

"Vice-captain, why don't you take out the heavy crossbow of labor and capital!"

The squad leader roared, took the heavy crossbow from the vice-captain, turned a corner, and aimed the heavy crossbow at the chasing professional in the dark, but the first-level professional didn't notice it.

round the corner.

This professional saw the bloodthirsty expression of the squad leader, and...

call out--

The bow is like a thunderbolt, and the arrow is like a shooting star.

The arrow of the heavy crossbow accurately flew towards the pursuing professional. Since the team leader released it at close range at a blind spot, and the professional hit the crossbow at a corner, the arrow could not be dodged at all.

The arrows from the heavy crossbow pierced the professional's heart, and his eyes revealed disbelief before he died.

The squad leader snorted disdainfully, and pulled back the arrow in three steps in parallel.

There is nothing wrong with professionals having magical defenses that can ignore any ordinary weapons, but for professionals' magical defenses, the war research departments of various countries are also trying their best to develop weapons that ordinary people can shoot and kill professionals.

The magic storage crossbow is one of them.

The crossbow is just an ordinary crossbow, but the arrows are indeed made of magic-storing materials. This material has the function of storing the magic power of professionals, but the cost is extremely expensive. Generally, a regiment-level troop will only be equipped with one box of such arrows. Moreover, professionals are required to replenish the magic power of the arrows on a regular basis.

Because the magic power in the arrow will be lost with the passage of time.

Although there is nothing wrong with this kind of arrows being able to shoot and kill professionals, it is easy to dodge with the agility of professionals, unless they can shoot and kill the opponent at almost zero distance like this squad leader.

Due to this, such weapons rarely appear.

But less does not mean there is no, how to say that Wolfe's troops are also a full-staffed standard regiment.

The battle has reached here, there is no suspense anymore.

The Royal Army came in a hurry, neither occupying the commanding heights and buildings for defense, nor planning a retreat route. Like headless chickens, they were slowly consumed by Vega's small-scale troops until they were completely defeated.

Bill and the remnants of less than 30 people huddled in the house.

The only thing they can do now is to pray that the support troops will find them before the imperial army. Besides, they don't even dare to take a chance, because once they do, they may be spotted by the imperial army and shot into hedgehogs in an instant.

Bill looked at the dilapidated roof, and there was only one thought in his mind——

Urban combat may not be a gift from heaven for the Royal Army, but the beginning of a nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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