Mage Veja

Chapter 141

Chapter 141


Really won?
Standing beside Veigar, Wolfe witnessed the victory of this war with his own eyes.

What words should be used to describe this war?

Win more with less, win the strong with the weak?
No, none of them, there is only one word that can describe this war—miracle.

800 remnants were defeated. A professional squadron actually defeated an elite regiment... No, it was an elite regiment plus a battalion-level force of 400 people.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, anyone who heard this kind of thing would think it was a fantasy.

How could an 800-strong cannon fodder unit with almost no morale and no support be able to defeat an elite regiment of the Kingdom Army? Even if it was commanded by a senior general in the army, it would be a battle that would undoubtedly be defeated.

For the first time, Wolff questioned his leadership skills.

It was also the first time he knew that wars can be fought like this, tactics can be used like this, that someone can turn decay into magic, and create a battle that is enough to become a textbook...or even recorded in history.

If Wolfe was proud of his military academy background at the beginning.

Now, he felt ashamed, because the mid-level officer who graduated from a military academy was not as good as a kid who had never even attended a military academy.

And then, something that shocked him even more happened.

After the support group was unable to continue and gave the order to retreat, Veigar actually gave the order to pursue.

Crazy, crazy can only be used to describe Veigar's order.

Because in Wolfe's view, being able to annihilate a battalion-level force of 400 people, disable and repel a regiment-level support force is already a very remarkable thing, but he issued a frantic pursuit order.

To know.

Even if the Royal Army is defeated and retreats, there are still close to a thousand elite troops, and our side only has 800 cannon fodder soldiers who have not been systematically trained.

Things went far beyond Wolfe's expectations.

Our own soldiers didn't object at all, nor did we fight back. Instead, they took advantage of the victory and pursued them, while the frightened Kingdom Army didn't even have the idea to fight back, and just fled in a hurry.

The battle ended at midnight.

In the eyes of the soldiers, Veigar had truly created a miracle. Their eyes were full of awe and admiration when they looked at Veigar, and their fanatical gaze was no weaker than that of religious fanatics.

A soldier's mind is simple.

Whoever can bring them victory, honor, and lead them to live is a commander worthy of respect and admiration.

Obviously, Veigar has all of these.

Therefore, in the next two days, all the soldiers conscientiously carried out Vega's order, and began to launch guerrilla tactics against the blockade of the defense line, and the guerrilla tactics against the blockade of the defense line were obviously much simpler. Constantly changing the location of the attack and harassing the enemy, the enemy can't even touch their shadows.

on the third day.

The Royal Army finally couldn't resist the harassment of Vega's guerrilla tactics.

They were forced to give up the blockade of the central area and concentrated all their troops in one place.

This approach can indeed prevent guerrilla tactics to a certain extent.

But it also means that Veigar can walk out of the central area swaggeringly with his troops.

In fact, Veigar did exactly that.

As soon as the enemy lifted the blockade, Veigar immediately led the troops out of the central area.

You must know that the reason why the Kingdom Army did not use magic bombing to deal with them before was because there was a Kingdom Army blocking the line of defense, and rash magic bombing might accidentally injure friendly troops.

boom boom-

Hearing the sound of bombing in the distance, Veigar was glad that he led the troops out of the central area at the first time.

But these have nothing to do with him anymore, and now he is leading the troops towards the direction of the third army garrison, Vega hopes to return to the vicinity of the third army garrison before dawn tomorrow.

Now he just wants.

The Third Army withdrew into the military air-raid shelter in time under the magic bombing, preserved a large number of counterattack forces, and could rely on this counterattack force to quickly regain control of Kareni.Otherwise, the troops on the front line would lose the command orders and supplies from the rear, and it might not take half a month for them to collapse across the board, and the empire would lose the entire Third Army.

"Captain Veigar, Captain Veigar."

During the march, Captain Wolf stopped Vega: "It is far away from the central area now, and this is probably not the target area for the bombing of war airships. Let the troops rest here for an hour. Everyone is very happy. tired."

Veigar glanced back.

It was found that the professionals were fine, but the ordinary soldiers were already out of breath. After all, after a high-intensity battle, they were marching in a hurry, and their physical strength was already too much.

"Just do what Captain Wolfe said."

Veigar ordered to the adjutant: "Let the scouts find a hidden place and rest the troops."

"Yes, Captain."

The adjutant immediately carried out Veigar's order. Although this unit was nominally under Wolfe's subordinates, Veigar was actually in power, because not only the soldiers worshiped Veigar, but even Wolfe began to respect him. Veigar was convinced of his judgment.

After all, Wolf prefers victory in war to command.

So under the leadership of the scouts, Vega led the troops to take a rest in a large warehouse, which is not far from the third army station, just over five hours away.

Veigar also took advantage of this opportunity to get acquainted with his current strength.

The first is the level of the professional. After these few days of battles, it has been successfully sent to the peak of the fifth-level apprentice professional, but it is close to a thousand lives, but it has not directly broken through to the level of the next professional.

The second is the level of the magician.

Although the cumulative number of professionals killed in the subsequent battles exceeded 20, he still did not advance. It is a pity that he did not follow the traces of the enemy magician in the battle, so there is still only one skill point to be used. .

The key point is.

Although he knew that the magic power and spiritual power of the units killed by his teammates would be greatly reduced, but such a large number only allowed him to be promoted to the peak of the fifth-level trainee professional, which was really unacceptable to him.


The appetite for this mutated version of extraordinary evil power is getting bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, apart from a bigger appetite, there seems to be no other side effects. Although Vega maintains a cautious mind, he can only let things he can't resist.

An hour passed quickly.

After resting, Veigar led the troops and continued to move towards the station.

(End of this chapter)

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