Mage Veja

Chapter 15

Chapter 15
Alvin Steve is an imperial nobleman.

Aiwen is the first name and Steve is the surname. On the Jialan Continent, only nobles have surnames.

In addition to being a Lord, he also has another identity as a level 2 trainee professional.

Thanks to his status as a second-level trainee professional and aristocrat, he got a well-paid job in the logistics department of the Kareni North District Government. However, people go to high places and water flows to low places. Next, he chose treason five years ago, and now he is working for the intelligence organization of the United Kingdom and is a key point.

Intelligence work is more difficult than imagined.

Although the Kareni government already has a lot of his eyeliners, it is still difficult for the intelligence work to be a solid army, which also causes him to be careful every month to beware of the army's intelligence organization's detection, and throw out some Abandoned contact points to confuse the line of sight, and by the way, use the knives of the Imperial Army to clean up useless waste.

The espionage went on methodically for five years.

Compared to the army of the Empire across the Jialan Continent, the intelligence warfare of the United Kingdom is not inferior at all.

An excellent intelligence system can turn the tide of a critical war, and it is simply impossible for the intelligence organization of the imperial army to catch the tail of the intelligence organization of the United Kingdom, and the strength is not at the same level.

But something unexpected happened a few days ago.

Due to the negligence of his subordinates, an important document in an abandoned contact point has not been retrieved. This document is related to the underground intelligence network of the entire North District. If this map falls into the hands of the army...

Alvin Steve shuddered at the thought.

If it wasn't for the abandoned trash who came to threaten him three days ago, he might still be kept in the dark.

Blackmail him?
But don't forget that his job is to be an intelligence leader. A person who is not even a professional is an ordinary civilian to blackmail an intelligence leader. This is different from Guan Gong wielding a big knife in front of Guan Gong and Lu Ban wielding a big axe in front of Lu Ban's door.

Less than three days.

Aiwen found out the storage point of the map, and even got a clear picture of the switches and traps set up at the storage point, as well as the daily work and rest time of the fifteen wastes and other basic information.

This is the United Kingdom intelligence network.

Facts tell us not to think about threatening an intelligence chief, because you will be pleasantly surprised to find that all your secrets have been nakedly exposed in front of him.

Tonight is the best time to recycle.

He put on a black tights and rushed to the casino alone. Anyone engaged in intelligence work knew that espionage work was best done by one person. The more people involved, the greater the chance of exposure.

Compared with soldiers who handed their backs to each other on the battlefield, spies don't trust anyone, including colleagues, superiors, subordinates... Sometimes they even lie to themselves when they go crazy.

Arriving outside the casino, he saw Imperial soldiers.


Although he knew that this place had been exposed and that the imperial army would take it here sooner or later, he didn't expect the army to come so fast, so Aiwen extremely hated the imperial army who couldn't get any information, and their actions were often unexpected.

"I hope I can make it in time."

If it is not a last resort, he does not want to kill people from the imperial army.

The imperial army is extremely defensive. If a large number of soldiers die during the mission, it will definitely make the entire division, or even the legion, go crazy. Once the imperial army goes crazy, it will start a big clean-up in the city, even if the imperial government wants to You can't stop it even if you stop it.

So Aiwen avoided the eyes of the imperial soldiers and moved towards the second floor.

However, he has already prepared for the worst. Compared to being uprooted by the imperial army, it is better than being uprooted by the entire northern district, and the loss of manpower and material resources after a round of cleaning is huge. Astronomical figures, in terms of losses, are just about half a catty.

Open the dark cabinet.

Aiwen discovered the corpse on the ground immediately, and he knew from the information that it was a capable subordinate of the former liaison officer.

"The map was taken away?"

A sense of irritability struck, and Alvin Steve forgot to hide the footsteps. He walked through the aisle to the interior of the dark pavilion with the sound of 'da da da' footsteps, while thinking about how to remedy it next.


At this moment, he heard the sound of arrows piercing the air.

"Is there anyone else here?"

"Is the map still there!"

The sudden surprise made Ai Wen stunned, and he hurriedly rushed towards the dark pavilion...



As soon as Veigar moved the box full of gold coins, a round of arrow rain struck again.

"Replay the old trick?"

To deal with ordinary people's traps, the first attack failed to hurt him, so could it hurt him the second time?

The magic surged.

A layer of magical defense covered his body, and he was still ready to resist the blow.

5 meters, 3 meters, 2 meters...

When the arrow was less than two meters away from Veigar, his brain suddenly rang an alarm.

This is no ordinary arrow.

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, he quickly took evasive measures, but the arrow was so close that he could only avoid the vital parts.


Relying on his short stature and agility, Veigar did dodge the arrows attacking his vitals at the last moment, but two arrows pierced through the magic defense and pierced into his left shoulder and right leg respectively.

This is a magic weapon, and only a magic weapon can break through a professional's magic defense.

Veija's complexion turned pale in an instant, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he felt deeply remorseful for his carelessness.

I think that I don’t pay attention to ordinary people when I become a professional, but I don’t know that ordinary people still have the wisdom to deal with professionals, and have the courage to be a traitor. How can a guy who hides such an important document not have two brushes? .

If he didn't guess wrong.

The first round of arrow rain is false, it is used to paralyze professionals, making them think that the person who set up the trap is a [-], the second round of arrow rain is real, it is used to kill self-righteous professionals on the spot.

Thanks again to the child's body for saving his life.

Veigar was sitting on the ground panting heavily, and he was about to call his subordinates to come up to pick him up, but he heard a rush of footsteps coming from the aisle, judging from the footsteps that it was a person who came in.

Is his subordinate coming?
This idea was rejected by Veigar as soon as it appeared. No imperial soldier dared to leave his post without the command of the chief. His subordinates obviously did not have the courage to defy his order and run up to the second floor.

The visitor is not good.

His left shoulder and right leg were injured, and now even an ordinary enemy can easily subdue him.

Veigar decisively concentrated his magic power on his uninjured right hand, clenched his fist and slammed it hard against the wall behind him, he wanted to escape from here quickly.Whether it is an enemy or a friend, he cannot trust anyone except his own subordinates until the map is handed over to the regiment headquarters.

Boom boom boom.

With three punches, the wall was broken, but Veigar's wound was widened, and blood gushed out from his left shoulder. The massive blood loss made his brain start to become dull.

At this time, a man in black tights broke in.

friend and foe.

The first time Veigar saw the other party, he knew clearly that the other party was probably coming for the map, because the other party's black tights were obviously telling him that I was the bad guy.


There is only one thought left in the dull brain.

Veigar jumped from the second floor. Although he had a magical defense and fell to the ground so that he would not be injured, the wound was widened again. Veigar's consciousness was close to collapse. Using magic power to temporarily seal the wound to prevent the blood from dripping, he quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

I don't know how far I ran.

Veigar only knew that he ran into a dilapidated church. After he found that there was no trace of blood left behind for the enemy to follow, he fell asleep as soon as he relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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