Mage Veja

Chapter 154

Chapter 154
"Temporary Combat Command, coordinates confirmed."

"At six o'clock, the whole team starts the overload combat mode."

"The chants of the fire-type high-level magic fire fall begin."

Through the signal flares fired by the shadow mages, the elite mage guards have locked the enemy's temporary combat headquarters and completed a series of preparations.

After one of the middle-level fire magicians finished singing, he reported to the captain: "The No. 1 high-level magic fire is ready, and we can launch long-range magic attacks on the enemy's temporary combat headquarters at any time."

"The No. 2 high-level magic fire meteor is ready."

"The No. 3 high-level magic fire meteor is ready."

In the overload mode, all high-level magicians all acted, trying to defeat the enemy with one blow.

If this round of magic fails to kill the target, the entire mage team will enter a mana recovery period of 1.5 hours. During this 1.5 hours, they can only passively defend, but cannot launch an attack.

At this time, the three fire meteors are ready to go.

The captain of the elite mage team paused for 2 seconds, then looked into the distance, and said loudly: "Magic strikes on the enemy's temporary combat headquarters are allowed."

"A high-level magic strike is counting down."

"3, 2, 1."


As the voice fell, three openings were cut in the blue sky, and then three meteorites dragged their long tails out from the inside, and smashed towards the release point of the signal flare one after the other.

Veigar, who was on the way, stopped in his tracks.

He raised his head and looked at the three hot meteorites, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth: "It turns out that Foster has already reached this point. From this point of view, it doesn't matter if I have me or not. This war, look Come on we won."

Remove trick formula.

Veigar stood on the tall building, watching the moment of victory.

This kind of high-level magic battle is rarely seen in peacetime, so I took this opportunity to observe it carefully, because even if I just watched it, I could feel how high-level magicians control their spiritual power.

Magic falls fast.

If there is no accident, the temporary combat headquarters will be razed to the ground in 2 seconds.

Are there any unexpected circumstances?
At least in Vega's view, it is simply impossible to temporarily block three fire falls.

But strength limited Vega's imagination.

At the last moment, the enemy's temporary combat headquarters was suddenly surrounded by a layer of light green protective cover, and the three fire meteors with devastating power failed to pierce through this thin layer Layers of protective shields were even wiped out in mid-air.

This is……

High-level wind magic, protected by the sky.

The opponent's temporary combat headquarters actually has a high-ranking magician?

In the Jialan Continent, the highest known magician is a star-level magician, which is above the upper-level magician, and there is only one person who has reached the star-level magician.

It is also the only "1" that protects the holy dynasty in the west of the mainland for a hundred years.

As long as the star magician never dies, other countries can destroy the holy dynasty, but they cannot bear the revenge of a star magician.

Although high-level magicians cannot be compared with star-level magicians.

But in an army group, there will only be at most two high-ranking magicians. How could such a super humanoid weapon with strategic significance appear here?

the most important is.

The two high-ranking mages of the imperial army are both on the front line, and it seems that no one is targeting the high-ranking mages here.

at the same time.

Because the elite mage squad of the imperial army started the overloaded combat method and was noticed by the royal army, each mage squad once again took the lead to carry out magic strikes unscrupulously. The earth and wind magicians of the elite mage squad could not pose a threat to many squads for the time being.

The form is even more grim.

The Guardian of the Sky didn't fail just because of one strike. Judging from the current situation, unless the enemy's temporary combat command sneaks in artificially, it will not be able to carry out long-range magic strikes for at least 12 hours.

The Imperial Army appears to be cornered.

At this time, Veigar raised his footsteps again and rushed towards the enemy's temporary combat headquarters.

At this time, Veigar vaguely guessed that perhaps the real purpose of sending the Shadow Mage Squadron was——

Regardless of casualties, kill Bruno.

As long as Bruno is not in command of the battle, the geographical advantage will be firmly on the side of the Imperial Army.

Only relying on a high-level magician cannot turn the tide, because after all, a high-level magician is not a non-human being like a star-level magician, and can still kill the opponent by relying on quantitative changes.

In less than 3 minutes, Veigar stood up in front of the guardian of the sky.

He unfolded the Trick Form, and then stepped into it without hesitation. The magic of the protection of the sky can only defend against external magical attacks, and will not prevent life forms from entering it.

As soon as he entered the Guardian of the Sky, Veigar found that the flames of war had already reached here.

I saw shadow mages jumping up and down one by one, using their own means to try to break into the 3-story building in front of them, but the two mage squads of the enemy set up a defense line at the door, attacking with uninterrupted fire magic and earth magic. With the shadow mage.

boom boom-

Three shadow mages died on the spot.

Because the enemy's army has two voice mages to assist in the battle, the shadow mage's ability to appear and disappear is useless here. They can only be like ordinary professionals, risking the enemy's elemental magic, using blood and numbers to fight their way out.

"Get rid of those two words and spirit masters, and we will win!"

A shadow mage roared and rushed to the front, but courage could not be turned into strength at this time.

Seeing the tragic death of another shadow mage, Veigar didn't rush over in a foolish way.

After all, he is not a fanatical patriot, nor does he have the consciousness to sacrifice his life for the empire, nor does he have the idea of ​​stabbing his teammates, so he chooses to wander on the edge, waiting for the shadow mage squadron to pull out the line of defense.

"25th, 29th, please die for the empire."

"Number 9, please lead us to victory!"

A skinny man ordered No. 25 and No. 29 to die, and No. 25 and No. 29 did not hesitate to lead the way with their daggers.

Boom boom boom.

Due to the speed of these two people, when the Kingdom Army killed these two people, No. 9 who followed behind had already appeared in front of the two Word Spirit Mages. The attack of the next shadow mage.

The two shadow thorns directly ended the lives of the two magicians.

Once the Word Spirit Mage died, the enemy's mage line of defense was officially shattered, and the remaining elemental mages were like headless chickens, truly feeling the fear of being dominated by the shadows.

In less than a minute, Veigar in the distance didn't even have time to make a move, and the 1 elemental mages were declared dead.

But this was just an appetizer, Veigar followed behind the large army and rushed towards the temporary combat headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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