Mage Veja

Chapter 168 All People Are Soldiers

Chapter 168 All People Are Soldiers
Hiding soldiers among the people?

All people are soldiers!

The former sentence was written on Foster's white paper, and the latter sentence was written by Vega.

As far as tactical theory is concerned, it is naturally clear at a glance which of these two sentences is higher and which is lower.

The former only thought of hiding the imperial army among the masses of the people and then launching real guerrilla tactics, while the latter directly turned the masses into soldiers, achieving the goal of turning all the people into soldiers.

Yes, the so-called guerrilla warfare is just showing the tip of the iceberg.

Not even guerrilla warfare.

The essence of real guerrilla warfare must be to mobilize the power of the people to fight against the enemy. After all, the enemy cannot slaughter the civilians. As long as the civilians return to the city, the hatred of being invaded by the kingdom of Kareni will definitely be used by the imperial army.

As long as a little ideological work is done, then the inevitable result is that all the people will become soldiers.

And the Royal Army wants to defeat the Imperial Army in Kareni?
So the first thing to do is to slaughter the 500 million people in Kaleni City!

Is it possible to massacre 500 million people?

This is of course impossible. Once the kingdom does such a destructive thing, it may immediately become a public enemy of the mainland. Moreover, 500 million people are not animals to be slaughtered. Even animals will struggle before dying.

This was the tactical plan that Vega came up with in a flash of inspiration when Foster ordered to regain control of the air-raid shelter, combining the guerrilla tactics of his previous life. At that time, he was even shocked that Foster could see through the essence of guerrilla warfare at a glance.

Although Foster's thinking still stays in hiding soldiers from civilians, even so, Vega admires Foster in particular.

A native of another world.

An officer who has never been in contact with guerrilla warfare can see at a glance from his 16 words that the essence of guerrilla warfare is to use the hearts of the people. This point of war sense alone is beyond the reach of ordinary officers.

According to Vega.

When the Royal Army gave up guarding the air-raid shelter and giving up the control of civilians, it already represented that the balance of victory was tilted towards the Imperial Army. Next, the Royal Army would either withdraw from Kareni early, or stay to experience the real hell.

"As expected of the creator of tactics."

"Whether it is practical or strategic, it is several levels higher than me."

Foster's eyes were shining brightly, completely different from the lifeless one some time ago: "These four words from your official have already shown me the ending of victory. Although it is a bit inappropriate in terms of status, please allow me Wang Guojun has a good moment of silence."

"Victory will belong to the Empire." Veigar saluted with a smile.


Royal Army, Headquarters of the First Airborne Division.

About 45 years old, Ingril, the division commander with a pair of eagle eyes, sat behind the desk. Besides him in the conference room, there was Saul, the commander of the 3rd brigade, who was also one of his most proud subordinates.

"Saul, is everything going according to plan?"

"Report to the teacher."

"The air-raid shelter garrisons throughout Kareni have been withdrawn."

"Under the new chief's organization, the Kareni spy system has been restarted."

The division commander English nodded in satisfaction, and said decisively: "Thanks to your opinion this time, the staff department was able to make a plan to counter the enemy's new tactics so quickly. After this matter is over, you should First achievement."

"After all, the lower officials ruined half of the troops, and I really dare not take credit for it." Thor quickly refused.

The division commander English waved his hand: "Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs. There is no such thing as a victorious general on the mainland. It is already gratifying that you can sum up experience from failure. In fact, I am very grateful to you for coming up with this plan." The process is quite curious."

"It's not something to brag about."

Sol smiled awkwardly and said: "I just learned from the pain and studied the various fighting methods of the Imperial Army from ancient times to the present, and finally came to an amazing discovery, that is, the Imperial Army is not as good at frontal combat as the mainland is known. confrontation."


Ingril's interest was aroused: "The kingdom and the empire have been fighting for hundreds of years. Your statement indirectly denies the conclusions drawn by our country's think tanks in the past. Even our commander-in-chief would Don't dare to do that."

"It's not a denial, but the think tanks of the past dynasties have only seen the tip of the iceberg of the empire."

Saul said convincingly: "After this failure, I finally discovered that what the Imperial Army is good at is not frontal combat, nor is it this kind of urban combat that wins more with less, but exerts its own strengths!"

English waited for Saul's next words.

Thor's expression was very solemn: "The Imperial Army is strong and strong. If they encounter it head-on, they will use their advantages in numbers and firepower output to directly defeat us from the front. This time, when they are short of troops, they will immediately use their flexible characteristics. Played hide-and-seek with us, and when we are paralyzed, we will use one move to defeat the enemy."

"That is to say—"

The division commander English continued what Sol hadn't finished saying: "In other words, the most successful part of the Imperial Army is that it is good at avoiding its own weaknesses and making good use of its advantages?"


Thor replied: "So in my opinion, there is no need for us to think of tactics against the imperial army, because if a tactic is cracked, it is possible that the imperial army has developed a new tactic. advantage, the reason for the intelligence war with the Imperial Army.”

The spy system, this is the proud advantage of the Kingdom.

This advantage is also an absolutely irreplaceable existence of the empire and other countries, because the intelligence system of the kingdom is the result of hundreds of years of operation. After all, it is hard to imagine that an innocent family with several generations of loyalty will be all spies.

So just let the civilians return to the cities.

Then even if the imperial army hides in the sewer, it will definitely be mastered by the powerful spy system of the kingdom. This is why Sol suggested that the garrison troops of the royal army withdraw from the air-raid shelter.

So on that day.

The civilians in the air-raid shelters and the spies hiding in the civilians also returned to Kareni.

The originally quiet and desolate city regained some heat. The civilians began to rebuild their homes, and the troops of the Royal Army began to replace the original law enforcement teams to patrol the streets and alleys.


All the civilians in Kareni City looked at the Kingdom Army with bloodthirsty anger in their eyes. It was this group of kingdom scumbags who ruined everything for them, but they dared not speak out because of the powerful force of the Kingdom Army.

Anger will build up.

Once the anger breaks through the zero point and buries the rationality, then it will explode with terrifying power.

Unaware, the Royal Army actively launched an intelligence war, and at the same time, the Imperial Army began to act secretly according to Vega's plan. Both sides planned to use the power of the people to decide the outcome.

Therefore, a game revolving around civilians has officially begun.

(End of this chapter)

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