Mage Veja

Chapter 17 The only family affection

Chapter 17 The only family affection

Tranquil yard.

Vega was held in Leah's arms, and she didn't let go of Vega until she calmed down a little.

Gently stroked Vega's cheek.

Before Vega could speak, Liya asked with concern: "Xiao Wei, tell me where you have been for the past 10 months, why you appeared in the church with serious injuries, if not... If not, I would go to the church every day A visit to the church, if it wasn’t for the help of Brother Carlo, you would have almost died there due to excessive blood loss.”

Speaking of this, Leah's voice became a little choked.

She would visit the church she was familiar with every day, for fear that one day Vega would suddenly return to the church but could not find her.

After more than 10 months and more than 300 times of back and forth, Leah never saw Vega again. She once desperately thought that Vega had some kind of accident and would never appear again.

She also prayed devoutly to the statue of the church.

Because that is her only family, the only spiritual sustenance.

The gods seem to have heard her prayer, and this wish came true tonight.But when she saw Vega's blood-stained body, she almost fainted on the ground. If the price of Vega's life was Vega's life, then she hoped that this wish would never come true.

Fortunately, Brother Carlo was right outside the door.

In the end, Carlo carried Vega home for treatment and bandaging.

According to Carlo, although Vega is a child, his physical fitness is surprisingly good. Even if he loses a lot of blood, his life will not be in danger, and he will wake up around tomorrow.

Feeling relieved, Leah did the laundry instead of Vega.

At the same time, Leah was still thinking about how to repay the kindness of the Carlo family.

Carlo is the eldest son of the bakery, he took her in last winter, and persuaded his father to hire her to work in the bakery, the gentle big brother saved her life in a sense, and now again Veigar's life, so she vowed to repay Veigar's life-saving grace.

thought here.

Without waiting for Vega's hesitant answer, she immediately pulled Vega up to Carlo: "Xiao Wei, this is Brother Carlo, he saved your life, thank him quickly."

"Thanks, thank you." Veigar's expression was a little stiff.

After all, a few minutes ago, he avenged his kindness and put a knife on his neck.

However, Vega is not someone who can afford it and can’t let it go. He apologized: "Ka, Carlo, I apologize for the previous matter. I hope you don’t take it to heart. If you need any compensation, please feel free to say it. I will try my best to make it up for you. You did it."


Vega was knocked on the head by Leah: "Xiao Wei, it's too rude, you want to call Brother Carlo, and what trouble did you cause Brother Carlo? Tell me honestly."

"Leah, don't worry about it."

Carlo glanced at Vega jealously, but still pretended to be magnanimous and said: "It's not a big deal, it's just that Brother Vega who just woke up is a little too alert."

"Brother Carlo, I'm very sorry."

Liya apologized on Vega's behalf: "Xiao Wei is still young and not sensible, if I accidentally offend you, I will definitely teach him a lesson, but... at least... at least... please wait until Xiao Wei recovers from his injuries. .”

Vega is still young?

Carlo didn't dare to treat a person with murderous eyes and a knife on his neck as a child.

I thought so.

In front of Leah, Carlo still said generously: "Leah, really don't care, your younger brother is my younger brother, so don't be so rude."


At this time, the courtyard door suddenly opened, and a 12-year-old child sneaked in.

When Carlo saw the child, he yelled angrily: "Cady, where have you been so late!"


Cardi, who had just entered the door, was startled by the sudden sound. When he saw his eldest brother Carlo in the yard, he walked over and said indifferently: "It's just that I came home a little late..."

"A little late? It's already 2 o'clock in the morning!"

Carlo wanted to say a few more words, but was interrupted by Cardi, with sarcasm in his voice: "You don't have to worry about my affairs. If there is nothing else, I won't bother big brother and Leah on a date."

"Kady!" Carlo roared angrily.

But Kadi ignored Carlo's roar, and walked straight inside after speaking.

When passing by Vega, he glanced at Vega's injuries, then glanced at the military uniform beside him to dry, and said, "Heh... Brother, have you picked up another trouble and come back? Rather than caring about my affairs when you have time Think of an excuse for how to explain to Dad tomorrow."


Hitting Vega's shoulder straight, Cady disappeared from everyone's sight.

Silence for a few minutes.

Carlo said a little decadently: "I'm very sorry, because my younger brother's mother passed away when he was born, my younger brother was spoiled by his father since he was a child, and he is really ignorant."

Leah quickly waved her hand and said, "Kady is still young, I believe that one day he will understand Brother Carlo's concern, not to mention my family's Xiao Wei is the same, it's been 10 months without even saying hello."

Leah glared at Vega fiercely and said, "I won't let you run away this time."

Shrinking his head, Vega was still timid in front of Leah.


The next day, early in the morning.

Due to professional reasons, Veigar's injuries have recovered by [-]%, and his activities have not been affected.

He stayed alone in Lia's room, looking at the map he took back from Lia in his hand, and fell into a short thought.

"What's next?"

If he remembered correctly, the man in black he saw last night was definitely a professional of the United Kingdom intelligence organization who recovered maps, and his strength was not inferior to him.

Look at the intelligence contact points marked on this map.

There are two places on this street alone, and it is not sure how many intelligence personnel are in the dark. It is absolutely impossible to safely send the map to the barracks by going to the street now.

"The key is to heal the injury first."

Veigar made a preliminary plan, and was ready to wait for the opportunity after recovering from his injuries.

As soon as he walked out of the house, Vega found that one side of this old-fashioned house was used to open a bakery, while the other side was used to live in people. The house also had a large yard surrounded by walls, making it very quiet.

But his uniform was no longer in the yard.

According to Leah's lesson, it's against the law to wear his military uniform that he didn't know where he came from. In order to prevent him from getting into trouble for this reason, she directly took Vega's military uniform and long sword. stand up.

However, under Vega's guarantee and begging, Leah had no choice but to leave the short dagger and the Iron Cross, which she considered ordinary decorations, to Vega.

wander around.

Veigar began to be familiar with every corner of the house. As an excellent soldier, he must prepare a retreat route for himself to escape at any time, and being familiar with the surrounding environment is a compulsory course.

After walking around, I finally came to a bakery.

He glanced carefully at the shop through the curtain of the back kitchen, and found that the bakery was very busy. At 6:45, people lined up to buy bread, including soldiers from the empire.

"Wait, Imperial soldier?"

A spiritual wave passed Veigar's brain.

 Let me tell you something, because it is the new book issue, starting tomorrow I plan to save some manuscripts once a day, if I get a recommendation, I will update it twice a day, and I will try my best to update it three times if the results on the shelf are slightly over.Finally, thank you for your votes~

(End of this chapter)

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