Mage Veja

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

guerrilla army.

This was proposed by Veigar, voted by the military department, and finally decided to give the name.

As for the purpose of doing this, of course it is to strengthen the sense of belonging of the common people.

Veiga, who came from time travel, is very familiar with this set. Don't you see that players forget to eat and sleep for several days in order to obtain a title or even an icon on the online game.

Therefore only an official name is given.

On the premise of not needing to pay any financial and material resources, it is easy to achieve incredible cohesion, which is completely beneficial and harmless.

In addition to the official name given.

This army has no official establishment, and there is not even a threshold for joining. As long as they are civilians of the empire, have participated in a guerrilla squad, or are preparing to join a guerrilla squad, they can call themselves a member of the guerrilla army.

And Veigar is now the supreme commander of this force.

As for why no one competes with Veigar, the first is of course because he leads the overall plan, and the second is because most officers don't like or even look down on civilian troops who are disobedient and undisciplined.

This is indeed a civilian army that is not even as good as a cannon fodder army.

Not even the word 'army'.

But such a troop is more than a million times stronger than a backbone troop or an elite troop, because just relying on numbers alone can directly kill every second, and Vega is the supreme commander of this troop.

Be watched by more than 200 million pairs of eyes.

Veigar's petite frame has been remembered by millions.

Through Vega's later speech, everyone present finally knew that it turned out that the entire counterattack plan was created by this child under the age of 12, and this child was an imperial hero with the surname 'Kalleni'. He is also the supreme commander of the guerrilla army to which they belong.

Nobody doesn't like honor.

For civilians who are used to daily life, the title of guerrilla army is a kind of honor.

Under the circumstances of love and preconception, although the civilians have not heard of Vega's previous deeds, in less than half an hour, he has become a well-known hero in the entire Kareni.

If we really want to talk about popularity, I am afraid that it is even more famous than Commander Foster.

In this troubled world, fame is definitely a resource more precious than gold. In many cases, fame can be used to solve troubles. There is indeed a saying that those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

For example.

If the former Veigar wanted to rebel, he would only be treated as a street mouse because of his low reputation, but if he wants to rebel now, he just needs to exaggerate casually, and mention a few righteous things such as being persecuted by the empire and high-level corruption. voter support.


All mouths make gold, black can be said to be white, no evidence is needed.

Therefore, fame is a good thing, and it is also a talisman more precious than any honor and merit. As long as one's reputation spreads far and wide, then when the higher-ups want to move him, they must first consider how to appease the anger of millions of people.

At this time, Veigar's speech also came to an end.

He drew out a long crossed sword that he had prepared temporarily. The long sword symbolized rights: "Soldiers of the Empire, please always remember that you are a member of the guerrilla army. Please don't forget today's glory. It is you who made the [-] elite troops of the Kingdom Army I have to back off. Now, as the commander-in-chief of the guerrilla army, I issue a second order to you—"


Everyone stood at attention, and the sound of orderly pacing echoed.

Veigar's childish voice echoed again: "Glory be with you, victory to the Empire. All armies—strike!"

The crossed long sword symbolizing victory was raised high, and the time for a decisive battle had arrived.

"Long Live the Empire!"

"Long live the commander!"

"Long live victory!"

120 million people erupted in a terrifying momentum at the same time. Under the leadership of the reassembled regular troops, they headed directly towards the retreating direction of the Royal Army. Veigar wanted to secure the victory in one fell swoop before this momentum cooled down.


"Long Live the Empire!"

"Long live the commander!"

"Long live victory!"

The voice of 120 million people was earth-shattering, and even the Royal Army, who was far away from Victory Square, could hear it clearly.

The division commander English, who was riding on the horse, changed his expression instantly.

In addition to the anger in his eyes, there is also a hint of confusion, because he did not expect that the Imperial Army would go all out to secure the victory after the Victory Square has been given up. This sharp-edged command style is not at all like Foster. style.

It's not the first time English has played against Foster.

In his impression, Foster's command style is like a frog boiled in warm water. He is more inclined to let you fall into the trap step by step, let you slowly experience despair from it, and then directly crush your heart, let You voluntarily surrender in a state of physical and mental breakdown.

This is Foster's combat style.

If Foster was in charge of commanding today, he would not be so pressing.

In other words, the commander of this war was not Foster from beginning to end?
So who is the commander?
Ingril's heart sank. He didn't remember that there was such a talented commander in the Third Army. Not only was he brilliant in tactics, but he even ended up so neatly after gaining an advantage.

boom boom-

A series of explosions interrupted English's thoughts.

He found sadly that the vanguard of the empire had already caught up. Although the number of this army was less than 2000 and the number of magicians was not comparable to his own, English did not dare to fight.

Because once it stops, it is very likely that it will be overtaken by the millions of troops behind.

If you are chased by millions of people...

Just thinking about it made English feel trembling all over.

All that can be done now is to escape.

Ingril thought for less than half a minute, and immediately issued an order: "The first professional brigade, I order you as the commander of the first airborne division—please die for the kingdom."

"Long live the kingdom."

Despair flashed in the eyes of more than 100 professionals, and then they took out the written suicide note from their arms and handed it to the nearby soldiers.

"Please tell my parents that his son is a hero and that I...have not disgraced them."

"Leave it to my sister and apologize to her for me. I couldn't go back. My brother lied."

"It's all for you. This is all the gold coins of labor and capital. Just buy me a fish for that black stray cat on West Street."

The soldiers saluted silently.

The first professional brigade of the Royal Army broke away from the main force, blocking the footsteps of the imperial pursuit troops.

Also because of their sacrifices, the Kingdom's troops finally arrived at the North City Gate.

In order to prevent the remnants of the imperial army from escaping from the city, they used to block it here with heavy troops. They didn't expect that time had passed, and now they were the ones who wanted to escape.


The heavy city gate was opened.

Ingril glanced at Kareni City with nostalgia, and finally gave an order to retreat.


There is really no other way.

The only luck is that although he lost the war, he retained most of his troops. With the imperial army's bloated troops of more than one million people, and under the premise of no organization and discipline, it is almost impossible to catch up with him. pace.

But as soon as he led the army out of the city gate, his expression froze.

Why outside the door—

And an Imperial Army unit?

Although this army looks demoralized and disorganized, it is indeed an imperial army!

(End of this chapter)

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