Mage Veja

Chapter 176 Closing

Chapter 176 Closing

The red eagle banner of the Empire is unfurling.

This unforgettable scene caught Raglan's eyes.

At a glance, there were only people or people, and the crowd was rushing towards him like a stormy sea. Although he knew that these millions of people didn't seem to be coming towards him, the terrifying aura made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

With what to resist?

Even the determination to die would tremble under such a crowd.

Although there are millions of people, I will go there?
Raglan finally realized that the person who uttered these words must have never really faced... hell.

Fortunately, these millions of people were not the enemy army, and the friendly red eagle flag clearly told him that this terrifying army, which was so terrifying that it was impossible to resist even the slightest bit, was indeed his reinforcements.

At this moment, Raglan smiled.

The smirk of the rest of the life, the smile of relief, the wild laughter of revenge... countless complicated smiles appeared on Raglan's face, and now he really wants to know, who is it that can pull hundreds of people in the city? Ten thousand troops fought against the Royal Army.

A million people is not a 200 people.

As a general, Raglan understands that human beings are complex creatures, and it is difficult to influence only one person's thoughts. Even Foster does not have the ability to pull millions of people into action together, right?


Millions of troops finally joined the battlefield.

And the deadlocked war ended in less than 5 minutes. Millions of troops swept away the fallen leaves like the autumn wind, and the Kingdom's army died wherever they went, without even a chance to fight back.

Raglan didn't move.

Almost out of strength, he half-kneeled on the ground, supported his body with a long sword, and witnessed this crushing situation.

"Victory, victorious?"

He muttered to himself, the scene in front of him made him feel like he was in a dream. Ten minutes ago tomorrow, he was still fighting with the determination to die, and was even very desperate at one point.

But 10 minutes later, a miracle happened.

This war can only be described as a miracle, and the officer commanding this force must be synonymous with miracles, so who is the commander who created the miracle, Foster or someone else?

A childish hand stretched out.

Raglan, who was half kneeling on the ground, raised his head with difficulty, only seeing a petite black shadow due to the glare of the sun.

I groaned in my heart.

Raglan already had a general answer. He grabbed that immature right hand and tried to stand up. Everything was as imagined. The guy who commanded this army was indeed Veigar.


Apart from Veigar, who else can do this.

Raglan couldn't help but think of that stinky brat who was still able to make the quiet and peaceful Kareni bloody during the truce. He even hated this kind of war machine made for war, because such a guy in peacetime would only destroy Kareni's harmony even brought disaster to the empire. He once wanted to expel Vega from the army.

Unfortunately, several subsequent plans failed.

But now, Raglan suddenly felt that it was a good thing Veigar hadn't been expelled from the military.

Only a trouble-making machine like this can drive the dominant kingdom's invading troops out of Kareni alive, and even he himself was saved by this brat.

"It's great that this kid is still in the Third Army..."

As this idea fell, Raglan, who had been running around for days, finally couldn't support his body, and fell to the ground and passed out.


Veigar's outstretched hand froze in mid-air.

He originally wanted to pull Raglan up, showing the demeanor that an officer should have, but Raglan's sudden coma made it impossible for him to put his hands away, or to continue to freeze in mid-air. The scene was once very embarrassing.

"Cough cough..."

After coughing twice, Vega shouted calmly, "Adjutant? Adjutant!"

"Yes, my subordinate is here." A soldier stepped forward immediately.

Veigar glanced around and said, "Report the current situation."

"Yes, sir."

The adjutant hurriedly organized the language, and then said: "In the last battle, the Royal Army killed 1.1 people and captured 4 people. The rest of the troops have been out of the battle and can't catch up for a while. The enemy's senior officers also retreated safely under the cover of the magician troops. , we cannot keep them with our strength.”

After listening to the report, Veigar did not reply.

He boarded the tower, and then held up a crossed long sword symbolizing victory: "All troops, stand at attention!"


When Veigar's unique child's voice echoed, the noisy battlefield instantly quieted down, and more than a million pairs of eyes looked along the source of the sound. When they saw Veigar, everyone's eyes radiated a fiery glow. look.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Veigar moved.

He took the cross sword and swung it fiercely at the golden lion banner of the kingdom on the tower.


The crisp sound of the flagpole breaking echoed, and the Golden Lion Flag of the kingdom that had dominated Kaleni City for nearly 20 days finally fell slowly from the sky at this moment, and finally fell to the ground.


As the golden lion flag fell, Vega dropped the cross sword in his hand, then raised his right hand, and the red eagle flag of the empire rose from the ground, instead of the golden lion flag floating in the sky above Kareni: "The empire's Soldiers, warriors of the guerrilla army, I now declare to you as the commander-in-chief of the guerrilla army, Vega Kareni—"



The immature child's voice pierced the sky: "Today, glory is shared, long live the empire!"

Silence, deathly silence.

After the silence, there was the carnival sound of mountains roaring and tsunami.

"Share the glory, long live the empire!"

"Long live the Empire, long live the Commander!"


The civilians holding sticks, hoes, and kitchen knives in their hands cried and shouted frantically. Even though their voices were hoarse and their tears were about to flow, it did not stop them from venting their depressed mood that had accumulated for nearly a month.

They had waited too long for this victory.

In desperation, they used their own power to drive the invaders of the kingdom out of the territory of the empire. This supreme joy cannot be expressed clearly in words.

After venting, they looked up at the red eagle banner of the Empire.

But at this moment, the image of Veigar standing on the tower holding the imperial black-bottomed red eagle flag became as tall as a god.


Coincidentally, the whole army fell silent, and they spontaneously saluted Veigar.

The scene of Vega standing on the tower with a red eagle flag and looking into the distance has been engraved in the eyes of all the civilians present. In their eyes, Vega is the hero who saved Kareni, and also their eternal and only guerrilla army commander in chief.

So after a few days, the center of the North Tower.

A young boy in military uniform held the imperial black-bottomed red eagle flag, and a bronze statue overlooking the Kingdom of Gacilia was erected.

(End of this chapter)

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