Mage Veja

Chapter 180

Chapter 180
six years ago.

Only 11-year-old Cherise Rodney retrieved a stray dog.

Although this stray dog ​​is dying, it has a pair of clear eyes, which are full of spirituality and eager to survive, so that the kind-hearted Qi Li brought it back to the family without any hesitation, and she wanted to save it.

With her help, the stray dogs gradually regained their spirits.

And Qi Lisi especially enjoys playing with stray dogs, and she feels very happy every day.

But the good times didn't last long, and the incident was discovered by her father.

After being an aristocrat, it is also a new super business family. Even if the direct descendants want to keep pets, they must be pure-blooded and noble aristocratic dogs, not this kind of mongrel dogs.

Under pressure from her father and gossip, she finally surrendered the stray dog.

According to her naive idea, even if it cannot be raised at home, then let the stray dog ​​return to its original place, and she can bring it enough food every day to make it live healthily.

How could my father not know this kind of thinking?
As the president of the Chamber of Commerce and the patriarch of the family, it is too easy to see clearly the mind of an 11-year-old girl. In order to teach the young Qi Lisi what to do and what not to do, he Si's face ordered the stray dogs to be killed.

Qi Lisi will never forget that day.

The father's cold words, the butcher's knife in the hands of the servants, the mockery in the eyes of the clan members, and——

The last howl of a stray dog ​​before it dies.

Since then, the nightmare has always been with her. Even now, Qi Lisi still thinks that it was because she did not withstand the pressure of the family that finally let the stray dog ​​die in front of her.

And now, the tragedy is about to repeat itself.

Faced with the pressure from the refugees, she has become helpless.

Holding Vega's hand tightly, it began to loosen.

Her heart has been shaken to the extreme, as long as she lets go, then she will not become the target of public criticism.

"give up."

"As long as you let go, you won't get hurt."

Thinking so, Qi Lisi let go of Vega's hand, and she finally chose to be wise and protect herself.

The right hand has been released.

But Veigar wasn't surprised, even within reason.

Kindness and justice?
To put it bluntly, it is just a means for the strong to pay something that is insignificant to them to achieve spiritual satisfaction. Once it endangers their own interests, they will immediately let go.

Veigar didn't blame Celis.

Because no one is obliged to help you, you should be grateful if you can get help, and don't blame if you don't get help.

Taking a step forward, Veigar was about to make a move.

But at this moment, a burst of warmth flowed into the brain from the tactile nerve in his right hand, causing ripples in his calm mind, and he looked towards his right hand in disbelief——

A childish hand has already held his right hand again.

It turns out that there are really fools like Leah in this world.

Qi Lisi stood in front of Vega. Although her face was pale with fear and her tears hadn't even dried up, she uttered three words to everyone in an extremely firm tone: "I'm sorry."

"Are you mocking us?"

The 2-meter strong man was furious when he heard these three words, why only that useless brat and the damned woman could be rescued, while a tall and strong man like him was rejected.

He winked at the two equally strong men beside him.

As former hooligans, their control of people's hearts is still quite precise. This kind of 17-year-old rich girl who has never seen the world, as long as she uses some threats of force, she will naturally submit obediently.

The three are condescending like an iron tower.

The leading 2-meter-strong man stretched out his right hand and swung it towards Qi Lisi's cheek.

Because of fear, Qi Lisi closed her eyes, and even her trembling legs were a little unsteady.

Even so.

To Vega's surprise, Qi Lisi was still holding his hand tightly, protecting him behind her back, as if she wanted to resist the strong man's blow with her weak body.

I can't understand it.

Veigar sighed deeply, and forcibly pulled out the held hand.

There is no way around this, the old man has probably seen through his identity, if he doesn't take action, this ride will probably be a failure, Wei Jia made such an excuse for himself, so he drew his short knife.

Magic burst.

Veigar swept past like a gust of wind, and then warm blood spurted out, splashing his cheeks red.

at the same time.

The heads of the three people also fell to the ground, and Veigar used the most brutal beheading to kill.


The refugees backed away again and again.

They looked at Vega in horror, who were originally aggressive. They never thought that a 12-year-old child could kill three grown-up men without hesitation.

"Now, do you have any comments?"

Veigar showed a bright smile, and asked a question to the refugees, and the refugees fled in all directions immediately after seeing Veigar's bright smile, they were already terrified.

"Bastard, what are you doing?"

Originally expressionless, the law enforcement team members who were purely watching the fun rushed towards Vega.

Although they were ordered not to accept any refugees into the city, it did not mean that they could tolerate crimes in front of them. Veigar had violated the law by killing imperial civilians for no reason.

And they discovered that Veigar was actually a professional.

Veigar is surrounded by law enforcement squads defending the city.

The leading professional law enforcement captain took a step forward vigilantly: "I didn't expect that a child as young as you is actually a professional. What is your attempt to pretend to be a refugee? Are you really a spy of the kingdom? Please put down your weapons immediately and show your identity card." Proof of identity, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

"Don't be nervous."

Vega said as he took out his military officer's ID from his jacket pocket: "I belong to the Third Army of the Empire, Captain Vega."

The captain of the law enforcement gave the team members a wink, so the team members took Veigar's documents and ran towards the record room at the city gate, but the captain as a professional did not let down his vigilance. Whether it was a war or not, professionals and magic Teachers need to be strictly checked if they want to enter the city.

A few minutes later, the team members ran out of the filing room.

He said to the captain who was still vigilant against Vega: "Report to the captain, the ID number 952xxx really exists. Captain Vega Carleni is indeed a member of the Third Army, and his identity has been confirmed."


Letting out a long breath, the professional captain finally let go of his vigilance.

"Wait, Kareni?"

The captain of the law enforcement opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't say anything. He silently saluted Vega, and then told his subordinates: "This matter ends here, and the death records of these three people will directly write treason. Bar."

"Yes, Captain."

The law enforcement team returned to their garrison positions and did not intend to embarrass Vega.

Vega was not surprised. In the entire north, who would not know the city of Kalieni? People with the surname of Kalieni, no matter which city in the north, will receive the greatest respect, and there is no reason to attack the heroes of the empire. will be charged with treason.

Finish chores.

Vega turned around and said, "Miss Qi Lisi, I'm fine now, let's go into the city."

Words were not answered.

Seeing Vega's bloody face, Qi Lisi took a few steps back in fear, especially when she met her eyes, she quickly looked away like a frightened rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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