Mage Veja

Chapter 189 Take what you need

Chapter 189 Take what you need
"I want……"

"Take away the entire Rodney Chamber of Commerce!"

Crazy words spewed out from Qi Lisi's mouth. If the housekeeper Fogg or her father heard this sentence, their jaws would drop in shock. Liz Rodney?
Obviously, the education he got from childhood is to give everything for the rise of the family.

Why would you say such rebellious words?
Even if it is the rebellion of adolescence, this rebellion must be a bit big. A disagreement will overthrow the whole family. The seemingly innocent and kind girl in front of me is not as simple as imagined.

Veigar didn't hold the hand that Qi Lisi extended.

He said with a smile: "Miss Qi Lisi, is it really okay to say such things to me? Are you not afraid that I will leak this matter to the housekeeper Fogg, or your father?"


Qi Lisi seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world: "Are you underestimating my disguise over the years? Do you think the family is willing to believe your nonsense, or the image I have built for a long time."

"second question."

Veigar found a seat and sat down: "I don't understand, why did you tell me this, although it is probably certain that I am your new target, but in the end I am just a stranger."

"I need your help."

Qi Lisi stared at Vega tightly: "I have been forced to retreat by that damn fool of Yves, and I have lost the support of a magician. I am useless to the family, probably There is no escape from a commercial marriage."

Vega was silent.

Although his intuition told him that with his ability, he couldn't wade into this muddy water for the time being, because apart from knowing that the Rodney family was very rich, he still didn't know what kind of influence and strength the Rodney family had.

But intellectually, Veigar thinks that Qi Lisi should be supported.

As long as he can help Qi Lisi subvert the entire family, it means that he can obtain the money resources of the Rodney family, and money resources are very important for magicians and professionals.

Want to gain a foothold in the empire.

There is no harm in the support of one more force. From a long-term strategic point of view, there is absolutely no harm at all.

"I can help you."

Vega stared into Qi Lisi's eyes and saw: "But what do I need to give, and what can you give me?"

"He's obviously a brat, but he's even more difficult than Eve."

Qi Lisi snorted and said: "Using the influence of the magician Yves in the past two years, I have successfully won over 10% of the lower-level management of the chamber of commerce, but the influence of a good magician ends here. And his public proposal made me passive. So I urgently need to make a marriage contract with you now, and use your status as the future general and magician of the empire to continue to expand my influence and erode the management of the chamber of commerce."

Veigar didn't speak, he just stared at each other.

It is really hard to imagine that a 17-year-old girl has already won over 10% of the lower-level management of the chamber of commerce.

"As for what I can give you..."

Qi Lisi paused, and then continued: "Except for my body, I can hand over the entire Rodney family. By the way, the Rodney family is one of the top ten business families in the imperial capital."

Hearing this, Vega wished he could agree to Qi Lisi immediately.

Because Vega is short of money, and quite short of money.

He has clearly advanced to the third-tier magician, but he still hasn't got enough gold coins to buy the third-tier magic. If he can get the resources of the Rodney family, does that mean that he won't need to worry about gold coins anymore.

But Qi Lisi's last sentence aroused Vega's curiosity.

So he asked with a wicked smile, "What if I say I want your body?"


After being silent, Qi Lisi directly refused: "Why do you think I want to subvert the family? I would rather die than let any man touch my body. If your condition is this, then we have nothing to talk about." .”

"just kidding."

Veigar chuckled, then stretched out his hand and said, "I am willing to help you. If my identity is useful, just use it. I will try my best to cooperate with your work."

Qi Lisi and Vega lightly shook hands.

Then she said: "I will draw up the contract later. You help me win the Rodney family. From then on, the resources of the Rodney family will serve you personally, and I will be free."

"Happy cooperation." Vega said with a smile.


The door was closed again.

Qi Lisi also came out of Vega's room.

She didn't stay too long, but walked back to the room quickly. After washing her hands ten times repeatedly, she took off her clothes and threw them into the trash can, and then took an hour-long bath.

After everything is done.

Qi Lisi just sat on the chair in the room and began to draw up the contract.

When she saw Vega's military certificate, Qi Lisi realized that the opportunity had come.

She is not a little girl who is not obsessed with worldly affairs. As a direct descendant of a business family, she certainly knows everything about politics and the military. Whether it is Wings of the Empire or other honors, it is enough to send Vega to the rank of general. bit.

In addition to being a general, he is also a magician.

How influential is a future mage-general of the Imperial military?

Even a mage is worthy of the family's wooing, and Vega's status is enough for the family to pay all the price and must be firmly in his hands. As long as she can be engaged to Vega, at least she does not need to be arranged for other commercial marriages.

at the same time.

With the help of Vega's identity, she can secretly attract more low-level and even middle-level management to work for her. Coupled with her secret layout of several Patriarch candidates, no accident, those brothers will soon pinch each other , and she can also take the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman, because no one will be wary of her direct descendant who is destined to be married off.

Qi Lisi wanted to see it even in her dreams.

Her father, the family, saw the expression on her face when she, a daughter who had been obedient since childhood, was sitting in the head of the family.

Totally conceivable.

That would be the happiest thing in the world.

And her father forced her to do all of this, knowing that her body cannot be touched by others, but also made her endure it, and even made her consider marrying a magician like Yves, this is simply an unforgivable crime .

Since her father can abandon her for the sake of the family.

Then she would betray the entire family, destroy the faith that those people had dedicated their lives to, and finally gain true freedom.

So after a few days.

The airship slowly landed at the civil airport of the imperial capital, Qi Lisi returned to the family, and Vega went to the military academy.

The two people who seem to be in harmony with each other have reached a secret agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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