Mage Veja

Chapter 194 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 194 The Uninvited Guest

Central Military Academy, student dormitory.

When the morning sun shines on the ground through the window screen, Vega wakes up leisurely from his sleep.

Thanks to the particularity of the elite scientists, Vega was allocated an independent student dormitory, but the students in the ordinary class were not so lucky, they needed 4 people to squeeze into a small room.

After all, the elite department is a high-level officer reserve, while the general department is only a middle-level officer reserve. No matter in terms of teaching staff or resources, they will strongly favor the students of the elite department.

Washed up.

Veigar dressed neatly, and then headed towards the library. He has done this every day for the past three days, because the library of the military academy has a rich collection of books, especially about professionals and magicians.

Using these three days, Veigar read almost 1/20 of professional books for professionals.

The reason why he works so hard is because he wants to find a way to advance to the next level of professional through the books here. He has been stuck at level 5 as a trainee professional for more than a month, and the inability to increase his strength has brought him strong anxiety.

Although Vega worked very hard to find a way to advance.

But unfortunately, so far he still has no specific way to advance, and the time left for him is only 12 days, because the three-year 573rd officer training is about to start.

Once the training starts, Veigar is not sure if he has time to read here.

Enter the library and come to the professional book section.

Veigar looked all the way along the bookshelves, trying to find books related to promotion.

"Hey, what is the principle of career advancement?"

Veigar's eyes lit up, and he suddenly saw a book called "Professional Promotion Principles" from the bookshelf, and he subconsciously stretched towards that book, needless to say the excitement in his heart.

If you can figure out the principle.

Does that mean that he can solve the mystery and get out of the current predicament by studying this principle?

Just do it.

Veigar took down the book from the bookshelf, then happily sat on the self-study table by the window, eagerly reading it.

"The losers are often the ones whose enthusiasm lasts only 5 minutes."

"Successful people are often those who persist in the last 5 minutes."

"Diligence can make up for stupidity, stupid birds fly first, your potential is beyond your imagination."


After reading the page by page, Veigar felt that his whole body was not good, and he even felt that his IQ had been insulted at this moment.

Is this the principle of professional advancement?
This is simply chicken soup for the soul!

This kind of chicken soup for the soul was almost nauseating in the previous life, but the facts have proved that the chicken soup for the soul has no benefit at all.

Of course, if you insist on using these chicken soup for the soul as the principle of promotion for professionals, it seems to be true. Persistence can advance, and hard work can make a fortune. This kind of principle is not nonsense.

With anger, Veigar closed the book.

After being fed chicken soup and being tricked, he just wants to calm down now.

"Captain Veigar?"

Just as Vega closed his eyes and meditated, an abrupt voice came.

The man who spoke was a man wearing an army uniform. His rank was a major. From the armband of the other party, it could be seen that this was a third-year student who was about to graduate.

"you know me?"

Looking at the other party up and down with doubtful eyes, Veigar can be sure that he does not know the other party, and he has never seen this face before, so how did the other party know his name?
"Is it convenient to take a step to talk?"

This gentlemanly man smiled at Vega and said.

With a vigilant mind.

Veigar followed the man to the back of the teaching building.

The man looked around, and after confirming that no one was there, he said, "Hi, Captain Vega, please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Charles Alban, from the Alban family, one of the top ten business families in the imperial capital. direct descendant."

The top ten business families in the imperial capital?

Vega remembered that the Rodney business family that Qi Lisi belonged to seemed to be one of the top ten business families. This Char Alben probably came here because of Qi Lisi.

In other words, Qi Lisi has already announced the engagement.

And this Charles Alban was Qi Lisi's original marriage partner, and now he came here to find fault?
But the next sentence of Charles Alban directly made Vega overturn his guess.

Under Veigar's astonishment... not so much astonishment, but astonishment, Charles Alban gave a standard United Kingdom military salute to Veigar, and then said: "Except for the direct descendants of the business family In addition to my identity, my other identity is the United Kingdom military intelligence system, one of the members of the Imperial Capital Division."

Pupils shrink.

Veigar remembered how he fooled Ingril not long ago.

It seems that Ingril has reported his matter, which means that the Royal Army is preparing to have a second contact with him.

Vega rolled his eyes.

Although it can be inferred that the other party has no motive to lie, in order to prevent the school from deliberately probing, Veigar still pretended to be stupid and said: "Your officer is joking with me? I don't understand what you are talking about."

"The person who convinced General English was really different."

Charl Alban gave a sincere admiration, and then said: "I know that you can't believe me yet, but please don't worry, I will prove to you later that what I said is true, I sincerely invite you to The official is visiting the Albans."

After a little thought, Veigar agreed.

Because this second contact is generally about the distribution of benefits, as long as the price offered by the Kingdom is suitable and the risk is not too high, Veigar does not mind cooperating with the United Kingdom. Even if the negotiation fails in the end, there will be no loss for him.


Veigar is now more optimistic about the future of the United Kingdom than the Empire.

It is estimated that the unprecedented victory of the Kingdom Army in the war of the Holy Dynasty has successfully condensed the belief in war of the entire country. A country that believes in war is extremely terrifying, and they will explode with extremely terrifying fighting power.

What about Empire?
The empire itself is too busy to take care of itself.

If you want to drive all the Kingdom Army out of the north, you have to wait at least 3 months before Kareni's crystal hub is successfully repaired.At that time, even if the well-fed and well-fed Kingdom army were driven away, the north's vitality would have been severely damaged.Even if there is economic support from the central government of the empire, it may not be more than ten years, and it will be difficult for the northern part of the empire to recover.

Marching and fighting, the strength of the army is one aspect, and more importantly, the economy must keep up with it.

Therefore, Vega is now more optimistic about the soon-to-be-established United Kingdom than some empires that are declining.

So 2 hours later.

Veigar followed Charles Alban to the estate of the Alban merchant family.

As soon as he got off the carriage, Vega found that the patriarch of the Alban family, Moore Alban, who was about 60 years old and had an amiable face, came to greet him in person with his steward and servants.

The red carpet was laid on the floor, and the national flag was fluttering.

This level of grandeur is probably nothing more than welcoming the admiral of the empire.

(End of this chapter)

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