Mage Veja

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

Leighton Rodney began to panic.

Pointing weapons at ordinary officers is self-defense, but pointing weapons at the holder of the Imperial Wings is absolutely confusing, especially if the other party is a senior officer reserve.

If this big hat is buckled down.

Not only will the Rodney family suffer, even the noble class may be directly destroyed by the high-level empire under the pretext of being destroyed. How can he be worthy of the glory of his ancestors.

What should I do now?
People are knives and I am fish, there is no other way except to see the tricks.

Layton stepped forward to speak, but was interrupted by Vega.

Seeing Qi Lisi at the side, Vega showed a clear expression and said to Layton: "It seems that you are the owner here?"

"That's right, under Leighton Rodney, the patriarch of the Rodney family."

Veigar snorted, and then asked in front of everyone: "Mr. Layton, your escort intends to assassinate the imperial officer who holds the Imperial Wings Advanced Medal. I think I need an explanation."

Layton wiped the blotches on his sweaty forehead and said, "Little brother...sir, I think I can explain this matter."

"How do you explain that?"

Veigar looked at Layton with a half-smile, and it seemed that his audacity had taken effect.

When Layton heard that Vega was willing to listen to his explanation, his eyes lit up immediately: "My lord, the Denis of the Luo family have always been law-abiding, how could we do something like assassinate an imperial officer? It's all on their own initiative. , trying to frame our family."

"Oh? Is that really true?"

Veigar's tone became icy cold, and this sentence made Layton completely panicked.

He really wanted to continue explaining something, but he opened his mouth and gave up completely, because he knew that if the upper echelons of the empire were really ready to take action against the old aristocratic forces, then any redundant explanations would be useless now.


The onlookers seemed to be afraid of getting burned, and suddenly moved away from Layton.

Seeing Layton's expression again, Vega knew that the fire was almost ready, so he glanced at Qi Lisi and signaled that she could proceed according to the plan, and this time was also the best time to replace Layton's rescue.

"Vegar, stop messing around."

Qi Lisi suddenly stepped forward, touched Vega's head affectionately in front of everyone, and then pretended to be angry and said: "Look at you, you have scared my lord father, please apologize."

"So this old man is your father, Qi Lisi."

Vega said with a look of sudden realization: "Patriarch Layton, I'm really sorry, why didn't you say it earlier, if you said earlier that it was Qi Lisi's father, for Qi Lisi's sake, what did you say? I won't blame you either."

Consciously or unintentionally, Veigar has been highlighting the existence of Qi Lisi.

But this sudden sharp turn made everyone unable to react for a while.

The forefoot still looks like a teacher and asks the crime, but the back foot is affectionate and righteous. What is this kid doing here?

"Sorry sorry..."

Layton, who was also in a daze, looked at Qi Lisi, and now he also needed an explanation.

Qi Lisi understood, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Father, this is Captain Vega Kareni, who is also the holder of the Imperial Wings and a student of the Elite Department of the Central Military Academy, and the one your daughter is in love with." object."


Layton's voice rose several decibels.

An unbelievable expression appeared on his face. He couldn't believe that his daughter, who had been obedient to him since childhood, would make such a big decision arbitrarily. Is this to disobey his order?
If it is normal.

Seeing Duleton's angry expression, Qi Lisi must be afraid, but now she is happy besides joy, and disobedience to her father and family makes her feel happy no matter how many times she does it.

But Layton's anger came and went quickly.

The reason why he was angry was that Qi Lisi disobeyed his orders, not that Qi Lisi was in love with Vega.

After Qi Lisi introduced Vega's identity, Layton keenly realized that Vega's value was far higher than that of Cologne.

If Qi Lisi can be married to a high-ranking officer reserve, then one day when the empire really prepares to take action against the old aristocratic forces, the Rodney family may be able to rely on Vega's relationship to survive the catastrophe.

So he immediately greeted warmly: "Captain Vega, is what the little girl said true?"

"Of course." Veigar smiled and gave an affirmative answer.

When Veigar gave an affirmative answer, there was a lot of noise around him.

"The Rodney family is about to rise, and they actually caught such a potential stock."

"Miss Qi Lisi's scheming... tsk tsk, not even a single child will be spared."

"For the rise of the family, the Rodney family really does everything they can."

"It's just that the officer is pitiful, he is only about 10 years old, and he has been cheated around."

Of course, Layton heard the discussions around him clearly. He was afraid of nights and dreams, so he immediately said, "Captain Vega, since you and your little girl are already in love, when are you going to get married?"

"We can't get married right now."

Vega pointed to himself, and then said: "Although the empire doesn't have clear regulations, according to the convention, you need to wait until you are over 16 years old to get married, so I want to make an engagement with Miss Qi Lisi first, and it won't be too late to get married in a few years." .”

"As it should be, as it should be."

Layton chuckled twice, then rolled his eyes and said, "I think it's better to hit the sun than to choose a date, why not make a marriage contract today, and everyone sitting here can be a witness, what does Captain Vega think? "

"my pleasure."

While answering Layton, Vega suddenly saw Cologne with flames in his eyes, so he thought about it, and held Qi Lisi's hand in front of Cologne, with a very affectionate look.

It was this move that made Cologne explode.

He stood up and said angrily: "Uncle Layton, according to our agreement, shouldn't I be engaged to Miss Qi Lisi tonight? Why did I become this little devil who came out of nowhere?"

Colon's words immediately caused everyone to despise the Rodney family again.

But Layton said indifferently: "Cologne, I think you probably heard it wrong. What I'm talking about is getting my youngest daughter, Fanny, to get engaged. Qi Lisi already has her own heart. How can I interfere with her daughter's happiness?" Woolen cloth."


Colon pointed at an innocent seven-year-old girl next to her in disbelief, holding a cake and mouthful of cream, and said, "Chief Layton, Miss Fanny is only seven years old! You want me to be engaged to a seven-year-old girl?"

"Ahem, this...that's right!" Layton simply became shameless.

Colon angered from his heart: "I absolutely disagree, and I don't think my father will agree to this matter either."

"I remember your name is Cologne, right?"

At this time, Vega stood up: "Seeing that you are almost a round older than me, don't you understand that it is because of your lack of strength that you will lose Miss Qi Lisi, if your status and strength are enough high……"

"Little devil, don't be too arrogant."

The tall and burly Cologne grabbed Vega by the collar and lifted him into the air: "30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!"

Where did the main character come from?

Hearing this sentence, Vega went up with a knife.

A dagger protruded from his body, and blood oozed from Colon's mouth, before he fell straight to the ground.

After confirming that Cologne was dead, Veigar patted his chest in shock.

He calmly drew out the dagger, wiped the blade with a dining cloth and said, "You all saw it just now. This man strangled my neck and tried to assassinate an imperial officer. I just resisted in accordance with the laws of the empire, which is completely reasonable and legal."

Everyone was silent.

Even Layton was a little terrified. This is one of the heirs of the top ten business families. He just kills them in front of everyone without showing any mercy. What if it was them? ?
"It's a bit boring here, Qi Lisi, take me for a walk."

Under the eyes of everyone, Vega and Qilis left the banquet hall. He has done what he should do. I believe this impression is deep enough. Next, let's see how Qilis can use the remaining prestige tonight to expand her influence in the chamber of commerce. up.

(End of this chapter)

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